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Apr 30, 2022 527 tweets >60 min read Read on X
Wrong lessons they say Image
GloboNATO Image
Europe is ..

Oh no ..
"$GS CEO says we are in the early stages of deglobalization"
means ever
Science is coming Image
Natgas ATH Image
Pure coincidence
"«The NATO Response Force has been activated, and NATO has established a new battlegroup in Romania» — NATO Joint Force Command. " Image
Can be start of phase 3, Poland enters West Ukr ImageImageImage
They want to send troops now… Image
that's pretty dangerous if true, ww3 vibes Image
Beijing orders ‘stress test’ as fears of Russia-style sanctions mount… Image
Europe May Lose The Energy Transition Race Before It Really Begins… Image
Novus Ordo Seclorum ImageImageImage
Economist: Russia’s economy is back on its feet… Image
Lord of Kek is coming
China Has 'Financial Nuclear Bombs' If West Levies Russia-Style Sanctions, Beijing Warns… Image
Gears shifted, from "help" to proxy war, next is Poland war, and then Europe's war ..
It becomes practical after 15min radar detection
Starlink's expansion, military ambitions alert world… Image
@0xalena more elon for u
word on street, to open 2 fronts .. I guess Mid May-June Image
while you're watching stable drama Image
They push Taiwan same as Ukr Image
EU Permanent Representatives on Sunday did not reach an agreement on sanctions against the Russian Federation, in particular, because of Hungary, the discussion will continue in the coming days, Bloomberg reports
1/ Ukrainian forces in Donbas are about to get surrounded by Russians from all sides. This is anticipated to come within days / a few weeks depending on how quickly Russia decides to approach it.
2/ However, this situation is inevitable and there’s nothing the Ukrainians can do about it. They will get surrounded from all sides — a large amount of Ukrainian force — some sources estimate 30 to 40 thousand soldiers.
3/ They will not be given permission to surrender as it’s often the case with their families being threatened by high command back behind the front lines. These men will be destroyed by artillery and missiles with little to no choice to resist.
1/ Russia’s military operation in Ukraine won’t end until the country is “completely denazified and demilitarized, so that it no longer poses a threat to the Russian Federation and cannot be transformed into an anti-Russia, as the West has tried to do in the past 30 years,”
2/ says deputy speaker of Russian parliament Pyotr Tolstoy. “I think we will stop once we reach the border with Poland,”
1/ About mobilization claims >
Over the last two weeks the number of Ru troops involved in the special military operation in Ukr has been reduced from 180k to around 100k as they are enough to complete the job in Donbass and maintain control over Kherson region.
2/ the number will be again increased to 180k (or even more) for the final push. also costs dropped from 800 million $ per week of the first phase to 200 million $ per week currently.
The Great Currency Reset and Why Europe Is Trapped ImageImageImage
Learn how to use witch broomstick ImageImage
looks like it Image
scandal Image
Russian military doctrine calls a limited nuclear strike “de-escalation.”… Image
Bill calls for recession Image
Setting ban to produce chips to be shipped back to US, kek lel lmao Image
Europe’s Ban on Russian Oil Has to Be Realistic… Image
Do you still have doubts about WW3 anon?

Biden has signed the Lend-Lease Act to get even more weapons to Ukraine faster. Image
Euros going full speed Image
Russia is first country to be free from .. rejoice

Red Pill #1 ImageImageImageImage
Agree, long term war that will spill into half of Europe. Guess who will benefit ImageImage
That's how it will start. Always has been. Anglo-mericans will throw eastern Euros to flames. And they will justify it as pretense to avoid ww3 nuke Image
Don't tell me that Russians will wait till 2030. Great reset or front run ImageImage
That was expected, note all transition countries Image
I am proponent of that idea for many years, should we say true history
Lower global demand Image
I think strategy is to invoke some article, without offic NATO to be on Ukr soil (Polish/Romania etc). Basically blackmail to EU. You either be here or no natgas. That's how far we went. Also tells you, ab real fighting force .. ImageImage
U.S. East Coast fuel oil stockpiles hit lowest level in 32 years Image
Saudi oil is number 1 Image
Ru starts bannu Image
2030, I would say 2024 Image
Berlin has already started paying for Russian gas in rubles, says Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi.

According to him, the German gas company VNG intends to transfer euros to Gazprombank for conversion into rubles and subsequent payment for fuel.
Poland is bannu Image
This is pick idiocracy for Europe. Why do you buy cheap energy for 50 years then? And when it started to be a weapon? Since Austria made natgas deals in late 60s with Soviet union? Admit that Germany just occupied country by US, that's all. Image
They weren't active there from 1917-1990 lol. Image
The beginning Image
🇷🇺🇫🇮⚡Finnish politicians have been warned that Russia, as a countermeasure to Finland's entry into NATO, may cut off gas supplies to the country as early as Friday, the Iltalehti newspaper reports.
How? Image
Pentagon: arms supplies to Ukraine from the United States may be suspended if the Senate does not support the project on the allocation of new aid by May 19, 2022.
Ukraine is very unhappy that Republican Senator Rand Paul blocked a bill on the allocation of additional assistance of $40 billion

Ukr Foreign Minister said that Ukraine could "already start using the new US aid package," but the politician "delayed much-needed support."
Food shortage mostly trigger E. Europe and Middle East, N. Africa
"Minister of Transport of Lithuania: the creation of a humanitarian corridor for the transportation of Ukrainian grain through Belarus is being discussed"
China is concerned about Russia's new materials on US biological laboratories in Ukraine — Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN

China also said at the UN that the international community should seriously consider Russian data on US military bioactivity in Ukraine.
RAO Nordic Oy (Ru) announced the suspension of electricity supplies from Russia to Finland: "The volumes of electricity sold on the Nord Pool exchange since May 6 have not been paid, and therefore it seems the importing company cannot pay for electricity
1/ Euros politicians are funny, they freeze Ru treasury in half, block SWIFT access, arrest, refuse to pay for goods and now complain. Lol. Just idiotic, they can't that they will collapse and bring chaos? Watch this
2/ German Foreign Minister Annalena Burbock claims that the G7 countries (Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Canada, USA, France and Japan) are ready to confront the food crisis, which, in her opinion, is Russia's fault.
3/ "I think it's very important that we're not only discussing today, but ultimately how the G7 is committing itself, showing that we're preparing to counter this food war that [Russian President Vladimir] Putin is waging around the world," she said Friday at a meeting of G7
1/ The European Commission is already sounding the alarm about the vulnerability of European defense in connection with the massive supply of weapons to Ukraine.
2/ There is nothing surprising in this. It is not clear what the EU will do in the event of a direct conflict with Russia. Not only is Europe disarming itself, but it also provokes the intensification of conflicts in other regions besides Ukraine itself and generously pays for it
3/ Uncontrolled deliveries of weapons lead to the fact that 15-20% of the total immediately goes to the countries of North, West and Central Africa. The resale of weapons is carried out by the military personnel of these countries,
4/ who entered Ukraine under the guise of PMC employees, or by Ukrainian nationalists themselves in pursuit of easy money. Other conflict zones, such as Iraq, Syria and Libya, also attract shipments of especially heavy weapons. Ukraine is becoming a hub and a black arms market.
Global food inflation is already above the levels of the 2008 global financial crisis and the Arab Spring Image
Russian Hit Back Against The Western Countries Yet To Begin ImageImageImageImage
Share of Chinese business in some of the world's biggest brands Image
They been role playing and prepping Europe for real war since 2016 at least. This is either lunacy or blatant mil psyops. in those TV series Russia invades Norway in mix of new energy, oil, war conflict plot. This is straight propaganda programming ImageImage
You can't make this stuff up. well at least occupation and energy crisis programmed into masses Image
Finland is bannu

"Russia has suspended electricity to Finland: Finnish grid operator" Image
Oh no Image
Step 4 > seize Ru assets, Ru pulls the plug over Euros. Collapse by next winter.
New type hybrid full scale war Image
Wtf Image
1/ From Europe to China and the United States.
The outlook for the global economy is getting bleaker

The global economy will essentially contract this year as Europe slips into recession, China slows sharply and US financial conditions tighten significantly, according to a
2/ new IIF forecast. Global GDP growth is 2.2% this year, well below the IMF estimate of 3.6%.

US Oil and Gas Association President Tim Stewart: “We are in the biggest and probably the most difficult energy crisis in the last half century.
3/ Fuel prices are at an all-time high and inventories are at an all-time low. This administration has no strategy to get out of the crisis. And frankly, all actions what they are doing is counterproductive for those of us who are trying to solve this problem."
4/ Germany must abandon Russian energy resources immediately, writes (…) The Economist.

German economist Moritz Shularik believes that the protection of Ukraine for Germany is more important than the well-being of its own industry.
1/ Global nato >
British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss on building a 'global NATO':

"We are working closely with the Ukrainians, Poles and others to ensure that Ukraine is armed to NATO standards. We express our strong support for Finland and Sweden to join the alliance.
2/ It is important that we focus on the global NATO. Because, while protecting Euro-Atlantic security, we also need to pay attention to security in the Indo-Pacific region."
1/ What will happen next, or the World after anti-Russian sanctions

A number of global supply chains of goods will collapse, a major logistical crisis is possible, including the collapse of the activities of foreign airlines that are prohibited from flying over Ru territory.
The energy crisis will intensify in those states that have imposed “shooting in their own feet” sanctions on the supply of Russian energy, further growth in fossil fuel prices will continue, and the development of the digital economy in the world will slow down.
A full-fledged international food crisis will come with the prospect of starvation in individual states.
A monetary and financial crisis is possible in some countries or communities of countries, associated with the undermining of the stability of a number of national currencies, great inflation and the destruction of the legal system for protecting private property.
New regional military conflicts will arise in those places where the situation has not been peacefully resolved for many years or the significant interests of major international players are ignored.
Terrorists are becoming more active, believing that the attention of Western authorities today is diverted to a showdown with Russia.
New epidemics will begin, caused by the rejection of honest international cooperation in the sanitary and epidemiological sphere or by direct facts of the use of biological weapons.
There will be a decline in the activities of international institutions that have not been able to prove their effectiveness in the course of settling the situation in Ukraine, such as, for example, the Council of Europe.
New international alliances of countries based on pragmatic rather than ideological Anglo-Saxon criteria will be formed.

As a result, a new security architecture will be created, in which de facto, and then de jure, the existing realities are recognized:
a) the weakness of Westernized concepts of international relations such as "Order based on rules" and other senseless Western junk;

b) the collapse of the idea of an American-centric world;
c) the presence of interests respected by the world community in those countries that are in an acute stage of conflict with the Western world.
Grey zone
Now Starlink is available in 32 countries around the world. For orders from areas marked "available", Starlink will be delivered immediately. Image
Russian oil exports recovered to pre-crisis levels.

The share of Western countries in Russian exports was occupied by India. Image
According to the results of a sociological survey in Europe, the majority of residents of Cyprus, Bulgaria, Greece and Slovakia oppose the purchase and supply of military equipment from their countries to Ukraine

Most supporters are Finland - 91%, Estonia - 88% and Poland - 87% Image
@insiliconot that answers
Finns are getting ready
Latest Image
Lol Psaki Image
1/ Geopol bants for my ppl. Africa is next hot hybrid war spot
"Russians are gas kings": the battle for African exports to Europe has begun

The desperate desire of the US and the EU to impose a complete embargo on Russian gas supplies,
2/ according to the Egyptian edition of Noon Post, is being transferred to the construction zone of the Nigeria-Morocco-Europe gas pipeline.
3/ Nigerian Energy Minister Chief Timpire Silva said that Russia intends to invest in this project. It will be the longest gas pipeline in the world, stretching for 5.6 thousand km through 11 West African countries.
4/ In addition, several Nigerian gas fields are controlled by Gazprom.
According to the International Energy Agency, Nigeria is in 8th place in the world in terms of proven gas reserves: almost 6.5 trillion cubic meters (2017),
5/ or about 60% of the proven gas reserves of the Sub-Saharan Black Continent.
But a little more than 10% of these reserves have actually been developed.

Noon Post believes that in the event of a decrease in Russian gas supplies to European countries,
6/ Moscow may try to take control of alternative fuel sources for the EU.
“In addition to minimizing the damage from the imposition of anti-Russian sanctions, the Russians want to maintain the status of “gas kings,” the publication believes.
7/ “Russia will either remain the main supplier of energy resources to Europe, or take control of any project that it considers an alternative to Russian gas.”
It was against this that the US and the EU began to fight, in every possible way preventing the implementation of the
8/ project.
Obviously, the Nigeria-Morocco-Europe gas pipeline is directly linked to geopolitics. There are a number of factors complicating Moscow's activities in this region. First: Nigeria, along with Morocco and other countries of the Maghreb,
9/ has the status of a country associated with the European Union, which initially strengthens the West's chances to put a spoke in Russia's wheels.
10/ The second factor: the proposed territory for laying the gas pipeline is overloaded with political, economic and ethno-religious conflicts, drawn into tight knots. If desired, any of them can be easily unleashed and used to neutralize the growing economic presence of Russian
11/ companies.
But this is the very case when you are afraid of a wolf - do not go into the forest. Russia can work with individual countries as well. For example, Algeria has many common projects with Russia, including in the nuclear sector and infrastructure.
12/ Moscow supports Algeria in the conflict in Western Sahara, Spain supports Morocco. The dispute between them is developing and has already led to the fact that one of the pipes that goes from Algeria through Morocco has not been working for several months.
13/ Now Algeria is clearly not making concessions to Europe and does not intend to increase the flow of gas. Russia managed to expand the horizons of military, economic and political cooperation with African countries,
14/ when in 2018 the United States announced the reduction of its military presence in Africa.
Moscow also took advantage of the withdrawal of French troops from Mali, replacing them with a Russian military presence.
15/ Africans, in turn, are seriously concerned about the growth of China's influence, therefore they are striving to expand the list of partners in the field of trade and investment.
16/ But this is more of a wish for the future. And today the African gas battle begins to control alternative exports to Europe. Given that Russia has accumulated extensive experience in the construction of gas pipelines, it has a good chance of winning.
WEF 2020 predictions for 2030.
US dominance decline, cloning, synthetic food supply, they displace millions by war/shortages, real estate collapse, deindustrialization, elite live on Mars, aliens arrived, EU depopulate
Heartland is 100y old British strategy… Image
Finland and Sweden set to hand in NATO applications this week
that was fast
Russia cuts power exports to Finland over failed payments…
If you go back to my posts in this war feed, I proposed that NATO/EU will split over many issues. Now Turkey wants to exit NATO. The beginning

Interesting > *China is watching close

EU Commission set to allow the purchase of natural gas from Russia under the Moscow payment scheme, satisfying Putin’s demands.
Lol ImageImage
Gnomes land was neutral during ww2, storing assets for both sides Image
Lithuanian Foreign Minister Landsbergis: the entire EU is held hostage by one state - Hungary

EU plans to introduce an oil embargo against Russia are blocked by only one country - Hungary, said the Lithuanian Foreign Minister.
Full scale soon Image
If that is not ww3 idk what it is Image
We just talked ab Africa Image
panic Image
Syria being activated again. Israel joins NATO? Or wait they like China too. Iran then .. Image
Sanctions? How?

Russia's current account surplus is soaring. The average current account surplus every April from 2007 - 2021 is +$6.7 bln In April 2022 it was +$37.6 bln. Western sanctions only harm those countries that imposed them. Image
Putin: The rejection of Ru energy resources means that Europe systematically, in the long term, becomes the region with the highest cost of energy in the world. And this will irrevocably undermine the competitiveness of European industry, which is already losing to companies ..
So Germany will stop their industries, giving more power to China, South Korea. Image
Mass Migration Image
Finnish news. I am laughing hard, like pure brainwashing propaganda. How is joining nato solving energy resources dependence? Euro politicians are either stupid or cult. Lmaoooo. This is 1933 vibes. Image
⚡Russia’s lower house of parliament is planning to discuss the potential withdrawal of the country from the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the World Health Organization (WHO)
Adding to Iraq story convo we had today ImageImageImageImage
You don't need to know this Image
Zakharova stated that the Russian response to Finland's decision to join NATO will be a surprise, the measures will be military.
What? read bottom Image
Lol Image
50% Image
May be it is some Earth pole shifting cycle they portrayed as weather change .. Italy bwt
"In 2020, Italy imported $1.89B in Wheat, becoming the 6th largest importer of Wheat in the world."
Idk sounds like chilling statement .. Age of change? Climate, geopol or war?

🇨🇳 The world is going through an age of change, in which factors of instability and uncertainty are increasing, Xi Jinping said.
1/ "Aliens" semantics thread. As always my approach more lean to "psyops" than objectivity or predictive programming. Also connect virus > unity > war. If so then here we go ..
1960 ImageImage
2/ 1985 Image
3/ 1950
Scientology + Hubbard's sci fi books did influence Hollywood genre a lot. Image
4/ 2009 V TV series ImageImageImageImage
5/ 2010 The Event TV series ImageImage
6/ 2011. Paul Krugman was epic, unexpected part ImageImage
7/ 2012 Developing, note NZ AU part Image
8/ Lake Vostok was part of huge psyops for Alien virus + Nazi connection ImageImageImage
9/ 2016 Aliens Psyops, open text ImageImageImageImage
10/ 2016 Image
11/ 2017 So we have emergency ImageImageImage
12/ 2018 Theory ImageImageImage
14/ 2020 Economist ImageImage
15/ Time ImageImageImageImage
16/ 2020 Trump Space division ImageImage
17/ 2021 Alien virus links to Space missions, esp Mars ImageImageImageImage
18/ 2021 Image
19/ 2021 US wanted to unite with Russia ImageImageImage
20/ 2017 Harvard goes for alien ship as ImageImageImage
21/ 2022 ImageImage
22/ NASA. b4 2025 ImageImage
23/ Blue beam theory ImageImageImage
Economist cover, wheat & skulls. Looks like scenario. Skull is war till death sign
> They say 1.5b ppl need grains
> Turkey must open Bosporus
> Ukr must de mine ports, meaning more mil action
> Ru must allow NATO/Cargo ships, literally
All leads to Black sea next conflict ImageImageImageImage
Long range missiles means tactical nuke strike by Ru and possible NATO exchange Image
Soil & Crops ImageImageImageImage
I bet EU in that form won't exist soon in few years, following Brexit

"The process of possible Ukraine's accession to the EU will probably take "15 or 20 years" - Minister Delegate to the French Foreign Ministry"
Polish invasion is coming

"Polish President Duda in the Verkhovna Rada:

"I am deeply convinced that it is time to conclude a new treaty on good neighborliness, which will take into account what we have built in our relations, at least in recent months."
Prime Minister of Poland:
"Excess profits from oil and gas, exceeding the annual average in recent years, of small five million Norway will exceed 100 billion euros. They should immediately share this excess, gigantic profit. This is abnormal and unfair."
Gas stations in Washington state are reinstalling their price tags and reprogramming them to double-digit displays in preparation for a gallon price that could reach $10 or more. some gas stations have already run out of fuel.
EU must take responsibility for its own security by creating European armed forces - Borrell
12 monkeys started Image
China Taiwan headlines today > something is brewing. Note how US basically did coup in Pakistan, Chinese ally ImageImageImageImage
How many times I told you, Shadow economy is key how it all work .. Image
British headlines is something special Image
Regionalization Image
Henry said ImageImage
Afraid of whom? Teenager and 80y old dude? Image
Any price or Embargo? Image
Regionalization Image
"Build back better" turned into a stock market recession, food shortages, record high gas prices, record high inflation, a border crisis, and a proxy war with nuclear armed Russia. Image
Watch Poland soon Image
The automotive industry in Germany may stop if Russian gas supplies are cut off.

BMW board member Milan Nedeljkovic told Reuters: "Our industry accounts for about 37% of natural gas consumption in Germany."
Wild scenario I had back in days and might be true today. If Ukr war will involve more countries, like Poland, Romania etc, Ru will attract Belarus, Central Asia cin first wave. And when NATO/Ru conflict starts > China will move into EU. So once EU will be solved, Taiwan is next
No soup for you soon Image
2011 - Famine is a ticking time bomb now. So basically their estimate comes true, by 2025 >>
Weather manipulation by 2025?… ImageImageImageImage
June 22 @insiliconot
I can't believe what I just read. btw strong yuan usually leads to weak dollar (may be) Image
Putting 2 dates on Calendar:
June 21
September 26
“It is unlikely that Ukraine will become a candidate for EU membership”: Prime Minister of the Netherlands Rutte explained in parliament that all promises to Kyiv are just an “emotional statement” Image
In the Rada, a woman deputy offered to kill soldiers who refused to obey the order, proposed to allow Ukrainian officers to kill soldiers who arbitrarily left their positions or refused to obey the order. The corresponding bill was submitted to the Rada.
The potential accession of Finland to NATO raises the question of the status of two territories: the Åland Islands and the Saimaa Canal, said Russia's permanent representative to the EU Vladimir Chizhov
So .. Image
Summer Image
Mask as republican is already spending billions .. Image
you didn't listen me, trip and other lads, but want to listen Soros now .. Image
> Ru defaults on international debt
> Cut nat/gas/oil supply by fall
> Cut food supply by fall
> Start offence on Kiev/West Ukr again, involve Poland
> Brits will try to break into Black sea to seize Odessa port
> Super Shemitah by end of Sep
> Markets crash 1929
> It's over Image
CNN ticker: Biden: US willing to go in militarily to prevent China taking over Ukraine Image
Rubles are coming Image
Closer to mid June Image
The Beginning .. Image
When Alex J and many others warned all 15y ago that there is global conspiracy to take over nation sovereignty and bankrupt it thru shortages, debt, energy crises - no one believed it. No one even knew that Davos is real. Now it's more like disclosure .. Image
Russia China love story just started ImageImage
China Taiwan, Israel Iran scenarios ImageImage
One Billion People At Risk Of Power Blackouts As Global Grids Stretched Image
Doing nothing Image
Idk where you've been in 2018 .. but things were prep and preposition for bigger war. Note they tested railroad logistics from China to Russia, as if they go to EU.
300,000 Troops and 900 Tanks: Russia’s Biggest Military Drills Since Cold War… Image
China announces military drills near Taiwan after Biden remarks…
They built special bridge for logistics, mil and civilian
"First China-Russia railway bridge will complement 'no limits' relationship by boosting trade, slashing delivery times"…
Grains logistics opened Image
No sure ab it, at least good psyops Image
Which means war Image
Amount of cope, LOL

"We must continue to buy Russian oil, to save the Europe from Putin.
Because if we don't Putin will sell it somewhere else and profit more on high prices, so we better buy Russian oil and not let him profit."
Ursula Von der Leyen
Global order Image
6 Image
The Americans will not defend Taiwan, they will only supply weapons

The White House explained that Biden meant only arms deliveries when he spoke of Washington's readiness for military intervention to protect Taiwan from China.

An unnamed US official told NBC:
Well .. what "pseudo-scientific truths." means in Religious terms? Image
Sweden and Finland are unlikely to become candidates for NATO membership at the upcoming alliance summit if they do not comply with Turkey's demands, Stoltenberg said.
Saudi Arabia and Argentina are interested in joining BRICS

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Saudi Arabia and Argentina were interested in joining the BRICS format. The organization currently includes Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.
Boris Johnson behaved with extreme ineptitude

The largest Italian newspaper Corriere della sera that British Prime Minister Boris Johnson proposed to Ukrainian Zelensky to create a military alliance against Russia.
Digital ruble Image
> EU loans of weapon for grains import ..
> Poland can do annexation ImageImage
The administration of US President Joe Biden has decided to send multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) to Ukraine, The New York Times (NYT) reported, citing official sources.

M31 GMLRS installations, range from 70 to 500 km.
Another one, 2d ago…
Time to evacuate Jim and Cred,
@insiliconot ehehe Image
1/ found some old 2011? vid
English experts are somewhat belatedly frightened by Russian Dagger (Kinzhal) hypersonic missiles. Professor Andrew Futterr explained that if Moscow strikes, London will be extremely vulnerable due to the lack of defensive systems.…
Security Zones of Syrian territory claimed by Turkey highlighted in red. Image
1/ A Trillion: Europe announced the price of abandoning Russian energy sources

The European Union will need one trillion euros to completely abandon Russian energy sources. This conclusion was made by analysts from the Norwegian company Rystad Energy
2/ It is expected that the implementation of the project will increase the production of electricity from renewable sources from 40% to 45% of the total generation by 2030.
3/ At the same time, the European Commission does not have a clear idea of the total amounts needed to achieve the set goals. Recent statements mention that 225 billion euros are already available in loans and that additional investments of 300b euros may be required by 2030.
4/ “The ambition of the REPowerEU plan is huge. While the targets are achievable, reaching them by 2030 will require war-time levels of planning, investment, construction and production,” says Carlos Torres Diaz, head of energy research at Rystad Energy.
Chinese diplomacy in South Pacific upends US-Australian security plans ImageImage
Where are those weapons and billions sent? Image
1/ One fifth of the palladium for catalysts imported into Germany comes from Russia. Russia is also an important supplier of nickel needed for batteries… Image
2/ Andrei Klishas, head of the Federation Council committee on constitutional legislation, called for a switch to selling palladium, nickel and platinum exclusively in rubles
they don't want energy and wind, what they do want? ImageImage
Erdogan started a new trend, watch it Image
War for Grains
Black sea conflict is probably next step during summer. West already tried the offense on Ru navy. Lots of UK navy around .. with anti ship missiles might get hot this summer, since the war for grains announced ImageImageImage
Two Opinions
"Six million Brits could face power cuts this winter with Government planning electricity rationing" ImageImage
1/ If u follow me in group u should know anon, what that means and how artificial food shortage started to introduce more GMO seeds as final food weaponization, monopolization. Remember One thing, nothing is coincidence ImageImage
2/ Same thing in energy sector > EU is on the way to monopolize nat/gas, oil markets in military driven style economy. Do you hear it? Major commodities market will be monopolized by few .. Health on the way .. Next is finance thru digitization .. Then rights, travel, work .. ImageImageImageImage
What is going on now is "US war on Russian Nat gas" to monopolize the EU market. That war started in 2008 (Georgia) 2011 (Syria-Qatar). Do you see the pic now? ImageImageImageImage
off the grid Image
1/ In case of an attack on its cities, Russia will strike at criminals' decision-making centers, some of which are not located in Kiev at all - Deputy Head of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Medvedev.
2/ So the politician commented on the statement of US President Joseph Biden, who said that the US would not supply Ukraine with long-range missiles.
Biden said that the United States will not supply Ukraine with missile systems capable of striking Russia.
1/ Nearly 500,000 UK small businesses are at risk of going bankrupt in the near future.

The reason is that the growth rates of prices for the production of their products are almost twice as high as inflation.
2/ According to the head of the Federation of Small Businesses, Martin McTeigue, this is a "time bomb."

McTeig cited data from the National Statistical Service of the country: 40% (2 million) of small companies have less than three months of cash left.
1/ The Times: Russia takes control of the global wheat market.

According to the British publication, Russia's goal to increase agricultural exports by 50% by 2024 is quite achievable. Image
2/ An important factor in the growth of Russian exports is wheat, the world export of which Moscow has already taken under control.

In April alone, Russian grain exports increased by 18%. Significantly increased world grain prices have allowed the Russian budget to receive
3/ $1.9 billion in tax revenues on grain exports since the beginning of the year.

In addition, the publication notes that the export of wheat from Russia covers the deficit formed in the world grain market, including a drop in supplies from Ukraine by 32%.
The EU needs to reach an agreement with Russia to export 20 million tons of Ukrainian wheat - head of European diplomacy Borrell
Christopher Story - The European Union Collective, 2003 interview. Must listen
Holy war Image
How and what cost? Image
Secret mission Image
yeah, except those are former soviet republics states, built on transit and middleware. EU plays USSR again, to save vassals. When ppl realize that game should be fair, not socialists dream to subsidize unfair Image
Isn't that obvious
That after oil ban >
Inflation in #Eurozone jumps to record 8.1% in May. Image
Translation: we have 0 economy, army etc but can bark, send us more money. Idk what significant those failed states are have in EU? 70% of EU just failed states, on brink Image
that house of cards is ..
Jan article ImageImageImage
Lol, damn Image
It started with Merkel, she wanted European army, separate from US. Do you get it or not? To be clear from nuclear strike obligations. This is big step towards WW3 Image
Slowly they are moving into direct Image
Progress ImageImage
You have 2 mo to assess b4 winter preparations

“It’s time to pause the sanctions against Russia, we need to assess the consequences of those that have already been introduced,” the Belgian Prime Minister said."
Here it comes Image
Not just Dutch ..
Russia widens Europe gas cuts and halts Dutch, Danish and German contracts…
If Turkey is member of NATO that means the exit path layered out, June 1 2022. What we witness is complete reshaping the geopol. Now Turkey will take some Syria, Kurdish ... Image
one thing to note, every high tech complex system requires operators, years of training. When West sends this it's either to recycle to use own personnel Image
Re routing has begun ImageImage
Ultimatum Image
Geopol bants ImageImageImage
Lord of war ImageImage
Germany vs Nuclear power, how it started and how it's going ImageImage
escalate to de-escalate… ImageImageImage
Rocket science Image
That was 2y ago, now they all will rush to supply EU. Next conflict? ImageImage
Now they backpedaling back to fossils are good, China/Russia energy monopoly is the future game. Lol. It's mix of cope, fear or just psyops from WEF style think tanks delusional thinking. Funny to watch how they manipulate public for 20y into "alternative energy" hoax ImageImageImageImage
Defensive long range missiles Image
Strategic point ImageImage
You have no idea what shadow economy is ImageImage
No price reduction Image
It will last for years 2022-2029 Image
Back to roots, piracy Image
Kek Image
Next is China right? And we won't see that name again Image
False narratives ImageImage
War is brutal game with no cheats Image
The Game has Begun. Materialized Image
I think ppl still don't realize where it's heading to Image
So .. ImageImage
So West is working for Ru .. Image
There is no LNG in Germany. Coping lesson Image
Medvedev (Head of Security Ru) today:
"These are not predictions. This is what has already happened. This can be treated differently, but we can assume that the "horsemen of the Apocalypse" are already on their way and all hope is only in the Lord God, in the Almighty."
2008 0il price swings, then sudden $140 rise and crash. Feels like today? Image
Real economy vs GDP ImageImage
Planned Image
Re watch this scene and whole movie again and again, think what's going on now and why weapons are going back ..
The Beginning Image
Question is .. not about grains innit Image
OPEC + Image
I just leave it here, Medvedev was also president during 2008 Georgia war ImageImage
2.5% Image
Forget ab wef, this is top level private meeting. Disruption and deglobalization are concerns ImageImageImage
So what changed? Image
Too late Image
World grain prices fell by 10% to the previous level after Putin's statement about his readiness to ensure the export of Ukrainian grain through Russian-controlled ports - the association of agricultural producers Coldiretti.
Lol Image
Gas wars Image
Power shortages season ImageImage
Here we go Image
WW3 Image
Actually I am coming to conclusion that this is just farce, vapor. I monitored that stuff for a long time to come to this conclusion: West can't deal with Russia or China. It's over Image
"Next" Image
2025 ImageImage
2025 part 2 ImageImageImageImage
2025 p. 3 ImageImage
2008 2009 reports includes 2025 assessment of major war with possible nuke. P4 ImageImageImage
2030 is not wef but offic UN agenda, back in 2015. Wealth redistribution.. ImageImageImage
2025 is one step to address climate and possible last war conflict b4 building global payment system ImageImage
The fight for rare Earth minerals, China controls 90%… Image
Science ImageImageImage
What this statement means:
first phase > testing land
second phase > testing air
third phase > testing water
.. basically defines what next real phase is .. final battle Image
Another hot spot + Israel attempt to get nat/gas near Greece/Turkey Image
What does it mean? Image
Interesting Image
June-July 2022 ImageImage
Wind of changes ImageImage
I told this from day one. Wait till China joins CSTO mission Image
This is huge .. Image
Aliens ImageImage
Geopol bants Image
How every expert became conspiracy theorist Image
Arctic circle zones and disputes Image
Basically programmed to fail ImageImageImageImage
Chinese experts Image
First they rejected oil deal, then choose mil cooperation with China .. Image
And if you look back why Saudi, China signed 400b deal with Iran Saudi back in 2019
China is building "internal" Sun. Space for energy .. ImageImage
Apophis 'rediscovered' Image
Black market The Independent: since the beginning of the special operation, European companies have doubled the volume of oil transportation from Russia.

Companies based in Greece, Cyprus and Malta have transported 178 million barrels of oil worth $17b…
Arab world Image
Top tier echelon geopol bants Image
Very interesting. Nicaragua was always proxy even in 80s. China is building Canal, + Ru is stepping. This is mind blowing .. ImageImage
there was another incident too, 2007 ImageImage
Too many "coincidences" for today Image
Shortage Image
New phase Image
Falling Image
MK ultra psyops Image
Greece hosts US bases Image
How? Image
Good podcast energy, food etc @alCamel77 shared…
interesting Image
Now China plane, 2 to 1 Image
Another one Image
Trolling from Ru, Brits can't appeal since they recognize independence of republic Image
War declaration Image
no wonder, it's a strategy Image
Plans revealed ImageImage
What is going on Image
Trade war Image
Friday's treat for you:
Ukraine's economy will fall and drag EU energy, food, migrants flow to roof. EU market will crash. Then US/UK crash. China defaults on credit debt and real estate, which triggers global collapse. Turkey, Iran, Israel will be involved. Riots everywhere ..
No ammo Image
Ammo Image
That's real simulation lol Image
Biden on Summit of the Americas today, what Western Hemisphere even means? But anyway here is
1. Declaring that Globalization turns into regionalization (we talked a lot)
2. Defeat in globalization project to China Image
Climate change, need to ask Gretta Image
Regionalization vs Western Hemisphere Image
Reality check ImageImage
Crude production Image
Peaceful facilities ImageImage
Watch Samurai rise form ashes. US wants to transfer chips/other tech to Japan. They want to build more stronger army etc. Basically sideline for China's war over Taiwan. Image
This is not true what Biden said. Zelenskii knew about Ru invasion based on own intel, which u could even read in Ru media back in feb. Second some say that was strategic plan to contain Ukr males to draft them later when they blocked borders.
Based on post above, we might conclude that US is prepping for regime change in Ukr. Basically US is not satisfied with whole situation, corruption, weapons + Ru arms depots bombings
Wild scenarios, some are dating back to 2010 even, but updated to current. Now you should note, those are mil experts probabilities, most of it confirmed, esp .. some parts. Some just proved our theory that lockdowns were mil drills .. enjoy ImageImageImageImage
Grand Finale
@insiliconot @alCamel77 @0xalena @joshnomics @HectorLeclerc @tonaberona and others, cant' list it all, lol, discuss
my rant in discord today Image
Lol Image
Interesting Image
Good morning I guess Image
Ruble Image
Interview ImageImage
Lizzie ImageImage
Atomic blasts Image
As we mentioned many times China will step in with Peacemaking mission, abroad. This is next cycle of protecting foreign assets, resources, routes .. Image
Disappointed Image
Reality Image
The beginning Image
Reality Image
Ukraine vs China Image
June 22 1941 again? Image
AI deception Image
AI interceptor Image
Another cope, we talked ab it for years
"What’s at risk due to Russia’s nuclear power dominance?"… Image
Reality Image
Closure ImageImage
Libya Image
Battle for oil Image
tiny nuke
big if true, so it is proxy ww3 Image
German wolf is awakening
'The arms manufacturer Rheinmetall has surprisingly presented a newly developed main battle tank."
French against, so they see war for years then Image
that's how Taiwan, Russia, Silk Road all interconnected Image
Some repairs or message Image
another one is down Image
Scenario Image
Terminator wants revenge… ImageImage
Minerals war started, finally. Watch Africa next Image
When that fake reality sense will be stopped, do happy ppl watch war channels or they live in happy pod Image
too late Image

• • •

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More from @fomocapdao

Aug 28, 2022
The Russian Navy began withdrawing ships from the Mediterranean Sea Image
Outside the wire 2021 mil predictive programming scenario. They got it right, predicting war in East Ukraine. Note how nukes play that role.… Image
Medvedev knows Image
Read 252 tweets
Jul 20, 2022
24h later > aliens appeared according to my question ..
It is ww3
Read 14 tweets
Jul 14, 2022
Borders of once Gran-Colombia comprise the current territories of the 🇨🇴 Colombia, 🇻🇪 Venezuela, the 🇪🇨 Ecuador, as well as 🇬🇾 Guyana Esequibo, 🇵🇦 Panama, the disputed 🇵🇪 Maynas and areas at the north of the 🇧🇷 Amazon Image
650b Image
Iran was in books, third front after Taiwan Image
Read 93 tweets
Jul 3, 2022
Chinese on Moon Image
Politics ImageImageImage
Food wars since 2011
creating cause, humans rights we are going to restore. By making coup, regime change, embargo, sanctions. Then invade by any means to establish our power. ImageImageImageImage
Read 525 tweets
May 18, 2022
What is luck?
What if causality is deterministic choice you made consistently over time that condensed into patternicity of self fulfilled prophecies?
So ..
There is deterministic space where you doomed to repeat all choices it programmed for.
There is non-deterministic space where you are free from causality to repeat but make new choices, which we called luck ..
Question is how cyclical that switch can be
Read 8 tweets
May 17, 2022
1/ Probabilities
Linear time is the constant flow of variable futures into a single immutable past.
The seemingly irreversible flow of linear time has its origins in quantum phenomena.
2/ Like a movie projector displaying successive frames to create the illusion of motion, so does consciousness continuously select from a stationary spectrum of realities which frame to experience next.
3/ The nondeterministic (unpredictable) nature of choice is what creates this one-way flow of time; at our level of existence, the collapse of a wave function cannot be reversed, and it is this collapse which generates time as we know it.
Read 16 tweets

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