What may happen to a child recruited or used by an armed force or armed group?
❗️Physical harm
❗️Sexual abuse
❗️Mental and psychological harm
❗️Family separation
❗️Lack of education
❗️Compromised future
No children should be subject to this.
This year, we mark the 15th anniversary of the #ParisPrinciples on recruitment of children into armed forces or armed groups.
These Principles and Commitments are a crucial to protect children in situations of armed conflict, and complement international law.
As 112 states and numerous #humanitarian organizations take leadership on this critical issue, we call for more States to endorse and implement the #ParisPrinciples and Commitments.
This will help in reducing child recruitment and support children’s reintegration into society.
The #ParisPrinciples are only as strong as their implementation.
Happy birthday to the 1949 #GenevaConventions! 69 years ago, after the horrific experiences of World War II, States gathered and adopted 4 Conventions at the Diplomatic Conference in #Geneva. Thread 👇🏼
One year before (in 1948), drafts of the Geneva Conventions were discussed at the 17th International conference of the Red Cross in Stockholm. #GenevaConventions
Sadly, Count Folke Bernadotte - the president of the Swedish Red Cross and president of the International Conference - was killed in Jerusalem a month after the conference.