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Jan 4th 2023
@P_McCulloughMD explains how CV19, not the vaccine, creates blood clots. The hardest hit being those with 2+ infections.
McCullough branded #AAPS sent out an email this morning with this latest info. I included the pdf below.
#AAPS emailed me this today describing how #SarsCoV2 exaggerates blood-clotting response leading to clots in the lungs, brain, other organs and large arteries like the aorta. @P_McCulloughMD is named in this report.…
#SarsCoV2 has blood clotting mechanism built in
#mRNA exacerbates/causes #BloodClots
📢@CDC LIED! - said we "can't get #CV19 if vaxd"
✅Vaxd people still get CV19
✅mRNA reacts w/ CV19 increasing mortality rates
✅Virus - made in a lab
✅mRNA - made in a lab
Read 15 tweets
Jun 13th 2022
Starts 6/12 - Peak 6/14 - End 6-17
The #Priestkings started this cycle off w/ a financial depression sequence on 6/11 when their spiteful #ScorpionMoon opposed the position of Venus🔴Uranus in monetary Taurus.
Here's my thread describing the projected and subsequent effects on global markets and monetary policy of their Scorpion Moon in Opposition to the Venus🔴Uranus position in Monetary Taurus on June 11.
Tuesday June 14th, at the height of the #FullMoon Strawberry #SuperMoon, the #RomanCult #PriestKings will be celebrating #FlagDay
They gave us our flag. The flag is a representative of their corporate system of control over us 14th Amendment American slaves. #T3FullMoonRitual
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Apr 29th 2022
1/ Thread 🧵entitled: 'Covid the Financial Heist'

after the arrival of the Virus, some may have wondered why the typically unscrupulous elites decided to freeze the global profit-making machine in the face of a pathogen that targets almost exclusively the unproductive over 80🤔
2/ Only those who are unfamiliar with NWO exploits can delude themselves into thinking that the system chose to shut down out of compassion.

Let's b clear from the start: the predators of oil, arms, banking, energy & big pharma couldn't care less about humanity, or your health
3/ “We’re looking at a form of corporate tyranny previously unseen in America” - Pam Martens, Wall Street on Parade

Read 44 tweets
Mar 9th 2022
Two years ago today that I contracted a mild case of #CV19, before vaccines, before masks, before lockdowns. My life has been turned upside since by #longcovid with waves of frightening, debilitating symptoms, desperation and deterioration in mental and physical health 1/12
From March 9th 2020 my health went downhill - constant crushing chest compression and pain, a constant feeling of suffocation (covid strangle), joint and muscle pain, fever, dizziness, cognitive impairment, ruinous insomnia, terrible gastro-intestinal issues (nausea, reflux) 2/12
The worst being the claustrophobic chest compression (like an anvil on my chest) and inability to breathe properly, or get a proper lungful of air for every second of every day, 24/7, for close to a year. Fuck me I will never forget how that felt. It’s traumatising. 3/12
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Mar 4th 2022
1) I have examined all the angles on Russia/Ukraine, revisited history & pondered all (what appears to be) nonlinear information/disinformation, the central banking issues, the "banana republic" corruption elements, NATO, the biolabs, etc., etc....
2) and have come to the conclusion that the answer to what is the real agenda?
is identical to that of #CV19 and hiding in plain sight

What did - James Bullard at the St Louis Federal Reserve tell us?

"This is a Planned, organized shutdown of the economy"

the global economy
3) The problem - Russian Invasion
The Reaction - Sanction Russia
The "Solution" - the alibi for which will be "incompetence" as usual & = further destruction of global supply lines
The removal of Russian petrol & wheat from the global markets will impact prices on countless
Read 6 tweets
Sep 14th 2021
1) Thread: 'A little epiphany about the plannedemic'

So I have mentioned on here multiple times that my wife's a nurse at a hospital.
Last night she worked an extra shift in the Emergency Room(not her regular department)
2) She found out, how "they" are getting away with claiming there's a "pandemic of the unvaccinated"
While dealing with a patient who came in exhibiting symptoms of myocarditis, a FT Emergency Room nurse conveyed some very interesting information to my wife
3) Apparently all patients are asked whether or not they received the #CV19 vax, no matter what issue it is that brought them into the ER.
If the patient received the vax less than 14 days prior, they are recorded as "Un-Vaxxed"
Read 12 tweets
Apr 8th 2021
CV thread, lengthy but informative #coronavirus #cv19 #scamdemic #plandemic

I am not a doomsday preacher nor a fatalist nor a conspiracy theorist. I would be defined as a realist - a person who accepts a situation as it is, and is prepared to deal with it accordingly.
Do I think that the coronavirus is the sign of the end of this age? No, but it has shown me how easily the antichrist will be able to enforce the taking of his mark (Rev. 13:17). Maybe the coronavirus is a plague from God. I do not know, but it seems very evident that it may well
be a practice run, a drill, a simulation, a rehearsal, for Satan to work out the bugs for his superman. This is the beta version, being used to get all the nations prepared for the FINAL WORLD GOVERNMENT.
Read 30 tweets
Feb 8th 2021
1/3 On Sat 6 Feb, our @ATMedics Whitechapel Health Centre team delivered an excellent #CV19 #vaccination service @elondonmosque. Several patients said they only came for their #COVIDVaccination as it was in the local mosque, being delivered by local GPs.
2/3 A 107 yr old lady attended, her daughter told us she had been hesitant but felt more comfortable since it was being delivered in her local community centre.

Awesome to collaborate with the #Mosque. We hope this will encourage more local people to come forward when invited... Image
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Dec 5th 2020
1) Short thread entitled: 'Another aspect of the
#scamdemic '

The depression of 2008 was due in part to a crooked banking mechanism referred to as a Pump/Dump. Which in 2008 was accomplished by "pumping the Housing Industry With Worthless Unsecured Mortgages called DERIVATIVES
2) Allowing The ‘Pumping/Predatory Loaning’ Of Non-Existent Money, to then Collapse upon itself. Then the Corrupt National Representatives print more money to bailout the International Central Banks when there was no real debt to begin with
3) There's currently over $70 million in mortgages currently in foreclosures across America. When all of these notes are called in, the US Congress will issue them another "bailout" on nonexistent debt once again. They will get their bailout money and all of those properties...
Read 4 tweets
Dec 4th 2020
1) Thread entitled:
'The New York Times admitted that the #scamdemic is a fraud'

You know that when a propaganda outlet like the New York Times is forced to admit that 90% of all ("positive") #CV19 tests are actually "false positives," and
2) that it's a waste of time to test asymptomatic people, the gig is up.
3) Here's what the New York Toilet Paper of Record said: "Some of the nation's leading public health experts are raising a new concern in the endless debate over coronavirus testing in the United States:
Read 14 tweets
Dec 2nd 2020
1) "If we had not known about a new virus out there, and had not checked individuals with PCR (virus)tests, the number of total deaths due to 'influenza-like illness' would not seem unusual this year"
2) That's not a quote from some "right-winger" who's claiming that this #CV19 PSYOP is a worldwide Leftist conspiracy to bring down capitalism, usher in a global, neo-Fascist gov't and social credit cryptocurrency system under the guise of socialism,
3) and to provide the elite an excuse to inject everyone on the planet with a (notoriously unreliable/unproven) mRNA vaccine, which just so happens to be made by one of Bill Gates' front companies, Moderna; a vaccine which will reduce our IQ as well as our fertility, and be used
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Nov 19th 2020
1) A thread entitled: 'More nitty gritty on the #scamdemic '

The World Health Organization has inadvertently confirmed what many experts and studies have been showing for months; that #CV19 is no more deadly or dangerous than seasonal flu...
2) The WHO's top brass made this announcement during a special session of the WHO's 34-member executive board on last month on October 5th, it's just nobody seemed to really understand what they were (inadvertently) admitting.
3) At the session, Dr Michael Ryan, the WHO's Head of Emergencies revealed that they believe roughly 10% of the world has been infected with SARS-CoV-2. This is their "best estimate," and a huge increase over the number of officially recognized cases (around 35 million)
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Nov 16th 2020
1) Thread entitled: 'The nitty gritty on the #scamdemic ':

On pg 39 of CDC document entitled "CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel," dated July 13, 2020, the CDC is forced to admit that they don't even have an isolated sample of the SARS-CoV-2
3) which is the virus that they say is to blame for the disease diagnosis that was named "COVID-19" by the World Health organization in March of 2020. Buried deep within that PDF document, in a section entitled, "Performance Characteristics," it reads as follows:
Read 23 tweets
May 23rd 2020
Belgia jeszcze nie do końca pokonała #COVID19, a zaczynają luzować...

Ludność 11,46mln | 370osb/km2
COVID 08.05: 56810 / 9237
Pierwszy zakażony 04.03
Pierwszy zgon 16.03
Lockdown 18.03 (1486 /18)

#Belgia #koronawirus #CV19 #covid19belgium
Może na poprzednim screenie tego nie widać, lecz wciąż w 19-stym tygodniu, liczba zgonów odbiega o 18% od średniej. Widać delikatny spadek w stosunku do 18-tego weekendu.
W tym tygodniu doliczyli zgony z DPS i w tej chwili jest więcej na COVID niż różnica od średniej. Może dlatego, że ten rok z początku był całkiem łagodny w sezonie grypy i również ta liczba zgonów była niższa od średniej, co pokażę niżej.
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Apr 24th 2020
.@GovTimWalz - I have questions. But first your decision to open #MN businesses.

You announced that an est. 80,000 to 100,000 employ­ees who work at some 20,000 industrial, manufacturing & office settings that don't face the public could re­turn to work Mon­day, 4/27/20.

Some facts:

"Minnesota appears nowhere near its peak in the COVID-19 pandemic, with the Health Department reporting one-day records Thursday of 21 deaths 221 new lab-confirmed infections."

*this is the same day you made this announcement*

More #MN facts:

"That brings the totals to 200 deaths and 2,942 cases, and with expanded COVID-19 testing getting underway, health officials expect the case count to surge."

*testing getting underway*

Read 23 tweets
Apr 10th 2020
#CV19 HOSPITAL deaths. 953 (total 9016)
866 in England (total -8,114)
48 in Scotland (total -495)
29 in Wales (total 315)
10 in Northern Ireland ( total 92) .

We need to know the community deaths for sure and in a timely way.…
France, with a similar population to us added nearly 3k community deaths to their total over the last week (having omitted them from their totals - along with Spain, Italy, China and much of the US to name but a few).

All deaths matter. All deaths must be recorded and counted.
The English deaths were from the age of 27yrs to 100 yrs

56 had no known underlying condition.
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Apr 4th 2020
CV19 in Georgia State.

“9 Georgia counties, most of them also in the southern part of the state, not only lack hospitals but have no practicing physicians at all.
18 have no family-practice doctors. 32 have no internal-medicine doctors.”

“Georgia’s Republican governor, Brian Kemp, did not issue a stay-at-home order until Wed (1st April) after days of criticism”
Claiming “people had only learned in the previous twenty-four hours that the virus could be transmitted by carriers who were not exhibiting any symptoms.”
This is a story of every day life.

A funeral at the beginning of March when no one seemed to grasp the enormity of the incoming Tsunami.

Johnny Carter died at the end of February and his family and friends attended the funeral to honour his life

400 people.

3 sections 9 rows
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Mar 27th 2020
South Korean: Look at the asymptomatic positives

“In Daegu, we had more than 10k members of Shincheonji. When we tested those who were symptomatic, 87.5 % turned out to be positive. When we tested a sample of people who weren’t symptomatic, it was 74.4%”…
That is the figure that keeps winking at me and makes me wonder how wide CV has really spread asymptomatically.

This S Korean #CV19 Czar rightly points with pride to the speed with which they recognised that quarantining them all was critical.

They could already see the risks.
Even in S Korea, whilst this doctor and others working with him realised that as they had 5k cases in Daegu then they must have 10k in Seoul and that would be a disaster, the doctors advising the president were saying everything was fine.
No problem.

Happens all over the world
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Mar 22nd 2020
What’s Good and What’s Not for Testing COVID-19

Not all tests are equal.

I know many have been asking what goes on when #CV19 is tested.

What isn’t the Government using this or that company, because we need to test test test?

Some explanations here.…
The author, an infectious disease physician (the one begging Trump to stop telling people that they can use hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) plus Azithromycin to “cure COVID” because it can cause a ayrrhtymias and sudden death explains there are two main test types.

Don’t use one
IgM/IgG ❌
Because CV19 uses RNA as its genetic material it must be reverse transcribed (RT) into DNA before it is processed

This is difficult to do, requires VERY expensive & a PCR machine costs mega £

It’s easy to mess up & is dangerous if staff not well equipped
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Mar 19th 2020
@peterjukes⁩ ⁦@carolecadwalla@brexit_sham

Any chance of finding out WHICH company is behind the test?
Remember Owen Patterson’s Randox?

Coronavirus: Harley Street clinic has sold 2,000 home test kits to celebs and wealthy - Mirror Online…
Remember Randox was under investigation at one stage for faking 10k test results - and 40 convictions had to be quashed as a result?

And they seem to be trying to flog a #CV19 test.

Don’t these have to undergo any approval to see if they work reliably?
Read 5 tweets
Mar 19th 2020
Higher co-infection rates in COVID19 - Nigam Shah

Of 562 #CV19 patients, 181 were also tested for Flu A/B/RSV & 336 tested with RESPCR2 panel.

Of the 562 patients, 127 (22.6%) were +ve for other viruses. (24.5% if we use 181+336 = 517 as denominator).…
Of the 49 positive SARS-COV-2 results, 11 (22.4%) also had a co-infection. This co-infection rate is much higher than previously reported rates.
The US strategy of only moving on to COVID testing IF Flu’ etc has been rules out is clearly pretty dangerous. Quite likely to have flu’ AND COVID.
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Mar 19th 2020
Coronavirus: Cheltenham staff had symptoms while working at racing festival & numerous punters say they have had typical #CV19 symptoms -

dry cough, fever, headache, shortness of breath.

Feels as if “Ran over by a bus/ been in a washing machine”…
I’ve been waiting for this. Kept myself indoors but it makes me wonder how much is around the town now, given punters were put up all around the town and beyond in people’s homes.

Numerous reports.
Similar reports to Stephen Powers’ below from other attendees.
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Mar 17th 2020
🗣Not having a colon doesn’t change immune suppression.

❌These ideas do not correlate until another ingredient is added. Stop spreading this myth!
#ostomy #jpouch #colectomy
More info from @SchwartzbergMD expressing ❌connection (unless underlying conditions/meds) between *just* colectomy and immune suppression. 👇🏽
Here’s more information about susceptibility & #ostomy/#Jpouch from @HolubarStefan. Ostomates (or jpouchers) don’t have a lower immune system *just* because they have an ostomy, BUT it’s imperative to keep strict hygiene. #IPAA
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Mar 16th 2020
#CV19 Man in Japan tests positive again after recovering from illness | The Independent

The question is whether this is a reflection if the exit tests insufficiently sensitive to pick up low levels of #CV19, that then rebounds, or whether it truly is new…
Given several Diamond Princess passengers were given the all clear to fly home only to test +ve on arrival I wonder about the test sets being used.

There was under 10 days between this negative test and a resurgence.
Another Japanese lady also tested negative before discharge only to test positive on being symptomatic again within 3 weeks.

Some similar reports in China, have led to calls there for stricter patient discharge requirements as it could be bi-phasic.
Read 4 tweets

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