@euanashley's plenary talk: 'The potential of ultra-rapid #nanopore genome sequencing for critical care medicine', will begin in 5 minutes — check out the agenda to find out what else is in store: bit.ly/3M3WlwM#nanoporeconf
@euanashley EA: seeing a $398k car, I recently thought that if luxury cars had dropped in cost as much as sequencing, I could have bought the car for 1c #nanoporeconf
EA: its not enough to have confidence in the genomic data, sometimes we need speed too. #nanoporeconf
EA: introducing Matthew, who was diagnosed with heart failure after admission with suspected COVID. His heart was pushing barely 10% of the blood that was needed. Crashed onto ECMO and prepared for surgical implantation of artifical heart. #nanoporeconf
In cases like this, rapid genetic information could potentially be useful to help understand whether there was a genetic basis for such a heart condition #nanoporeconf
EA: But sequencing is too slow, surely? Not necessarily - Kingsmore et al had already brought whole genome sequencing timelines down significantly. But that wasn't standard - ordering from WGS service providers would still take days #nanoporeconf
EA: when thinking about this problem, we considered that the @nanopore PromethION would be the only tech capable of delivering whole genomes in very short timelines. So, we started working with Gordon and team as well as @Google, @ucscgenomics , @Baylor, @Nvidia#nanoporeconf
EA: we developed a bespoke workflow that compressed each part of the prep, sequencing and analysis workflow. At the time the world record was 19.5 hours #nanoporeconf
EA: needed to parallelize analysis to make it faster; worked on many aspects of the workflow so that we could perform basecalling at the same time as transferring the data to the cloud, analysis, etc. #nanoporeconf
EA: Curation of the data-the "last mile is still manual"; at this stage we could get to identifying variants at 11.25 hours. We were able to repeat the analysis workflow on multiple samples, still improving the process asking questions eg "is barcoding necessary?" #nanoporeconf
EA: we showed that the F1 scores with and without barcodes were identical; with that we had confidence to remove the barcoding step, completing each whole genome sample in under 12 hours. #nanoporeconf
EA: the potential to apply rapid sequencing in the future is huge. A colleague in neonatal ICU told me he would like to sequence two thirds of their cases #nanoporeconf
EA: the Ferrari would be driving at 14 million metres per second, if we speeded it up as much as we have speeded up whole genome sequencing. Enormous thanks to everyone on the hugely collaborative team #nanoporeconf
10 minute reminder: @VanessaPorter will be on stage in the auditorium shortly with her talk: 'Identification of novel #genomic structures and regulation patterns at #HPV integration events in cervical #cancer'. #nanoporeconf
VP: HPV is a necessary driver of cervical cancer. HPV integration is present 70% of cervical cancers. Often disrupts E2 gene & causes structural rearrangements. #nanoporeconf
VP: HPV integration often upregulated neighbouring genes. #nanoporeconf