But I suppose it's easier for the firearm-ignorant media to attack ArmaLite, Inc. and other gun manufacturers while completely fudging the history of firearms instead of acknowledging your own role in the inspiration of mass shootings in this country.
As recent as 2015, Mark Follman and Becca Andrews for @MotherJones were still doing the right thing, and acknowledging that media inspire mass shootings.
They cited many of the same studies/law enforcement officials as we did.
"How the Media Inspires Mass Shooters" (10/6/2015)
On May 14, I tweeted studies on how irresponsible media coverage of mass shootings inspires others, and further, that media have long known this but they do NOT care.
"Contagion in Mass Killings and School Shootings" spec. cites a 13-day media contagion period.
This is exactly how law enforcement and academia have been telling media outlets to handle mass shootings for years, to include everyone from the FBI to Ivy League.
Those are their homies and yet they still ignore them because for media, ideology first.
Coming 🔜: The percentage of voters who believe at least some UFOs/UAPs can be attributed to extraterrestrial intelligence visiting the Earth has increased again this year, despite 1) those claiming a personal sighting was largely unchanged and 2) voters holding more REP views.
More 🔜: The increase in percentage of those who believe UFOs/UAPs are --> 👽 might also be fueled by a significant increase from the 58.6% who said last year that they "believe intelligent lifeforms exist elsewhere in the universe".
🆕➡️: Annual UFOs / UAPs Survey Results Are Out!
This year, 42.6% of voters believe at least some sightings can be attributed to extraterrestrial intelligence visiting Earth, ⬆️ again from 38.5% last year.
Inflation, which is caused by printing supply, which the Biden Administration did, was primarily fueled by energy and food prices, both being the product of government policy.
Looking only to the Fed was and is foolish. They're a one-trick pony and they waited too late.
Food shortages were caused by bottle-necking the supply chain and the stupid plan to put government imposed restrictions on commerce to deal with a pandemic.
Fearing risk to inventory buildup grew under Joe Biden, as the ISM panel clearly showed.