after the arrival of the Virus, some may have wondered why the typically unscrupulous elites decided to freeze the global profit-making machine in the face of a pathogen that targets almost exclusively the unproductive over 80🤔
2/ Only those who are unfamiliar with NWO exploits can delude themselves into thinking that the system chose to shut down out of compassion.
Let's b clear from the start: the predators of oil, arms, banking, energy & big pharma couldn't care less about humanity, or your health
3/ “We’re looking at a form of corporate tyranny previously unseen in America” - Pam Martens, Wall Street on Parade
4/ Pam & Russ Martens of Wall Street on Parade have reported on the mega giant bank bailouts during the 4th quarter of 2019, just months before #CV19 was declared to be a “pandemic” giving further evidence from a series of events at the end of 2019 that
5/ the “war on the virus” that has enslaved the entire world, was all planned long in advance by the NWO/central banking cabal…
6/ Neither the MSM or anywhere else in the Alternative Media that I have seen, have reported what the Martens exposed. Which the fact that the bailouts of the biggest banks in New York far exceeded the bailouts during the 2008 financial crises to the tune of $4.5 trillion
7/ June 2019: In its Annual Economic Report, the Swiss-based Bank of International Settlements (BIS), the ‘Central Bank of all central banks’, sets the international alarm bells ringing…
8/ The document highlights “overheating … in the leveraged loan market”, where “credit standards had been deteriorating” & “collateralized loan obligations had surged – reminiscent of the steep rise in collateralized debt obligations that amplified the subprime crisis in 2008"
9/ In layman's terms; the belly of the financial industry was once again full of junk
10/ August 2019: The BIS issues a working paper calling for “unconventional monetary policy measures” to “insulate the real economy from further deterioration in financial conditions”.…
11/ The paper indicates that, by offering “direct credit to the economy” during a crisis, central bank lending “can replace commercial banks in providing loans to firms.”
12/ August 2019: Blackrock Inc., issues a white paper titled Dealing with the next downturn. Essentially, the paper instructs the US Federal Reserve to inject liquidity directly into the financial system to prevent “a dramatic downturn.”
13/ Again, the message is unequivocal: “An unprecedented response is needed when monetary policy is exhausted & fiscal policy alone is not enough. That response will likely involve ‘going direct”:
14/ “finding ways to get central bank fiat directly into the hands of public & private sector spenders” while avoiding “hyperinflation.
Or lock everyone/everything down so nobody can spend as much
15/ September 2019: The downturn is officially inaugurated by a sudden spike in the repo rates (from 2% to 10.5%). ‘Repo’ is shorthand for ‘repurchase agreement’, a contract where investment funds lend money against collateral assets (normally Treasury securities)
16/ At the time of the exchange, banks undertake to buy back the assets at a higher price, typically overnight. In brief, repos are short-term collateralized loans. They are the main source of funding for traders in most markets, especially derivatives.
17/ A lack of liquidity in the repo market can have a devastating domino effect on all major financial sectors.
18/ September 17, 2019: The Fed begins the emergency monetary program, pumping 100s of billions of $ per week into Wall Street, effectively executing BlackRock’s “going direct” plan
19/ Unsurprisingly, in March 2020 the Fed will hire BlackRock to manage the bailout package in response to the "COVID-19 crisis"
20/ September 19, 2019: Donald Trump signs Executive Order 13887, establishing a National Influenza Vaccine Task Force whose aim is to develop a “5-year national plan to promote the use of more agile & scalable vax manufacturing technologies & accelerate development of vaccines
21/ that protect against any or all influenza viruses.” This is to counteract “an influenza pandemic”, which, “unlike seasonal influenza has the potential to spread rapidly around the globe, infect higher numbers of people, and cause high rates of illness
23/ October 2019: In New York, a global zoonotic pandemic is simulated during Event 201, a strategic exercise coordinated by the Johns Hopkins Biosecurity Center and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation…
24/ more to come check replies - do not unroll yet
25/ January 2020: The World Economic Forum’s annual meeting takes place in Davos, Switzerland, where both the economy and vaccinations are discussed…
26/ January 2020: China puts Wuhan and other cities of the Hubei province in lockdown
27/ March 2020: The WHO’s director general calls Covid-19 a pandemic
Donald Trump signs the $6.2 trillion banker bailout known as the 'Cares Act' under the cover of $1200 "stimulus checks" and the plebes cheer and Thomas Massie is about the only one in Congress to warn us
28/ and yes, the Cares Act was $6.2 trillion not $2.3 trillion. Trump says it himself 5 seconds into this video when he signs it
29/ Connect the dots:
1) Allow the Fed to flood the ailing financial markets with freshly printed money while deferring hyperinflation; and…
30/ 2) Introduce mass vaccination programs & health passports as pillars of a neo-feudal regime of crony-capitalist accumulation. As we know the two aims merge into one - the 'Great Reset'
31/ In 2019, the world economy was plagued by the same sickness that had caused the 2008 depression. It was suffocating under an unsustainable mountain of debt.
32/ Many corporations could not generate enough profit to cover interest payments on their own debts and were staying afloat only by taking on new loans.
34/ In financial markets powered by cheap loans, any increase in interest rates is potentially cataclysmic for banks, hedge funds, pension funds & the gov't bond market, because the cost of borrowing increases, liquidity dries up due to the Ponzi scheme
35/ The only way to defuse the contagion was by throwing as much liquidity as necessary into the system
36/ Between September 2019 and March 2020, the Fed injected more than $9 trillion into the banking system, equivalent to more than 40% of US GDP.
37/ The mainstream narrative should therefore be reversed: the stock market did not collapse (in March 2020) because lockdowns had to be imposed; rather, lockdowns had to be imposed because financial markets were collapsing
38/ With lockdowns came the suspension of business transactions, which drained the demand for credit and stopped the contagion.
In other words, restructuring the financial architecture through extraordinary monetary policy was contingent on the economy’s engine being turned off
39/ As claimed by economist Ellen Brown, it was “another bailout”, but this time “under cover of a virus.”
40/ Catherine Austin Fitts said the CV19 “magic wand” allowed the Fed to execute BlackRock’s “going direct” plan, literally: it carried out an unprecedented purchase of gov't bonds, while, on an infinitesimally smaller scale, also issuing gov't backed ‘COVID loans’ to businesses
41/ And financial incentives to use Big Pharma's products while multi-tasking the NWO eugenics/depopulation plan
42/ For a far deeper dive on all of this than I can provide here on Twitter see:
'Wall Street On Parade’s Ongoing, Comprehensive Series On the Trading Scandal at the
Federal Reserve'
1/🧵Thread: 'Elon Musk only owns about 17% of Tesla'
Blackrock, Vanguard and other corporations that own stock in those two corporations own far more than Musk does. Just like how Larry Flint doesn't really own Blackrock other corporations do
2/ This is the breakdown of what corporations own Tesla. Elon Musk is just a figurehead
Vanguard Group, Inc. 6.22%
Blackrock Inc. 5.26%
Capital World Investors 3.65%
State Street Corporation 3.23%
Geode Capital Management, LLC 1.35%
1/ 🧵Thread 'Chinese Democide'
The brutal tyrants ruling Communist China have been enthusiastic cheerleaders for the UN Agenda 2030 goals; goals that the regime boasted it played a "crucial role" in developing…
2/ The Chinese autocracy, infamous for forced abortions, censorship, religious & political persecution, the "1-child policy," terrible pollution, kangaroo courts & murdering more human beings than any other entity in all of human history,
3/ used its vast, global propaganda machine to celebrate Agenda 2030.
Echoing Chairman Mao's rhetoric, EU & NATO globalist Javier Solana said:
1/ 🧵Thread: 'The 4th Amendment' states that:
"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause,
2/ supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."
3/ Clearly, the federal gov't and neither major party any longer respects or protects our rights as free human beings, but instead, violates them regularly, treating Americans like prisoners or slaves,
1/ 🧵Thread: Event 201: Planning the COVID-19 PSYOP
Is it just a coincidence that Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum (The Davos Group, You know, Rockefeller, Soros and all of their Globalist friends)
2/ held a pandemic simulation that they called "Event 201" just 6 weeks before this PSYOP began, and that nearly everything that happened in that simulation has transpired exactly as it was planned in this COVID-19 PSYOP?
3/ I don't think so. I don't believe in such coincidences. The Rockefeller Foundation's 2010 Lock Step [pandemic] scenario narrative is yet another coincidence that you should look at too…
Most ppl r unaware, or just unwilling to look at all of the facts that point to Trump's & most of Congress' integral role in the unfolding of the COVID PSYOP, a psychological warfare operation that was decades in the planning…
2/ Whether or not he knew what the demons like Fauci & Gates were up to when he was handed Executive Order 13887 to sign September 19, 2019.…
3/ Nevertheless, it paved the way for DARPA to work alongside, Anthony Fauci's NIAIDS, the World Economic Forum (WEF), Bill Gates, Moderna, and Pfizer, et. al. to begin producing the mRNA genetic mutagens that are currently being foisted on humanity…
🎵 The fire's cooking
And they're farming babies
The slaves are all working
Blood is on the table
The mouths are all choking
But I'm goin' hungry, yeah... 🎵
Now read that again
These are some lyrics from a song called Hunger Strike from a band called Temple of the Dog
Lead singer of that band Chris Cornell allegedly hung himself with a red exercise band
He sang that song with Linkin Park singer Chester Bennington when they toured together in 2008
3/ Allegedly Bennington also hung himself with a red tie a few months later on Chris Cornell's birthday
Quite the coincidence am I right?
Many people closest to both singers have insisted that neither would have committed suicide. That they were "high on life"