8. We believe that beyond the nice pictures, these events are a smokescreen and a mirage all meant to project a picture of a peaceful ZanuPf and gloss over hundreds of human rights abuses currently taking place right now.
9 @CCCZimbabwe youth leaders need to be careful, lest they be used to whitewash the bloodstained hands of the regime. Everyone ignored the illegal threats issued by chiefs all over the country last week and the arrest of CCC members in Manicaland. See. Pictures worked.
10. With the PVO Bill coming, the regime will shut down civic space and use these as proof that they never did. Let democrats not be a part of this. Maoko pa gejo!!! #RegisterToVoteZW, mobilize for Change, defend cdes under attack and encourage peace #ZanuPFMustGo. Enkosi
So who organized the #Youth4Peace tournament? 4H Zimbabwe right @4hzimbabwe?
Who leads 4H Zimbabwe? Here is a thread into who Mr John Muchenje @johnmuchenje4 is
1. Mr Muchenje is a successful farmer in his own right, described by state media as a beneficiary of the Land Reform and Command Agriculture from Midlands. He describes himself as being inspired by @edmnangagwanewzimbabwe.com/successful-you…
2. The man claims he started farming after touring ED's farm in 2016 (the height of Zanu factional fights and he was trusted to tour Sherwood farm👌) . Inspirational isn't it? www-herald-co-zw.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.herald…