I fear that overturning Roe v Wade is just the beginning with the ultraconservative GOP and Supreme Court. Griswold v Connecticut will be next making contraception illegal, then Lawrence v Texas which will make any sex outside of marriage illegal.
Of course Obergfell v Hodges will be overturned as well. We are entering a new dark ages. Women and children will be reduced to being the property of men. LGBTQ people will have to go back into the closet or be thrown into prison or worse.
We are supposed to make progress, not regress to the past. The Supreme Court should be making more people free, not taking away rights from minorities. We are becoming more like Russia and Nazi Germany every day.
The Handmaids Tale should be fiction, not a guide to turn America into a fascist theocracy. The church should be separate from the state, not one in the same. Once the church becomes the state, which Christian sect will be the state religion?
What about people who are not Christian like Muslims, Hindu's and Jewish people? Will they be forced to convert? What of the Amish and Mennonites? All of these people may face persecution or worse with a Christian Theocracy.
How far will this "angry white man" crap go in order to make them feel like they will be the ones calling the shots? How much more dumbing down will happen in the country? We should be pushing for more math and science, not making such people into scapegoats.
How dark will we make the future? I can now understand how the Mayans and the Incas disappeared. They made great advancements only to be destroyed by people that were afraid of change. Thats what modern conservatism is all about.
They dont like change that make people more equal. The fact that white men may soon be the minority and they are scared to death that women, sexual minorities and people of color will treat them as badly as white men treated the minorities.
I shouldn't have to fear the future being transgender. All I want to do is live in peace. What goes on behind a persons closed doors between consenting adults should not be anyones business.