WHAT THE F*** !?!?
Since when are Massacres “Acts of God”?
This guy is not well mentally, Definitely would recommend getting himr help before being shipped off to prison where he just may fulfill his purpose of being taken advantage of .. Nothing he says truly matters, it’s
nothing but worthless noises coming from entities that know THEY’RE all going to prison. Trying to control A narrative forcing the people to stay divided is all THEY have. I feel sorry for those in the world who think bety is a good man.
Anyways, It’s VERY easy to see what
agenda all of these individuals have, now more than ever ...
What does the Bible say about judging Others?
What does the Bible say pertaining to pointing fingers?
What does the Bible say about forgiveness?
I’m willing to bet, bety was on the toilet 5/24/22 with his
tighty Whiteys down at his ankles with cell phone in hand, waiting eagerly for The text/call about what MANY had Pre existing knowledge about WEEKS/MONTHS in advance of what was going to be taking please.
All of it for corrupt evil political agendas—bety just getting the news,
immediately jumps for joy that he could finally point his finger instead of going the unity route with his fellow man.
THAT move right there THEY all make, refusing to unite leading by example during “Times like these”, 117% PROVES who THEY truly are—The once real, now fake
(have been fake for A long time/REALLY BAD ACTORS) Evil puppet politicians taking order from Puppet masters always have had 1 main goal, do whatever it takes too never let the truth see the light of day ..
Everything EVIL has been doing in the dark within every layer of life
THEY’VE infiltrated, along with all those who sold THEIR SOULS for fortune, fame & or
“Power” #BECOMING puppets—The puppets Are the ones who take the fall for THEIR puppet masters & THEIR words at this moment in time mean absolutely NOTHING … The puppets have been taking
orders from the shadows for MANY years•keeping humanity enslaved, dumbed down, drugged, sick, poisoned, obese, chemically out of balance, divided, poor, faithless, hopeless, living in FEAR, worshipping money & worshipping fake corrupt evil government/politicians.
Anyone else also notice how bety couldn’t hold it in for more than A few hours about taking guns away ?
-“when he becomes resident I will take Every single privately owned gun away From United States citizens” …
Man, he makes it way to obvious, so obvious to the Point you can really tell he is trying his hardest to be taken seriously.
I see him being one of those really sick
individuals who, it turns him on seeing people suffering/others in pain ..
Like some 4574 shades of gray type shyt! 🤢 🤮
Top 10 puppets who are The absolute worst of the worst out of every single puppet bad actor the Country has ever had to deal
with these past 07-17 years …
Meaning, the other puppets made it somewhat of A challenge figuring THEM out, not bety though. Without judging A book by It’s cover, out here in the streets, where I come from, he’s A glazed Donut … #SAWFT & I guarantee you doesn’t know how to
treat women with Respect ..
Here, Allow me to spell it out—
Still so much for the many to learn but unfortunately most have been driven to the point of not caring anymore, ones just want what they want & that’s it.
All the infiltrators, haters, pot stirrers, idols, rich, famous, mimickers, Mockers & ones trying to be me/someone they’re
Not were chosen & when the people finally figured out how many different individuals they chose to follow/put all their eggs into one basket for were just misleading them, the people started not caring because they were tired of all the bullshit …
[They] did all of it as [they]
Did for this specific purpose .. [They] knew if [they] flooded everyone with enough individuals/botts/infiltrators who seemed like they “knew” what was really happening & why everything was happening as it has/is, the people would follow these plants & either reject the 1 who
2 years ago, Barry tried getting me to “Take Your Shot” (My) Subliminally …
I knew it wasn’t time, no matter how hard Evil tried, I refused/REFUSE to do exactly as [they] [need] me to do ..
It’s always been so much easier watching evil expose themselves !
Every detail, down to the smallest of details has been subliminal comms/messages directed towards 1 “Nobody” …
While MOST the world stayed distracted or doing everything exactly as [they]/Evil has [needed] the people doing, A world beyond the false reality MOST have been
Trapped within has existed ..
Those who didn’t know this world/reality existed beyond their fake reality, it still exists.
No matter if ones believe or not, MY REALITY/WORLD EXISTS !