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May 26th 2023
Today, many startup founders wonder how to write a great blurb for their firms. Well, it's not rocket science, but effort has to be there! A twitter thread...

#startups #blurb #intro #pitch #gist #economics #business #finance #investment Image
A great blurb always helps startup owners effectively introduce their products & services to their target audience. Besides increasing the sales, a short yet crispy blurb can also attract investors for startup funding. It can be a tool to attract the best talents, too. #HR #IT
Your startup blurb should be different for different purposes, but here’s what a great blurb should consist of:

-A pitch within 25 words.
-Use bullet points to highlight relevant stuff.
-Additional context
Read 11 tweets
Dec 23rd 2022
#FreedomConvoy2023 #FreedomPlanet2 @freeexpress @BROTHERTOFOSCUK I as one of the #freedomfighters has all every single #Intensivstationen to have every single member of @UKParliament #msmenemyofthepeople #MSMLies who have been involved in the the past decade of #abuseofpower
Committed by @Conservatives @UKLabour @LibDems @Greenpeace and even the #LooneyTunes #looneyparty

Official Monster Raving Loony
Who like all are asking for donations #ffstatus.

Hi. Please don't skip this 1 minute read. This Friday December 23rd, we request your support.
Read 56 tweets
Aug 5th 2022
dj heri here.. mew knows... 🗞️
dj heri here.. im thinks mew knows why..

dj heri here.. wif shouts out to mew knows who...
Read 12 tweets
Jul 8th 2022

By recognising the symptoms of a defective gearbox you can fix it before the problem gets worse & it ends up costing an arm

Early gearbox repair is crucial to reduce chances of stalling
#SpaceYaMagari #Fridaymotivation #Careers #cars ImageImageImageImage

A malfunctioning gearbox/transmission, as opposed to a broken brake light, could strand you & your vehicle on the side of the road in the middle of the night or on a long trip

So, how can you know if a gearbox needs repair or replacement? ImageImage

To reduce friction & overheating, Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF) is incorporated in automatic gears. If this fluid starts to leak it'll contribute to gearbox failure, in fact

ATF leaks are normally a bright red fluid found under the engine in a leaking car ImageImageImageImage
Read 10 tweets
Apr 29th 2022
A thread 🧵 or rather a slow amble past wildflowers down a favourite lane.
First Red Campion foreground (Silene dioica)
#wildflowerhour #TwitterNatureCommunity 1/
Interwoven flowers of bluebells & Stitchwort form the fabric of this verge - with bright knots of dandelion as counterpoint.
🧵 2
#wildflowerhour #TwitterNatureCommunity
I only want to linger to admire the graceful arc of the bluebell bloom, with now Yellow Archangel (Lamium galeobdolon) adding contast.
🧵 3
Read 14 tweets
Feb 28th 2022
Buying off the plan can be a good opportunity for an investor or property owner looking to make a profit or gain some equity:…

#timidbee #Finance #mondaythoughts
#Mondayvibes #Australia #Brisbane #Perth #Adelaide #MONEY #cryptocurrency
Buying off the plan can be a good opportunity for an investor or property owner looking to make a profit or gain some equity:…

#timidbee #Finance #mondaythoughts
#Mondayvibes #Australia #Brisbane #Perth #Adelaide #MONEY #cryptocurrency Buying off the plan can be ...
Buying off the plan means you have decided to purchase a property that has not yet built or is currently under construction:…

#timidbee #Finance #Australia #MONEY #tuesdayvibe #tuesdaymotivations #investing #blog #brisbaneflood #Perth #Adelaide #Crypto Buying off the plan means y...
Read 7 tweets
Oct 15th 2021
Avocados are highly adapted to different rainfall conditions, however, a well distributed annual rainfall of up to 1600 mm is optimal for good production. Climatic conditions with alternating dry and rainy seasons are best for avocados.

#FridayMotivation #FridayFeeling
Grafted Hass and fuerte 🥑 avocado seedlings available @ ksh 150 each , Muranga

We do make delivery 🚚 across the country within 24 to 48 hours

Click this link to message us on WhatsApp:
Irrigation is essential where rainfall is not adequate.

Too much rain during flowering causes flower abortion resulting in significant reduction in production. Fungal diseases are also problematic in very wet weather.
Read 5 tweets
Aug 20th 2021
We have often seen a caption "Red Bull gives you Wings".
Fact- Red Bull has the highest market share of any energy drink in the world, with 7.5 billion cans sold in a year (as of 2019).
What are their #marketingstrategy ?
#FridayMotivation @redbull @redbullindia Image
Authorities in France, Denmark, and Norway initially kept Red Bull from being sold domestically. However, as of 2014, it is on sale in all 27 member states of the European Union and in more than 167 countries around the world. Image
Red Bull focuses on three significant tactics to attract its target audience: Publishing awesome content, colossal publicity stunt, sponsoring or creating events. "They sent a man up 128,000 ft above the earth in a small ship and helium balloon and had him free fall out of it. " Image
Read 5 tweets
Jul 2nd 2021
It is a Friday, so we thought to bring to you something light 😉

Here are 4 ways to create a positive impact on your bottom line.
🎯 Solve problems like a pro – Don’t allow negative perceptions about your brand to linger, but address it immediately.

This way, you can generate referrals and increase customer loyalty or at least control negative word-of-mouth about your brand.
🎯Employ folks with superb people skills – Most of your employees are the face of your business.
From the service agent replying to the phones to the cashier, hiring people with good people skills is a non-negotiable for your business’s customer service success.
Read 7 tweets
Jun 18th 2021
I just blocked around 843 dead weight followers.  All those people can't handle the truth that makes them uncomfortable.  I said this before I don't give a sh*t about gaining followers.  If you cannot challenge your belief system I 110% guarantee you won't like what I tweet.
I am only interested in connecting with men and women that have the capacity for critical thinking.

Most of the issues we're facing here in the states are directly tied to the very system we empower.
All of you know the truth and there's ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSE to stay ignorant. I have no problem calling people out for their actions. The knowledge I tweet on here is for those that love freedom and are willing to pass on the knowledge to our fellow men to know the truth.
Read 11 tweets
May 14th 2021
#FDA on the right..Nuclear Regulatory Commission building on the left, CIST next to that....

#goodmorning #fridaymorning #nevergiveup #israel #joffe #wuw #israeljoffe Israel Joffe fda
Angry bird just went after my dog! Lol I went ahead and got my friend who is a vet to take the birdie.. #israeljoffefda #israel #joffe #birdwatching #dogsoftwitter Israel Joffe fda
Read 10 tweets
Feb 26th 2021
A thread of book awards 1/?
Book awards are great. They help bring attention to less mainstream titles, provide useful starting points for finding new books to read, give recognition to quality work of #authors and #illustrators, bring together great books on thematically, ...
... help us discover wonderful materials to recommend to readers, fill libraries with, use in lessons. Here are a bunch of UK-based (I've avoided local and intenational) awards that are worth a look, with the list featuring awards from the genral to the specific, & covering ...
... fiction; non-fiction; graphic novels; poetry; funny and more, across all the age ranges from EYFS all the way to post-16. Again, not comprehensive or intentionally exclusive, but ones that I think are useful to be aware of if you are in the business of teaching, working ...
Read 14 tweets
Feb 19th 2021
Drip irrigation gives you the ability to control water deficit (RDI) and plant stress. You can regulate vegetative growth and berry size while controlling stress-induced sensorial parameters.

#FridayFeeling #AgriBizKenya #fridaymorning #FridayMotivation #FridayVibes
It ensures proper soil water balance especially during periods of less rainfall.
Drip irrigation delivers a controlled amount of water and nutrients straight to the roots of each plant, wasting nothing. This practice can save you up to 30% in water costs
Get your drip irrigation system and grapes seedling package from @mynzagric254 and get started as we walk along with you.

Follow this link to message us on WhatsApp: Image
Read 4 tweets
Jan 8th 2021
Tomato is a warm season crop that does well in warm to hot areas. It requires Optimum temperature of 20 to 25°C during the day and 15 to 17°C during the night.
#milelemzukafriday #FridayMotivation #FridayThoughts #farming #Dearfarmers ImageImageImageImage
In order to grow good tomatoes and get maximum yield one is supposed to begin with Proper seed selection. Tomatoes can be classified in to two broad categories;

The OPV’S popularly known as the open pollinated varieties.

Hybrids. ImageImageImageImage
Most farmers are now shifting from open pollinated varieties to hybrids because of their high production and disease tolerance. ImageImageImage
Read 10 tweets
Jan 1st 2021
Once a poor man was given a pot🏺 of flour so he hung it on his wall & fell asleep. He dreamt that he would become rich and achieve great things in life. But his daydreams were disturbed by a bunch of kids. So to make them go away he accidentally breaks his pot.

#newbeginnings Image
From this story, we learn that a man can dream of a lot of things but without hard work, nothing can be achieved. Thus the phrase ‘Don’t build castles in the air, they will fall’ is true.

#FridayMotivation #NewYear2021 Image
We often sit and think about the things that we should do and how rich we will become if things go according to our thoughts. But this is not how things happen in real life.

#FridayThoughts #Hello2021 Image
Read 4 tweets
Dec 18th 2020
Couldn't sleep throughout the night, and wouldn't want to waste away time on random imaginations, so in my adventure of learning something new every day, I burst into Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazer's fight of 1975 in Manila..
a hell of a great match! But I learned something in the fight and I try to apply it to life's reality.

Muhammad Ali started the fight in his way, throwing punches and jabs at Joe with anger, hoping to knock him out in time due to the mutual hatred they had for each other,
but it never worked. Joe on the other end was just catching the cruise, taking his time to save energy, the round was gone another started, the punches were going and coming in a supplying and demanding manner, it was heating up,
Read 11 tweets
Dec 14th 2020
Today's Gun of the Day

Today we have the Garaysar Fear 116 Semi-Auto Tactical Shotgun. Sporting a 3" 12 gauge chamber, 20" barrel, adjustable cheek weld stock, 2 5 rnd mags & set of flip sights & more #Trump2020 #MAGA2020 #MondayMotivation #2A #KAG…
Today's Gun of the Day

Today we have the Smith and Wesson M&P Shield Compact Pistol. Chambered in 40 S&W with a 3.125" barrel, 3 Dot Sights, No Manual Safety and 2 mags. A great conceal carry option with excellent reliability #MAGA #Trump2020 #KAG #2A…
Today's Gun of the Day

Today we have the very popular IWI Masada. An Excellent made in Israel pistol, it's chambered in 9mm, 4.1" barrel, Optics ready with 4 plates, 3 Backstraps & 2x 17 rnd mags. A superb deal! #Trump2020 #ThursdayMorning #MAGA2020 #2A…
Read 120 tweets
Dec 11th 2020
Today is the 666th day (not kidding) of Bill Barr's term as AG.

He has now eclipsed do nothing Sessions.

Jeff Sessions was fired and remains on bad terms with @POTUS.

When will @realDonaldTrump fire AG Barr?

@WhiteHouse @MarkMeadows @DonaldJTrumpJr @RichardGrenell
AG Barr Worked (hard) to Keep Hunter Biden Probes From Public View During Election

"The attorney general knew for months about investigations into Biden’s business and financial dealings"…
The FBI reports to AG Barr.

Whistleblower @OGJesseMorgan was on @LouDobbs last night telling the world that the FBI is harassing him & his family, and doing nothing about the evidence for which he has risked his life.

What kind of AG would allow this?…
Read 6 tweets
Dec 4th 2020
Oranges prefer growing in an open place where they receive atleast 4 hours of sunshine in a day with pH 5-7 and adequate manure supply.
They take 3 years to mature though start fruiting at the second year. One tree produces 200-300 fruits a season
#FridayMotivation #Dearfarmers ImageImageImageImage
Holes should be 2 ft deep with soil mixed with organic manure.
We also encourage farmers to use Maxyield organic fertilizer which provides essential and non essential nutrients that are very important for tree development ImageImageImageImage
Its a heavy feeder tree and needs enough water supply as well.
Pests and diseases are the main challenges but can be controlled.
Make sure that you carry out weeding oftenly before spraying your plants.
Harvesting can be done twice a year when fruits are fully ripe and sweet Image
Read 5 tweets
Nov 13th 2020
The most funny thing about opinions is
the people that knows the least about you has the most to say. 🌒
Most of the time
it's something they interpreted.
That is why you cannot change people's opinions.

But when you know someone that hurted you even after understanding you for while

that's what hurts and stays with you more.
If you're someone who cares about what others say about you just like sushant,
You'd understand how hard being this way can be ..

But what can you do to not get actually affected by it when it lasts ..
when you know its too late and its not gonna get better anymore?
Read 6 tweets
Nov 6th 2020
Today in pulp: a woman with great hair is fleeing a gothic house. Why?

Well this is a signal to the reader: they hold in their hands one of ‘those’ books – not a historical romance or a ghost story, but a modern gothic romance.

Let's learn more... #FridayMotivation
New readers start here: what is a modern gothic romance? Well it's a romance story with strong supernatural themes, all tied to an atmospheric and foreboding building which our heroine must flee.

Actually it's a lot more complex than that...
Firstly it has a long pedigree. Horace Walpole's The Castle of Otranto (1764) is usually acknowledged as the first gothic romance; set during the Crusades it follows Lord Manfred's fateful decision to divorce his wife and pursue his dead son's bride-to-be Isabella.
Read 35 tweets

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