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Jun 10th 2023
There are a few so-called 'historians' spreading misinformation about the massacre of Jains by Shaivas/Nayamnars in Madurai during the 7th century CE.

Even left-leaning #wiki debunks this claim. Please help to stop the spread of this fake narrative. Share with others as much as…… ImageImage
As per @jainism_info This is historic site where Jain monks were killed , it is called raktasamanam ( blood of jains).

A plain translation of word 'raktasamanam' means 'blood of equality' or 'blood for honor' but this handle continued to perpetuate a false theory ?

2/ Image
@jainism_info The Impalement of Jains is an event that dates back to the 7th cen. It was first mentioned in an 11th-century hagiographic Tamil text by Nambiyandar Nambi.
As per text, Jain monks allegedly persecuted Sambandar, Shaivite child-saint, in 7th century and attempted to kill him.…… ImageImageImageImage
Read 13 tweets
Jun 9th 2023
Thread: #Alnatura. Der Bio-Lebensmittelhändler mit 1,12 Mrd € Umsatz entstammt der sektenhaften Weltanschauung #Anthroposophie Rudolf Steiners.

Alnatura fiel durch krude Esoterik, schlechte Arbeitsbedingungen und der Ablehnung von Gewerkschaft und Betriebsrat auf.

Thread 🧵
Gründer von #Alnatura ist der Anthroposoph und ehem. Waldorfschüler Götz Rehn. Seit den 1970ern hängt er dem esoterischen Glauben an. Er ist der Schwager des #dmDrogeriemarkt-Gründers und Anthroposophen Götz Werner und Professor an der privaten Schwurbel-Hochschule @wwwalanusedu.
Sein Leben und sein Unternehmen richtete #Alnatura-Gründer Götz Rehn nach Hellseher und Okkultist Rudolf Steiner aus. Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft will Rehn nach der sektenhaften #Anthroposophie und ihrer "Sozialen Dreigliederung" ausgerichtet sehen.
Read 27 tweets
Apr 25th 2023
Aich Surname Wikipedia

#Aich #Aitch #Aech #Surname #Kayastha #Kshatriya #Brahmin #Muslim #Hindu #Islam #Wiki #Austria #BadenWürttemberg #Germany #Bangladesh #Bikrampur #Dhaka

The following article requires a number of citations. The content has been collected & collaged from
the history of edits contributed by different people on the ‘Aich Surname’ page in Wikipedia. The link to the Aich Surname Wikipedia page is as follows.….

Aich (also spelled as Aitch) is a Hindu #Bengali surname belonging to the Maulika Kayastha
Aguri (agro) caste mainly found in Burdwan or Birbhuma and Hoogly.

Kayasthas are a sub-caste of Hindus, found across both historical and modern India. The #Kayasthas emerged as a sub-caste or Caste of the #Kshatriyas in Bengal during
Read 14 tweets
Feb 8th 2023
During my morning coffee, I had a good old chat with my friendly AI bot, to see what it had to say about Morpheus.Network and tokenization.

1/15 Thread

$MNW #AI #tokenization #digitaltwin #masternodes
First I wanted to know about the term tokenization that is often talked about:

"What is the relationship between Morpheus.Network and tokenization?"

Not a bad answer, but perhaps there is more to it, so I wanted some more details. A good follow up question is:

"Can you elaborate?"

Read 15 tweets
Feb 5th 2023
» Wir waren dabei: So lernen Klimaaktivisten sich festzukleben «
Von @MarieBusse4

Guter Beitrag zu #letztegeneration, auch wenn natürlich vieles heute schon überholt ist.

(kostenlos lesbar mit Anmeldung)…
@MarieBusse4 "Mehr über das Innenleben der Organisation „Letzte Generation“ wird nicht verraten. Wer die Straßen für die Blockaden aussucht … Wohin der „Support” die Informationen schickt … Nur so viel: Es gibt eine klare Hierarchie bei den Aktivisten."

Dafür gibt es doch das #Wiki
"Hintergrund der Recherche
Die „Letzte Generation“ hat nach mehreren Anfragen eingewilligt, eine Reporterin zum Training zuzulassen. Das gesamte Training durfte nicht begleitet werden, sondern nur der praktische Teil …"

Genau nach zentraler Vorgabe 👍
Read 5 tweets
Nov 15th 2022
"Schwarzbuch Wikipedia: Mobbing, Diffamierung und Falschinformation in der Online-Enzyklopädie und was jetzt dagegen getan werden muss."
von @AndreasMaeckler, @alex_baur, Tomasz M. Froelich, Walter Krämer, @HPloppa, Katrin McClean, Helmut Roewer, Niki Vogt, Harald Walach,
Jörg Wichmann, David Berger, Markus Fiedler, Günter Bechly, Claus Wolfschlag, Volkmar Weiss, Michael Kühntopf, Lorenzo Ravagli, Gunnar Melf Tobias Hamann, @arnehoffmann, Michael Klein, Torsten Walter, Heather Anne De Lisle
Durch Corona zurück zur DDR? – Autorin Katrin McClean im Gespräch via
Read 22 tweets
Sep 25th 2022
Why does the Government of India, Twitter or broadband service providers censor searchable adult content on Twitter like searching hashtag “Allie Haze”? @Twitter #adultcontent #porn #censorship #internet #sex #broadband @JioCare #jiofiber @internetfreedom Image
@Twitter @JioCare @internetfreedom Why does the Government of India, Twitter, or broadband service providers censor searchable adult content on Twitter like searching hashtag “Allie Haze”? Is it by court order? @PMOIndia @JioCare @internetfreedom @TwitterSupport @barandbench
@Twitter @JioCare @internetfreedom @PMOIndia @TwitterSupport @barandbench Did I miss something related to the twitter adult content censorship circular from the Government of India or the Court? @IndianExpress…
Read 23 tweets
May 30th 2022
Trending news of The Rock's daughter Simone Johnson's announcing her new Stage Name is breaking our Versus tool because "Wrestling Name" isn't in our database!

Here's the most useful #Factualist comparison pages #Thread 🧵 Image
What is the difference between “pseudonym” and “stage name?”

Pseudonym means “a fictitious name (more literally, a false name), as those used by writers and movie stars,” while stage name is “the pseudonym of an entertainer.”… #english #wiki #wikidiff
People also found this comparison helpful:

Alias #versus Stage Name: What’s the difference?

Alias means “another name; an assumed name,” while stage name means “the pseudonym of an entertainer.”… #Etymology #words
Read 6 tweets
May 20th 2022
attn @UTDCLisa @joan_zoellner -- no 3 on this list, "Quality Matters Accessibility Policy for Online Courses," (20pp PDF) is among best overviews I've seen on enacting organization-wide work to make #digital #content #accessible

Item 10, resources, lists core a11y


resources (#WCAG, which is foundational is covered n part 5b of pdf)

Resources I didn't see, so will add here for completeness -

DAISY Consortium - access to reading…

CAST: Center for Applied Special Technologies
AEM at CAST: (National Center on) Accessible Educational Materials…


What else? Still questing for 1 #accessibility #wiki to rule them all!
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May 9th 2022
I am very excited to announce the official launch of LlamaoGrants, a joint collaboration between @DefiLlama and @10b57e6da0 that looks to bring better transparency into Grants and Incentives programs across crypto.

Read on anon, this is exciting……
1/ First off, how did we get here? Well, my background in the non profit space (IRL Sov has been Board President for a food bank for a number of years) and recent experiences with grants in the traditional sense got me thinking on how I would like to learn more on this topic.
2/ Like many of you I have been seeing one announcement after another around “Ecosystem Funds” and was curious as to how these programs work in comparison to some of the programs I have had personal experience with in a 501(c)(3).
Read 16 tweets
Apr 4th 2022
@HaemmerliT @ANARCHkonf @LaeriPatrizia @metamythos @Wikipedia @elleXXcom @WikimediaCH @MurielStaub gerne. wird aber ein langer thread. nicht erschrecken.
zuerst etzt aber

04/04/2022 LIVE #DavidLynch's GLOBAL WEATHER REPORT #SwissAlps #medientheatar via @YouTube
@HaemmerliT @ANARCHkonf @LaeriPatrizia @metamythos @Wikipedia @elleXXcom @WikimediaCH @MurielStaub @YouTube 1

lass mich mich der kritik, der bewertung, mit der abwertung beginnen... du kennst ja meinen zugang:
@HaemmerliT @ANARCHkonf @LaeriPatrizia @metamythos @Wikipedia @elleXXcom @WikimediaCH @MurielStaub @YouTube 2

ufff.. und ich kannte deinen namen nicht. grosses entschuldiung.

alles bloss lustig (so?)
Read 30 tweets
Mar 16th 2021
#Avui fa 2️⃣0️⃣ anys va néixer la @Viquipedia en català. Menys de dos mesos abans els emprenedors californians Jimmy Wales i Larry Sanger havien posat la primera pedra de la gran enciclopèdia virtual. L'#etimologia del seu nom és ben curiosa. Obr fil @AlexHinojo Image
Al gener de 2001 estava de moda un nou model de pàgines web anomenades #wiki, que en idioma hawaià vol dir “ràpid". Així, una pàgina wiki és aquella que s’elabora amb programes d’edició que faciliten la creació de contingut per part de qualsevol visitant de la pàgina. ImageImage
A partir, doncs, del software wiki, Wales i Sanger no dubtaren a batejar el seu revolucionari projecte democràtic com a #wikipèdia, l’ “educació ràpida”, d’acord amb l’etimologia híbrida del terme. Image
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Oct 29th 2020
Systems thinkers: are there any systematic introductions to Systems Thinking you can point me to (microsites, videos, presentations, animations, visualisations)? Ideally visual, interactive, engaging & digestible by a total newbie? #systemsThinking #systemsEducation #senseMaking
I'm looking for existing projects/demos out there, similar to the ones created by @ncasenmare with @explorables, but specifically presenting Systems Thinking concepts. Another one is @vicapow's Explained Visually (btw: fantastic works). Any suggestions? by @ncasenmare is the closest thing I discovered so far, but is covering only causal loop diagrams (CLD). Another one is the GIF with dynamic stock and flow diagram of New product adoption model on the System dynamics #wiki article…
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Oct 22nd 2020
We're looking 👀 at Black Minority Ethnic herstories🧑🏿👩🏽 over #Lockdown & researching BAME suffrage activists in #Scotland ✊🏿✊🏽✊🏾 for 'Celebrating Scotland's Suffragettes'! So here's info👇🏾on 💥Ms Jessie Margaret Soga💥(1870-1954) in this thread👇🏾#BlackHistoryMonth
We're still gathering research 📚 & we've not found a picture of her YET🤞🏽but so far we know
Jessie Margaret Soga was:
* a 'prime mover' &Joint Secretary of the Women's Freedom League (Hillhead/Glasgow Branch)

#BlackHistoryMonthUK #BlackHistoryMonth2020 #BlackLivesMatter
* a regular donor of money, items and time to both the Women's Freedom League and the WSPU (Women's Social & Political Union)
* a singer and singing teacher, who trained in Milan and won a Royal Academy award


#BlackLivesMatterUK #Suffrage #Suffragettes 1899 Glasgow Herald - Miss Soga offers singing lessons in Gl
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Sep 24th 2020
Good morning #HeyPresstoConf20!

I’ll briefly show how I use my #WordPress website as an evolution of the Renaissance era commonplace book. This now often goes by the other names #wiki, #digitalgarden, #secondbrain, or #zettelkasten.…
Commonplaces are essentially scrapbooks filled with items of every kind: recipes, quotes, letters, poems, proverbs, prayers, formulas. Commonplaces are used by readers, writers, students, & scholars as an aide-mémoire for concepts/facts.
Commonplace books (or commonplaces) are a way to compile knowledge, usually by writing information into books. They have been kept from antiquity, and were kept particularly during the Renaissance and in the nineteenth century.
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