1. Why is the AEC not willing to extend phone voting to these affected people?
2. How many postal vote applications did the AEC receive between Saturday and Tuesday 6pm?
3. Given that anyone affected by this is now legally required to vote, but also legally required to isolate at home, which law would the @AusElectoralCom advise them to break?
As above, it would be easy for the AEC to fix this and ensure 201,000+ voters are not disenfranchised.
If this affects you or a family member directly, please DM me your name, phone number and electorate
Since posting about the disenfranchisement of voters who have recently tested positive, I've heard from many who are personally affected and very distressed.
I have engaged a legal team to look at what can be done to ensure that all Australians can vote.
The mural comprised 4 panels, one designed by long-term Kew resident W.H. Chong, the remainder by renowned Melbourne designer Georgia Perry. The mural was painted by Wall Lords, a local arts group.
Left: statements from W.H. Chong and Wall Lords
Right: Jess from Wall Lords
Our political opponents are accusing us of vandalism(!), but the story is much more complex than that.
Something happened between Tuesday and Friday, and we’re hoping to get to the bottom of it ASAP.