A thread 🧵 or rather a slow amble past wildflowers down a favourite lane.
First Red Campion foreground (Silene dioica) #wildflowerhour#TwitterNatureCommunity 1/
Interwoven flowers of bluebells & Stitchwort form the fabric of this verge - with bright knots of dandelion as counterpoint.
🧵 2 #wildflowerhour#TwitterNatureCommunity
I only want to linger to admire the graceful arc of the bluebell bloom, with now Yellow Archangel (Lamium galeobdolon) adding contast.
🧵 3 #wildflowerhour #FridayMotivation
A brief interlude from rosy faced Lady's Smock (Cardamine pratensis) also known as Cuckooflower...
🧵 4 #wildflowerhour #fridaymorning
And now a stand of Cow Parsley (Anthriscus sylvestris) for extra lace & height...
🧵 5 #wildflowerhour #FridayFeeling
Still with me? Look at this laneside tapestry - Yellow Archangel, Stitchwort & Bluebells in harmony, with a glimpse of Bush Vetch at the top...
Imagine if all verges could be this biodiverse.
🧵 6 #wildflowerhour #fridaymorning
Still with me? There's no rush. I've only walked a few metres along this lovely lane. Time to admire the Bluebells again(Hyacinthoides non-scripta), more intensely blue & more graceful than their garden relatives.
🧵 9 #wildflowerhour #TwitterNatureCommunity
Oh, another blue flower wants to compete - cobalt blue Germander Speedwell (Veronica chamaedrys) at the top of the hedge bank.
🧵 10 #wildflowerhour #TwitterNatureCommunity
And in amongst all this blue there are a few white Bluebells standing out.
Fading Celandines add a new twist on Dandelions & Yellow Archangel as the yellow contrast.
🧵 11 #wildflowerhour #TwitterNatureCommunity