I am very excited to announce the official launch of LlamaoGrants, a joint collaboration between @DefiLlama and @10b57e6da0 that looks to bring better transparency into Grants and Incentives programs across crypto.
1/ First off, how did we get here? Well, my background in the non profit space (IRL Sov has been Board President for a food bank for a number of years) and recent experiences with grants in the traditional sense got me thinking on how I would like to learn more on this topic.
2/ Like many of you I have been seeing one announcement after another around “Ecosystem Funds” and was curious as to how these programs work in comparison to some of the programs I have had personal experience with in a 501(c)(3).
3/ The best read I have found on this topic is from @joel_john95 and I would recommend everyone check it out
4/ Many of these Ecosystem Funds upon first glance, are a bit opaque in explaining how the funds will be managed and allocated so I thought this might be a great opportunity for me to learn a bit more on how they operate through a site I made.
5/ I started out by making a list and just growing it from there. I spent a lot of time on it and it grew quite a bit. I tried to find common pieces of information that made sense to collect across these programs.
6/ My hope was that I could help to provide greater clarity into programs and try to develop some kind of standard for how information was collected. You can see a bit of my approach on my blog where I have published some research reports.
7/ I developed a basic methodology and have adapted it a bit over time. The information isn’t complicated and really anyone can collect it if they are talking to the right people at these funds (and they have the information available themselves.)
8/ To be honest I found the project challenging and getting assistance from already busy people across all these programs would really never be possible by one person. I realized this and kept soldiering on building things out and creating my reports.
9/ A few days ago there was a conversation by one @Amplice and @0xngmi that I honestly couldn’t believe I suddenly found myself in the middle of.
This is where the concept of LlamaoGrants formed.
Read on, anon…
10/ As mentioned above, LlamaoGrants is intended to be a public good that provides information on Ecosystem Grants and Incentive Programs across crypto. The project is being developed on top of DefiLlama’s Wiki
12/ What does this have to do with @10b57e6da0? Read their purpose: “first and foremost a crypto community for technical and economic research and discussion, with a strong focus on DeFi”. The Lobs will be a crucial part in making sure this resource stays maintained and supported
13/ Cool story bro, now what?
Well anon, we have some work to do to build out the Wiki and maintain it over time. If this is a topic that interests you and you are looking for places to contribute this is your opportunity.
14/ Any and all willing anons that would like to contribute are welcome to join the DefiLlama Discord and find the crew in #wiki and #llamao-grants channels.
Everyone is welcome and absolutely everyone can contribute.