10 minute reminder: @VanessaPorter will be on stage in the auditorium shortly with her talk: 'Identification of novel #genomic structures and regulation patterns at #HPV integration events in cervical #cancer'. #nanoporeconf
VP: HPV is a necessary driver of cervical cancer. HPV integration is present 70% of cervical cancers. Often disrupts E2 gene & causes structural rearrangements. #nanoporeconf
VP: HPV integration often upregulated neighbouring genes. #nanoporeconf
VP: We used nanopore sequencing to characterise 44 cervical cancer clinical research samples. We looked at SNPs, SVs, methylation & phasing. #nanoporeconf
VP: To call HPV breakpoints we called SVs and identified translocations. The benefits of long reads - we can identify integration events that "span multiple chromosomes". #nanoporeconf
VP: identified three common resolutions of two breakpoint integration events. Deletions, duplications and extrachromosomal DNA (ecDNA) #nanoporeconf
VP: we were able to identify both simple (2 breakpoints) & complex ecDNA integration (multiple breakpoints) #nanoporeconf
VP: Most common integration event = multi integration, followed by ecDNA. Preverlance of integration events is different for HPV subtypes. #nanoporeconf
VP: Major advantage of #nanopore sequencing is the ability to detect and phase #methylation. We were able to identify of #HPV methylation across broad regions of the genome. #nanoporeconf
@euanashley's plenary talk: 'The potential of ultra-rapid #nanopore genome sequencing for critical care medicine', will begin in 5 minutes — check out the agenda to find out what else is in store: bit.ly/3M3WlwM#nanoporeconf
@euanashley EA: seeing a $398k car, I recently thought that if luxury cars had dropped in cost as much as sequencing, I could have bought the car for 1c #nanoporeconf
EA: its not enough to have confidence in the genomic data, sometimes we need speed too. #nanoporeconf