Javno razglašeno visoko soglasje pogledov na sedanjost in prihodnost #KUL@glasljudstva Po uskladitvi pogledov na Trgu republike je šla Jarčeva z aktivisti pred volišče in delila Vladavino muh ter Besede upora. Nika pa iz štaba @levica v neodvisni NVO pozivat na volitve.
Takole pa smo skupaj prirejali dogodke v duhu sporočil iz “Vladavine muh” in na @RTV_Slovenija ter v drugi osrednjih medijih objavljali pozive k ponovitvi povojnih pobojev:
Ter vzgojili šefa lokalnega podmladka @strankaSD in mnoge druge, ki se jim sovraštvo do drugače mislečih zdi nekaj povsem normalnega, saj so to razčlovečene osebe, fašisti in podgane. Zadnji čas je za streznitev. Slovenija potrebuje mir in sodelovanje, ne sovraštva.
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Thanks, CDI. Unfortunately, powerful politicians, decorated by Putin's medals, try to push Slovenia back to the Russian sphere of influence. When their camp led the Slovenian government, the foreign minister paid 13 visits to Moscow and not a single one to Washington or Berlin.
There is a strong pro-Russian network in Slovenia with exceptional media, financial and political power. This network sets up a new political party before each election. This time it is called the Freedom Movement @Gibanje_Svoboda. It does not belong to any #EU group. 2/10
The president of this party is Mr. Robert Golob, once the vice-president of the @ZoranDELA party. They won the 2011 parliamentary elections. Today, Mr. Janković is a mayor of Ljubljana. He refused to return Putin's decoration but backed @Gibanje_Svoboda fully. 3/10
Thanks, IDU. Unfortunately, powerful politicians, decorated by Putin's medals, try to push Slovenia back to the Russian sphere of influence. When their camp led the Slovenian government, the foreign minister paid 13 visits to Moscow and not a single one to Washington or Berlin.
There is a strong pro-Russian network in Slovenia with exceptional media, financial and political power. This network sets up a new political party before each election. This time it is called the Freedom Movement @Gibanje_Svoboda. It does not belong to any #EU group. 2/10
The president of this party is Mr. Robert Golob, once the vice-president of the @ZoranDELA party. They won the 2011 parliamentary elections. Today, Mr. Janković is a mayor of Ljubljana. He refused to return Putin's decoration but backed @Gibanje_Svoboda fully. 3/10
Thank you, @EPP. Unfortunately, powerful politicians, decorated by Putins medals, try to push Slovenia back to Russian sphere of influence. When their camp lead the Slovenian government, foreign minister paid 13 visits to Moscow and not a single one to Washington or Berlin.
There is a strong pro-Russian network in Slovenia with exceptional media, financial and political power. This network sets up a new political party before each election. This time it is called the Freedom Movement @Gibanje_Svoboda. It does not belong to any #EU group. 2/10
The president of this party is Mr. Robert Golob, once the vice-president of the @ZoranDELA party. They won the 2011 parliamentary elections. Today, Mr. Janković is a mayor of Ljubljana. He refused to return Putin's decoration, but backed @Gibanje_Svoboda fully. 3/10
Together with @MorawieckiM & @P_Fiala we want to bring a message to 🇺🇦. Ukraine is an European country. Every path in 🇺🇦 is an European path. Soon, it will be an #EU path, too. For last two years we have been discussing on large #Europeanvalues. Mostly a theoretical debate. 1/4
Then, suddenly, we realized that those fundamental European values actually exist. And that they are threatened. And that Europeans are defending them. With their lives. In Ukraine.
This was the moment, when we in the #EU started to finally wake up. To change. To became more united than ever. On support for 🇺🇦. Because of your courage. Your unity. Your sacrifice. At this moment, speaking of our values, there in no country on the whole of our continent… 3/4
Po vseh dostopnih podatkih se #Slovenija danes uvršča med najuspešnejše evropske države v boju z epidemijo #koronavirus Včeraj je delovna skupina @vladaRS ob sodelovanju strokovnjakov @MinZdravje podrobneje preučila stanje doma in v soseščini ter oblikovala predlog možnih... 1/5
...dodatnih sprostitev omejitvenih ukrepov za mesec maj in junij 2020. Delo bo nadaljevala 29.4.2020 po pridobitvi najnovejših podatkov o razvoju epidemije doma in v soseščini, nato pa bo @vladaRS sprejela ustrezne odločitve. ... 2/5
...Upoštevaje še vedno zelo resno stanje v naši neposredni soseščini in negativne izkušnje tistih držav, ki se borijo s ponovljenimi izbruhi epidemije, bodo številne omejitve v predvidljivi prihodnosti še vedno veljale tako pri nas kot drugod po #EU, veliko aktivnosti pa... 3/5