Working on the @remix_run Fakebooks app in preparation for the Advanced Remix workshop at #RemixConf. Adding form validation and I am again struck by how much @mjackson and @ryanflorence nailed it with @remix_run. So freaking powerful.
Just had another moment like that when implementing the pending UI stuff. (backend arbitrarily slowed to demonstrate this). The code for this is so simple and straightforward. Also shout-out to @meijer_s's package for avoiding a flash of loading state.
And don't forget the prefetching going on here. These transitions would take even longer without that. 🔥
Actually when I click the "Ocean Avenue" customer, the reason it loads so fast is because it was prefetching in the background when I moused-over that row.
It's just magical.
I've never been so excited to teach something. You #RemixConf workshop attendees are in for a real treat!
I feel bad though. We could fill two more workshops with the waiting list. Don't worry though! This will all eventually make its way to a course you can enjoy.
Tonight I got t-boned by a guy running a stop sign in a residential area going 80-100 mph. The seatbelt broke my collar bone and the airbags broke my front teeth. The dashboard trapped my feet and knees in the car for 20 minutes while they ripped the top of the car off to get me.
I have surgery in the morning to repair my collar bone. I'm in pain, but not as much as I would expect.
The guy who hit me flipped over and fled the scene. I was told he later came back and was arrested. I guess that means he was physically ok.
There's a very good possibility that had I not been driving a @Tesla with the heavy battery pack in the floor of the car and their safety features, I would have flipped and possibly died. (I'm now even more of a Tesla fanboy #SorryNotSorry).
If you think that @remix_run is coming for you Next.js users... I mean, we'd love to have you as users of Remix and all, but you're not really our target...
@remix_run Some people (a minority) are reading *way* too much into this. This isn't a jab at next. This is showing that Remix is an evolution of React Router. It was never about competing with Next, it was always about serving our React Router users better.
@remix_run The reason for the download chart is to show what our ambitions are. We have way bigger plans than just to compete with another framework.
So I use @cloudinary to handle image optimization and transformations on (more details:…). However, their pricing for bandwidth is outrageously high and with the amount of traffic I get it's...
... just way more than I'm willing to pay.
So I decided that since @Cloudflare is dirt cheap for bandwidth I could put that in front of @cloudinary and save big time. One problem here is that @cloudinary's HTTP cache-control header marks its images as "private" and ...
... doesn't provide an s-maxage value (which makes sense because @cloudinary doesn't really want you to do this). Unless I missed something, this means @Cloudflare won't be able to cache these images with those headers. So ...
Pushing this change now. You now have to click the login link with the same device that requested the link or it won't work.
If you want to login with your mobile device but have trouble accessing the link, then you can login on desktop and scan the QR code on your profile :)
Like I said. I originally had this in place, but gave in when people complained about being able to use the login link on a different device. That was the wrong choice.
Now even if someone gets your login link, they won't be able to login for you because the link won't work!
Don't believe the FUD. @Tesla cars/solar/batteries are the best in the business and only getting better. And they're doing more to reduce climate change than anyone else.