May 12, 2022 Fresno City Council meeting! The items on both the West Creek Village Development Agreement and Annual Action Plan have been CONTINUED until May 26th.;Item on Fresno PD military weapons;Kathy Bray to the Planning Commission; Tower Theater indemnity agreement;
subpoena of Tower owner Lawrence Abbate. #Fresno You can watch beginning at 9:00 am on @CMACTV
Among the Consent Calendar Items:1-B Reject all proposals for the removal of printing press and related equipment located at 1626 E Street, Fresno, California (Bid File 3851) (District 3)
1-I Memorandum of Understanding for Administrative Support between the City of Fresno and the Fresno Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District
1-K Approve a Consultant Services Agreement with Simon and Company, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $129,999.92 for Professional Lobbying and Consulting Services in Washington DC.
1-L Approve a Consultant Services Agreement with Campbell Strategy and Advocacy, LLC., for an Amount Not to Exceed $180,000 annually, for Professional Lobbying and Consulting Services.
1-M Approve an agreement between the City of Fresno and Fresno Humane Animal Services to provide animal control services in the amount not to exceed $ 6,500,000 for a 14-month term beginning May 12, 2022 through June 30, 2023.
1-N Approve the Appointment of Kathy Bray to the Planning Commission (Resident of District 7)
Actions pertaining to an agreement with Fresno-Madera Area Agency on Aging: 1. Approve a one-year agreement between the City of Fresno (City) and the Fresno-Madera Area Agency on Aging (FMAAA) for the Senior Hot Meals Program at seven senior center sites. The term of the
agreement is from the date of execution to June 30, 2024. 2. Authorize the Director of Parks, Afterschool, Recreation, and Community Services (PARCS) Department to execute the agreement on behalf of the City with FMAAA in the amount of $162,512 with $50,000 being appropriated in
Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 to support startup expenses. The agreement is funded by the American Rescue Plan and administrated by FMAAA with a 100% match requirement from the City; match will be met through volunteer hours and the in-kind value of space utilized for programming
according to the Master Fee Schedule. 3. ***RESOLUTION - Authorizing the PARCS Director to execute the agreement with FMAAA.
1-S RESOLUTION - Adopting the 62nd amendment to the Annual Appropriation Resolution (AAR) No. 2022-178 to appropriate $1,000,000 in the City of Fresno Local Housing Trust Fund (Requires 5 Affirmative Votes) (Subject to Mayor's Veto)
1-T BILL B- 10 (Intro. 4/28/2022) (For Adoption) - Adding Chapter 5, Article 6 to the Fresno Municipal Code establishing rules for the Fresno Police Department to fund, acquire and use military equipment as defined in Assembly Bill 481 (Subject to Mayor's Veto).
1-U Award a requirements contract to Landscape Maintenance of America dba California Highway Adoption Company, in the amount of $865,956 for a one year contract for highway litter removal.
1-W Approve an agreement for Professional Engineering Services with Provost and Pritchard Engineering Group Inc. in the amount $149,900 with $10,000 contingency for design and construction support services for Blackstone Ave Smart Mobility Project between Shields Avenue/McKinley
1-X Actions pertaining to the Audubon Avenue and Nees Avenue Traffic Signal Modification Project - Bid File 3821 (Council District 2): 1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption per staff determination pursuant to Section 15301/Class 1, Section 15302/Class 2, and Section
15304/Class 4 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines 2. Award a construction contract in the amount of $598,236.50 to American Paving Co., of Fresno, California
1-Z *Actions pertaining to Final Map of Tract No. 6211: RESOLUTION - Approving the Final Map of Tract No. 6211, of Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 6211, and accepting dedicated public uses offered therein except for dedications offered subject to City acceptance of developer
installed required improvements - located on the West side of North Millbrook Avenue, between East Nees Avenue and East Goshen Avenue (Council District 6)
1-DD Actions relating to Tower Theatre indemnity agreement: 1. Approve amendment to joint litigation, defense, and indemnity agreement by and between the City of Fresno, the Tower Theatre Entities, and Sequoia Brewery 2. Approve issuance of subpoena for Lawrence Abbate
1-EE ****RESOLUTION - Approving a program providing zero fare for seniors, Medicare card holders, and persons with disability placards (Subject to Mayor's Veto)
1-FF RESOLUTION- Declaring property at 887 Fulton Street generally located at the southwest corner of Fulton and Kern Streets (APN 468-282-21T) to be surplus and directing staff to comply with the Surplus Land Act (Subject to Veto).
Council meeting begins at 9:07 am with Vice Chair @Maxwell4Fresno running the meeting this morning.Soria and Esparza online with Arias, Bredefeld and Karbassi in person. Chavez will come in late.Pastor Brian Erickson from The Well with invocation.
Kathy Bray 1-N Planning Commission item continued to May 26. Arias pulls from Consent for discussion 1-U, 1-L, 1-O and Table 1-DD. Karbassi wants to keep 1-DD on Tower Theater on agenda.He says in order to subpeona Abbate it has to be attached to an item. Transparency is the key.
Abbate refused to speak at last Council meeting as it was a public meeting. Arias:this has been discussed many times in Closed Session. Maxwell:We already settled in a long meeting's vote. We will be picking at a scab. Karbassi's motion fails 2-4. 1-DD passes to be Tabled.
Proclamation for "CASA Awareness Day"sponsored by @kmkarbassi Issues effecting children is an issue in Fresno. They advocate for them. Wilma:we are court appointed advocate for Foster kids. to help by volunteering for only one child 10-15 hours per month
Proclamation of "National Public Works Week"
sponsored by Mayor and City Manager @gawhitefresno@MayorJerryDyer This is the team that effects every citizen of Fresno everyday.Maxwell:they have done lots in the one year I have been in office. Thousands of trees, pocket parks,
sidewalks etc. The residents appreciate it. @D7Esparza This Council is committed to rebuilding South Fresno and this team is who actually does the hard work. Staff:RusselThis includes Utility and FAX too
Proclamation for "National Bike Month" sponsored by Maxwell and Karbassi.@mmwpro63@PhilArballo to these people we try to make everyday Bike Day. We are trying to put protective bike lanes in every district. This group puts on Bike Rodeos. @kmkarbassi This group works even
harder than the Planning Commission. I know the goal of BPAC is Vision Zero. Laura from District 4:we all are dependent on infrastructure and safe. Mid-Town Trail is taking awhile but it is not time to quit. Arballo:my son just learned to ride a bike. I got involved with BPAC 7
years ago with the goal to make bicycling is safe for kids and adults. We will get to Vision Zero. @mmwpro63 Matthew represents District 2thanks the new Coordinator Carla. We are ranked Bronze but I hope we are ranked Silver next. Tony Molina:Thanks all the Councilmembers.
Carla Gonzales is the new coordinator. We will also miss City Attorney Doug Sloan who is a bicycle advocate. We will miss him! William Saroyan says the bicyclist it the most noblest invention. Gonzales:we look forward to new infrastructure.
Proclamation for "Older Americans Month" sponsored by @D7Esparza Maxwell:my generation depends on the older generations. The Senior Center is now a viable item.I also have free bus fare for Older citizens on the Agenda too. @gawhitefresno I grew up with my grandparents and their
wisdom. We cannot forget those who came before us.We have made progress on the Senior Center and the Mayor is working hard to find resources to pay for the activities. Esparza:Thanks Dr. Bill and Dottie Smith for coming down today. It is time to give back to those who have given
much to the community. Dottie smith:I have always been a community advocate. We always need to remember that there are others behind us. Dr. Bill:Electric cars for seniors but we need more. A public workshop will occur during Budget Hearings.
Chavez (now here) :Mentions Dailey Elementary students are here. Soria :they are our future leaders. They will be having a mock council meeting too!
Council Comments:Arias: mentions that Dailey Dragons will have mock council. They will debate a new park or a new grocery store instead. Also a new Punjabi mural will go up.Parking meters downtown would like more warnings for residents. Also EV chargers downtown have been
damaged again. Last time it took a year to repair. Chavez:thanks grafitti removal team. It seems more active. We need to make the 15 trucks a priority during budget hearing. Also @BeautifyFresno clean up at old Hanoians Grocery store this Saturday Butler and Cedar.
@gawhitefresno We will be taking a field trip to Camp Fresno. Also a Homekey Grant was awarded for Parkway Inn.
Unscheduled Public Comments:Garry Dosko Has some issues with Poverello House among other items.Fernando:says he heard Bredefeld is a racist and if true he needs to repent.Also asks Counsel Sloan to investigate Code Enforcement.I will have a meeting with Administrative Office soon
Cindy Flambino:In favor of Zero Bus Fare item on the Agenda today. Also: HART Team is destroying homeless items and not give them enough time to remove their belongings.
Jessica Mahoney:Glad the 1-DD Tower Theater issue. But neighborhood doesn't think Zoning item is being resolved. Adventure Church is encouraging Proud Boys who follow us home or shout out our addresses.
Carla Martinez:From Leadership counsel. 1-S Housing Trust Fund is important . She also said Arias has held budget hearings for his residents. Encourage other councilmembers to do the same. @LC_ACT
@LisaYFlores1 Kathy Bray appointment to Planning Commission She works for a temp agency and there maybe a conflict with large warehouse items. Also she was part of General Plan with little Environmental Justice and that focuses on business over the residents.
Robert McCloskey:Fresno PD homeless removal sweeps forces the residents into more dangerous situations.Two have been killed recently including one that was stabbed. Also the military weapons for PD is double dipping for Defense industry. We need to know who will pay for this. We
the taxpayers should not have to pay for it twice. Also we don't have money for schools due to that. Alicia Rodriguez:Tower Theater indemnify and agrees with Maxwell that it would be picking at a scab. Measure P money goes to arts as well. We need long term investment in south of
Shaw. We have been called names by white supremicists. Pastor Flores was give two chances to speak. Melanie Lamp:Tower Specific Plan needs to be enforced and have church be removed. @LovesMercy Friends tried to remove their belongings but had HART team dump their food coolers
rather than let them get it moved. There are no other places to go.Shields and Valentine area is next camp cleanup. If so make sure motel rooms are guaranteed. Dez Martinez:County's Days Inn have already evicted homeless. They are offering $450 check to leave. It is a County
item but it is becoming a City issue as they will sleep on the sidewalks.We need help now. We were promised nobody will be evicted.$450 will not last a week for an unhoused person. Haley White @junkyardqueenie Letters from Bill Richardson. Feigned outrage. Bredefeld fought for
In God We Trust sign in Council chambers.He perpetuated the Advenure Churches lies that we are terrible people.Preston Moore:Poles are put up to keep out RV from vacant lot but there are RVs parked for weeks there. They should be towed. The neighbors deserve better. District 3 is
already overburdened.Ruben Espinoza:Militarized weapons for PD and the authorized usage is very broad. The equipment is very dangerous and used primarily in neighborhoods of color. Community needs more time to discuss this.
Lethal Garcia:Shields and Valentine cleanup needs to have a place to go too. They also need a place to clean up. They also need dumpsters. Soria:recuses herself from 1-FF. Happy to see 1-S on Housing Trust Fund on the consent. The Weldon Pocket park begins with 1-Y vacation.
Zero Fare bus fares is necessary today. Remainder of Consent Calendar approved 7-0.
1-B *Reject all proposals for the removal of printing press and related equipment located at 1626 E Street, Fresno, California (Bid File 3851) (District 3)
Staff:we will go back out in 3 weeks
Arias agrees. Approved 7-0. @gawhitefresno Public Utility Director is Brock Nealy (Sp).
1-L 1-L Approve a Consultant Services Agreement with Simon and Company, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $129,999.92 for Professional Lobbying and Consulting Services in Washington DC.
mayor is for online gambling. I want to be sure this lobbyist won't be used for that.Staff John:This is something the mayor advocates for but these lobbyists won't be used for that. Arias:We need to be sure Council approves the policies the lobbyists advocate for and not just
for the Mayor's views.
Chavez:all the Council needs to get a summary report of lobbyist's items . Arias: Such as No on Fresno State stadium tax @GarryBredefeld I want to be sure the information flows to all of us. John Ellis:My door is always opened.Bredefeld:I want to be sure
to see the lobbyists are beneficial. Soria:$25,000 budget allocation was generated by lobbyist efforts.APPROVED 7-0
1-O Actions pertaining to an agreement with Fresno-Madera Area Agency on Aging: 1. Approve a one-year agreement between the City of Fresno (City) and the Fresno-Madera Area Agency on Aging (FMAAA) for the Senior Hot Meals Program at seven senior center sites. The term of the
agreement is from the date of execution to June 30, 2024. CBDG, Measure P helps pays for this says Aldy (sp). We hope to be able to keep Senior meals going after this one year is up. We will hope to add additional sites to offer Senior meals even in the evening.APPROVED 7-0
1-U Award a requirements contract to Landscape Maintenance of America dba California Highway Adoption Company, in the amount of $865,956 for a one year contract for highway litter removal.Arias:this is to clean the freeways. We awarded this to local bidder even if higher
bid but City wanted lowest bidder. Now City wants to stay with current even if higher just because they have the experience now. Soria:Cannot get that experience with out having a shot. I want local bidder awarded.Sloan:You can approve using term "best value" and not low bidder
@gawhitefresno Scrub Can does a good job cleaning at City Hall but can they do that along freeways? and be safe? It is risky. @GarryBredefeld what led staff to pick the firm they did? Staff:it came down to experience of working on highways and Landscape has done it for 27 years.
White: i don't think Scrub Can would bid on it unless they didn't think they could do it. But it was the experience on freeway. StaFF:4% cost difference. Cal Trans staff recommends Landscape and we have not had any issues.They do hire locally too. Scrub Can has experience with
janitorial but not with high speed traffic. Perhaps they can start cleaning local roads to get experience. Bredefeld:we are getting the goal of getting locals hired plus the experience of working along freeways. Unfair to reject Landscape when they accomplish the goals we want.
I will vote for landscape. Chavez: I always pushed for local bidders for this and now we have it. Staff:it is a one year contract with 4 year options. It would start in 60 days. Chavez:we have a record with both companies. Any safety issues with either? White:Not that I know of.
Staff:It has been positive with both firms.Chavez:If so I would go with local bidder. Karbassi:i originally wanted a local bidder but this company Landscape has done a great job with freeways.Citizens just wants clean freeways. APPROVED 5-2 with Karbassi and Bredefeld voting NO
11 AM Appearance by John A. Costa to discuss the Roles and Benefits of Amalgamated Transit union (ATU) at the Federal and Local Levels Keep busses going despite a pandemic. They could not work at home during that with many dying. Luckily in Fresno we had none dying. Respect
by keeping money flowing so busses going. People say they are heroes etc but when it comes to wage negotiations. Also a camera that stays on them the entire time is troublesome. If there is an emergency we can still go back and look at the video but to have the cameras going all
the time is not necessary. There is talk of a strike otherwise. Other sources to leverage from Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigege. Thanks Chavez and Karbassi from meeting with him. Soria:the others up here are also supportive of our drivers. But lack of information the past
few years has been been an issue. We need to hear it from all parties. The video cameras ? What is the industry standard on those? Castro:In New Jersey Transit has it but California standard of 30 minute video forward and backwards. Council got something from the drivers to risk
their lives the past two years but cameras are an issue.Soria:I didn't know that was the industry standard.Arias:This is the most union friendly council ever. But I have seen lots of leadership changes from your group. There is a communication gap. We are responsible for trans-
porting the poorest people in the country to grocery stores, doctor's appointments and poultry plants. But a chilling effect when you speak of a strike. Castro:is this the time for concessions and lack of respect after the pandemic. We had drivers pass away. Karbassi:Some of us
have a thicker skin than others. Castro is right the drivers risked their lives. But this is the land of Reagan and he said "Trust but verify".
Maxwell: this is not an actionable item but we will discuss this in Closed Session.This is the end of Open Session. I want to point out that in my first day of presiding over Council we finished that portion before Lunch he jokes (11:37 am).We will now go back for Closed Session
items that include Wesley United Methodist Church property negotiations, Chinatown Code Enforcement issue, Sequoia Brewing as well as Adventure Church claim against City of Fresno.
Fresno County Board of Supervisors meeting May 3, 2022! Lots of proclamations/resolutions this morning including Oakland Raider great Daryle Lamonica who passed away recently. Also on Agenda is a verbal report on Suicide Survivors Program. Among the Consent Calendar are:
22.Adjourn in Memory for Randal "Randy" Rocca
23. Proclaim May 9 -13, 2022 as "Juror Appreciation Week"
Fresno City Council meeting April 28, 2022! Among the items include rules for the Fresno Police Department to fund, acquire and use military equipment as defined in Assembly Bill 481;Fireworks Ordinance, to add liability for "social hosts" and increase the fine structure of the
fireworks ordinance;contracts with federal and state lobbyists;Community Truck Reroute Study;Establishing the City of Fresno Women's Commission.#Fresno@fresnoland
Among the Consent Calendar :1-E BILL (for introduction) - Amending the Fireworks Ordinance, FMC sections 10-55602.2 to 10-55602.4, to add liability for "social hosts" and increase the fine structure of the fireworks ordinance. (Subject to Mayor's Veto)
April 21, 2022 Fresno City Council meeting!Among the items today is the Purchase of Tower Theater by the City of Fresno; 3 WORKSHOPS on Animal Shelter; Downtown Fresno Partnership and Covid Emergency Orders;Also Homeless Housing;Travel by Trail, Fresno!;First Street Cycle Track;
RESOLUTION - Adopting the City of Fresno Tree Policy. #Fresno@fresnoland
Among the lengthy Consent Agenda items:1-I &Reject all bids for a two-year Requirements Contract, with options for three one-year extensions for the purchase of Solar Real Time Digital Displays for bus stops as no responsive bids were received
April 19th, 2022 Fresno County Board of Supervisors meeting! On the agenda include transferring American Rescue Plan dollars to Internal Services Dept;Update on Code Enforcement;Revenue Agreement for Future Sale of Landfill Gas as Renewable Energy at the American Avenue Disposal
Site;a one-time allocation of $3,176,888 in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act;
Selected Consent Calendar items:21. Proclaim May 2022 as Older Americans Month in Fresno County
April 5th, 2022 Fresno County Board of Supervisors meeting! Among the items are using ARPA funds for A Garlic Festival, Calwa’s Swimming pool, and both the North Central Fire District and Fresno County Fire Protection District as well. A Variety of Voter’s Choice Act
implementation reimbursement items too. Selected Consent Calendar include: 20. &Adopt a resolution recognizing the 20th Anniversary of the Clovis Botanical Gardens
March 24,2022 Fresno City Council meeting! Among the items include Flag raising protocols; Councilmember Bredefled’s request to revoke Councilmembers’ credit cards and audit;WORSHOPS on Airport Concessions as well as West Fresno’s CAN (California Ave Neighborhood)Planning effort
88 Unit Transit Oriented Development which is Among the Consent Agenda items:1-I Actions pertaining to the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (SJVAPCD) (Council District 1): 1. ***RESOLUTION - Authorizing the City of Fresno to accept a grant in the amount of
$1,843,572 from the SJVAPCD for the development of 88 multifamily residential units and commercial/ retail space at 1501 N. Blackstone Avenue TOD project (Subject to Mayor's Veto) 2. ***RESOLUTION - adopting the Amendment to the Annual Appropriation Resolution (AAR) No. 2022-