One reason why the Q1 GDP numbers don't necessarily mean a recession is because "senior economic reporters" like @steveliesman say that things are fine rather than hype the bad number which in itself (the hype) would kill consumer mood; then their spending and then the economy.
This is the beauty of having a Dem in the White House because if this bad number were with a GOPer, every person who follows the news would be driven into a panic how the economy contracted despite low interest rates; massive federal spending and a ballooned Fed balance sheet.
Steve's hot take about the GDP for the current quarter (April-May-June) ignores how energy costs and rising interest rates in April are stepping on the economy in ways not seen in Q1. But by media putting on a nice face about the weak economy they can keep things going.
I spoke to multiple people in the US shipping industry in the past few days. While this is anecdotal and I also don't have a baseline what their info means, they all sang the same songs: Requests are dropping like crazy; especially housing-related like tiles.📉
The economy contracted in the first 3 months of 2022; mortgage applications in recent weeks are down; gas and diesel prices are hitting new records these days; inflation is at a 40 year high; many big name stocks are down 60% - 70% from their 52 week highs.
Great times, folks.
This past week, the Dow had its longest streak of losing weeks in more than TWENTY years, and the S&P500 the longest losing run in ELEVEN years.
Not even CNBC, where I saw this info, is leading with this news!
See the right grab of their headline Sunday early AM.
This bad run on Wall Street is when inflation is still high; applications for mortgages are cooling due to popping rates; diesel broke new highs 14 days in a row; regular gas 5 days in a row. Yet there is ZERO panic-spreading media as would be if this happened under Bush/Trump.
Friday I scrolled @CBSNews to see how the above DISASTROUS news are reported to the masses.
The 28th (!) news on the home page was the first economic news and delivered quite chilled: No word that the record is daily; diesel broke more records and that families are suffering.
I am not talking about the would-be Bush/Trump blame that we would be getting if these things happened under them.
I am pointing out how lack of (headline) coverage of BAD economic data@cuts the chance of a hard economic landing because consumers are not being spooked.
Again: The S&P 500 was down MORE weeks than during the lockdowns -- more than any time the last 11 years, and the Dow had the most losing weeks since 9/11, MORE than the 2008 crisis (!!!), yet not even business websites lead with this MESS!
Today, the 23d news on the @CBSNews home page is the first to talk about economic issues: it's the same post from 2 days ago about gas reaching a record high despite reaching 2 more records since then.
People feel the pinch but there is no added panic from news coverage.
Before COVID Lockdowns choked off the economy, I used to ask why is there little (leading) news about the great economic numbers. I was told that positive news does not sell well.
Odd because loads of negative developments in the economy recently aren't leading the news either.
Endless headlines of the negative developments - especially if presented in panic mode - would likely lead the Stock Market lower into a Bear, and deepen the economic slow down too, so be happy Biden is POTUS because whatever economic issues we face would be worse with a GOPer.
So... Here we are Wed 5/18/22.
After the business press and the media ignored-in-headlines the DISASTROUS market/gas data of last week, the market was up Mon-Tuesday but is spiraling downhill today again because retailers reported BAD numbers.
Oh, new record today gas & diesel:
🚨 🚨 🚨
The Dow was down the 8th week in a row; the longest stretch since 1923 -- 99 years!
The S&P500 (which reflects 500+ large stocks) was down 7 weeks in a row; the longest such a run since March 2001; 21 years!
We got here despite no frenzied-panic spreading by media.
"Stock Market Indices are on Their Longest Losing Streak in 21 and 99 Years."
"Dow Down the Most Weeks Since 1923; S&P 500 Down the Longest Since March 2001."
With Bush/Trump, such headlines would be above-the-fold, top-of-the-hour and trending on SM.
How will it be now?
Here we are a day after the NASDAQ and S&P500 both closed another week down making it their longest weekly losses since early 2001 (21 years), and the Dow's longest weekly loss since 1923! 99 years!
Yet, it's not a news on leading news sites; sure not a lead, panicked news.
- Regular Gas & diesel are at repeated records.
- Mortgage apps down 15% year over year (YoY).
- Existing Home sales in April down 5.9% YoY
- Retail down.
- Unemployment benefits apps up.
- Inflation at 40 year high.
- Stock Market losing streak is worst in 21 and 99 years.
During the...
Great Depression
1970's Energy Crisis
1980-1982 Hyper Inflation
Tech Bust
2008 Financial Crisis
March 2020 Lockdowns
The Dow was not down for the amount of weeks it was down now: 8 in a row.
NASDAQ; S&P500 for 7 weeks; most since BEFORE 9/11!
"Stock futures rise after Dow falls for 8th-straight week in longest selloff since 1923."
Not sure why this was not the headline.
99 years.
The 1923 point should have been headlined and atop of the CNBC website all weekend considering how insane this is: 99 YEARS!
Hey everyone, Friday 5/27/22.
The markets had a solid week; up +6% and up the first time after 7-8 losing weeks.
And... this good news is the 4th atop the @CBSNews website; the same website who was MIA the last few Fridays when the markets kept building its long-losing streaks.
In 2008, when the economy was in recession, only 13.2 million vehicles were sold in the US.
In April-May of this year, sales were at an annual rate of 13.6 million units.
This data would be enough to create panic if it were hammered everywhere, but it isn't even a basic news.
Almost three hours ago, the Stock Market closed in a Bear; the first time since COVID and the second time since late 2007. On Twitter trends for the US it is the 28th slot because you don't have every commentator and reporter tweeting about it, or hammering Biden for it.
🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨
Two updates ago, the Atlanta Fed's #GDPNow estimate said the economy in the Second Quarter was flat. Then they updated it to a -1% negative annualized growth rate. Now they have it at -2.1% rate.
Their input has more than 2 months of Q2 GDP data.
Wow. WOW. W-O-W!
Now that an official determination of a recession seems almost certain, the integrity of those making the call gets attacked by CNN.
No person/institution is too sacred if it gets in the way of media's effort to protect a Dem Admin.
If the the initial Q2 GDP estimate late July is very bad, the board knows that it will remain bad even after the revisions in late August/Sept, which means they can call a recession end of July. CNN above is trying to bully the board to wait for the revisions. Midterms coming up.
Look at the weekly applications for First Time (Initial) Unemployment Claims. It's rising steadily if not steeply the last three months.
Jobs are usually a lagging indicator in the economy yet there is clearly a stark, steady softening.
The US added 368K jobs in Juns so the question is: How can this be a recession?
A) When the 2008 recession started the economy still gained jobs as jobs lag behind in a downturn/recovery.
B) Total employment is now same as Feb 2020. US economy is 28 months without new jobs.
Economists are warning that talk of recession in-itself can cause a recession.
Exactly my point of how we got into recessions (some of it meltdowns) under GOP presidents and how we are avoiding a panicked-driven meltdown now despite actual BAD numbers.
I want to add a point: The economy contracted in the first quarter and there were so many weak numbers in the second quarter that the @AtlantaFed's analysis of the GDP shows a contraction. If it holds, then the first half was a recession. (See next tweet please.)
So... Instead of Bloomberg headlining how the economy is potentially in recession, they headline how Democrat @Markzandi says talk of a recession can cause one. Under a GOP POTUS, Bloomberg would likely have on Zandi saying now how bad things are which would make things worse.
• • •
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1/5 Biden deputized the National Archivist to revoke Trump's executive privilege on already-held docs.
This made holding these docs (even non-classified ones) "illegal" and the Biden DOJ then used this "violation" of NARA (National Archive & Records Asmin) as key reason to raid.
2/5 Biden deputizing the National Archivist was reveled in a Spring 2022 letter to Team Trump notifying them that she revoked his privileges.
READ the application to raid and see that it speaks extensively about NARA; which is independent of any claims about classified docs!
3/5 It get's worse, of the 30+ documents that Trump was charged with (from among 11K taken), the Feds never argued that those are classified since the Feds knew that Trump may have declassified them, which is why the Feds kept using the term "documents marked classified."
People have often rejected the claim that election fraud ("mistakes & errors") occurred in 2020 in the 100s or in the 1000s; which is a huge sum considering that states are often very narrowly decided.
Let's look at GA.
2/ Do date, Biden officially won GA by 11,709 votes which is a 0.23% margin among the 4.93 million votes.
How narrow is a 0.23% margin?
Well, let's read what the Atlanta Journal-Constitution (AJC) wrote on Nov 19, 2020 following a statewide manual recount:
3/ "No county had an error rate higher than 0.73% compared to their original results" in a state decided by 0.23%
If a manual, rushed recount uncovered in one place an error rate larger than the state's margin of victory, what would a thorough investigation statewide find?
I told you
I told you
I told you
I told you
I told you
PANTS PISSING Cons ran for the hills about the debate due to some fake mediaaa expectations and because, well, they are pants pissers.
The main attack by Harris was that Trump is a danger, unprepared and a joke to lead the country, yet 54% in the instant CNN poll have confidence in both candidates' ability to run the US, and Trump LEADS by 4 among those who have "a lot of confidence."
Her main attack FAILED!
While the main Harris attack (Orange Man Bad) failed miserably as seen in the poll results above, Trump connected Harris to the Biden Mess so effectively that Harris begged him to stop ("you are not running against Biden") and Trump indeed GAINED a net 4 on the economy:
1/ Biden-Harris admitted into the US 5.6 mill undocumented immigrants and millions more are not in the count, yet the @HouseGOP is too scared to dare Dems to shut the government to keep this mess going.
Instead, Republicans blame themselves by saying "we are not shutting down."
2/ If Republicans can't hold the line against something to the Radical Left of Dems from a mere 10 years ago, why run/win?
Where are the supposed principles?
Even IF holding the line here (and on impeachment) "costs" Republicans, well, gotta put Country Over Party. No?
3/ Republicans made immigration a big issue in #NY03 yet lost big time in the Special in part because voters don't see @HouseGOP as the fix to this problem.
Generic Ballot sucks for the GOP now too. Is it because the GOP is too harsh on this crisis? No. It's the opposite!
Below is the first Tweet-share by @RashidaTlaib since the news that Hamas, a government whose lies she spreads on speed dial, executed an American. No other tweet or tweet share as of now; 36 hours after the news broke.
Obviously, it is the opinion of @RashidaTlaib (and/or the opinion of many of her voters) that Hamas had a 'legitimate context' to execute an American last week or else she would easily tweet against it as she does to echo lies by Hamas.
@RepRashida @RashidaTlaib I am not outraged by Tlaib's lack of outrage on the execution of an American.
I am pointing it out so that people understand the poisonously-depraved world view of her "cause."
If she, a US-born & Elected Official is this depraved, imagine the views by those on the lower rungs.
Blame Corporate/Regime Media for propping up a dead economy; for hyping bad reports as good which impacted the thinking of Fed officials that with inflation not yet settled, the economy can absorb continued high rates.
When the economy was in recession in 2022 (two net negative quarters of GDP; meaning by the end of the second quarter the economy was smaller than before the first), we were gaslit that this isn't a recession. The term was changed in real time like in 1984 propaganda fashion.
As a result of the propaganda, consumers kept spending and the economy recovered; underpinned by federal spending, not by a "real" economy. Then, part time jobs gains at the place of full time ones were sold as all in the same; feeding the hype of a "good" economy.