Do your friends, family, associates find it hard to believe that there are males in women's prisons and jails in 🇺🇸?
Do they have assumptions about what sort of males these might be?
Here's some data. 1/14
There are males in women's prisons and jails in 🇺🇸 largely due to regulations under the Prison Rape Elimination Act, known as PREA Standards. While the Act itself did not contemplate cross-sex housing, the Standards (at 28 CFR 115.42(c)) almost casually reference it: 2/14
PREA Standards (at 28 CFR 115.42(g)) also forbid having dedicated or segregated units for trans-identifying inmates. More aggressive litigation and enforcement has meant that informal such units have been disbanded: 3/14
States adhere to PREA Standards in order to receive fullest federal funding possible. More & more states (CT, MA, CA, ME, etc.) are passing their own laws which go further than the Standards in housing according to "gender identity." CA law details: 4/14
States & municipalities are also issuing new policies w/o going through law-making. (See NYC, Washington State, New Jersey.) Similar to the laws being passed, these policies are entirely self-ID, no requirement of medicalization, etc. Details of NJ: 5/14
Under 15% of trans-identifying males have undergone genital surgery. There are males with fully intact genitalia in women's prisons and jails throughout the United States. 6/14…
60+% of trans-identifying males say they are sexually attracted to women. (And this from a survey of males not trying to declare an unverifiable non-disprovable identity to opt into women's prison.) 7/14 transequalityorg./sites/default/files/docs/usts/USTS-Full-Report-Dec17.pdf
A long-term study has shown that males who have undergone "sex reassignment" surgery still "retained a male pattern regarding criminality." 8/14…
48% of federal trans-identifying male inmates are imprisoned for a "sex offense." This compares to (next tweet) fewer than 12% of the general population (all men and all women) of federal inmates. FOUR TIMES THE RATE. 9/14…
48% of federal male inmates identifying as "trans" are imprisoned for a "sex offense." (Prior tweet) This compares to fewer than 12% of the general population (all men and all women) of federal inmates. FOUR TIMES THE RATE. 10/14…
38+% of federal trans-identifying male inmates are at a "high" security level compared to 12+% of the general population of federal inmates. (next tweet) 11/14…
38+% of federal trans-identifying male inmates are at a "high" security level (prior tweet) compared to 12+% of the general population of federal inmates. 11/14…
In California 33.8% of the trans-identifying males seeking to transfer to the women's prisons are registered sex offenders. 12/14
86% of women in jail have experienced pre-incarceration sexual violence. This is an already traumatized population. The U.S. is placing genitally intact, female-attracted, violent, sexually-offending criminal males in women's prisons and jails. 13/…
Even were these males not disproportionately sex offenders, even if their crimes were not violent, even if they were castrated, even if they were not attracted to women, males do not belong in women's intimate spaces. It is distressing and harmful to women. 14a/14
In no universe is it a human right for males - however they identify - to shower, sleep and use toilet facilities with and next to vulnerable traumatized women. 14b/14 #KeepPrisonsSingleSex
Update to tweets 9-11 with data current as of August 2023:
Via a FOIA request, KPSS has received 2024 data on “Transgender Offenders” incarcerated with the federal Bureau of Prisons. Let’s walk through some of the key data and compare it to the general BOP prison population: 1/5
Trans-identifying males are almost FOUR TIMES as likely to be incarcerated for a sex offense as the gen'l prison pop (all men and women). 2/5
Data shows that trans-identifying males are almost THREE TIMES as likely to have a security level of "high" compared with the general BOP prison population (all men and women).
KPSS is non-partisan.
But ... three of the four candidates on the major party tickets for President and VP have an existing record of how they would address the issue of keeping prisons single sex.
We think you should know their records. 1. Trump, 2. Harris, 3. Walz.
The record of @realDonaldTrump on the issue of keeping prisons single sex:
President Obama's Bureau of Prisons issued a Transgender Manual.
The Trump administration revised it.
They were constrained by existing PREA regs, but here are some changes they made: 2/13
The Trump admin revised the Transgender Offender Manual to make biological sex, not "gender identity," the default deciding factor in housing determinations in federal prison.
It required consideration of other inmates, including histories of trauma and privacy concerns. 3/13
🚨 Despite the disastrous results of the since-modified 2021 policy (multiple pregnancies, reports of assaults, absolutely petrifying men being housed with women), the NJ legislature is considering a law mandating prison housing according to self-declared "gender identity." 1/
The law would explicitly REMOVE Dept of Corrections' ability to take into account factors such as criminal history (rapists welcome) and likelihood of perpetrating abuse (all violent offenders welcome) and security threat levels. DOC could NOT review on a case-by-case basis: 2/
The 2021 policy operated on a "presumption" of housing in accordance with an inmate's "gender identity".
In response to a FOIA request, KPSS has received a current (Aug 19, 2023) Transgender Inmate Report from 🇺🇸 Bureau of Prisons.
Let's break down some of the info on these pages. 1/6
Population numbers of inmates id'ing as "trans" in 🇺🇸 *federal* prison: According to BOP:
An update to the below 🧵 and a HEAD'S UP:
In 2024 there will be a voter referendum to enshrine "sex" and "gender identity" in the New York State Constitution. All single sex spaces, incl'g prisons, in New York could be deemed discriminatory and in violation of Constitution. 1/
The second step in the Constitutional Amendment process occurred January 2023. The NYS legislature passed the Amendment for the second time (in a separate session from the first time), which means it is on its way to a referendum by the voters in 2024. 2/…
Millions of dollars are being poured into a vote-yes campaign with a focus on the portion of the amendment enshrining access to abortion in the New York State Constitution. 3/…
Yet again a murderously violent man who targeted women is being housed in a women's prison. Why is this particular placement so maddening and what can we do? 1/
First, the story, which many of you know, but some do not: In Nov 2016, widely-platformed "trans" activist Dana Rivers (formerly known as David Warfield) was arrested, covered in blood and gasoline, leaving the East Oakland, California home of Patricia Wright & Charlotte Reed. 2/
(Over a decade earlier, Warfield became a public activist after being terminated from his teaching position after discussing with students that he had been sodomized and his plans to "transition.") 3/…