One of the most basic reasons the Founding Fathers fought for the 2nd Amendment is because they were extremely wary of the new standing armies that could be used to oppress the people
I would say that issue is even more pressing now than when they made it law for themselves
Standing armies have always been extremely expensive. But as commerce and thus state wealth took off in the 17th and 18th centuries, they became more feasible for regents to maintain
Obviously they deployed these armies against enemies external and internal
The US may have by necessity later adopted a standing army as the world became truly international
But if the premise of the 2A was, from the beginning, to check the state army's power vs its citizens, then when the US adopted a standing army, the 2A only becomes *more* critical
When you have just the most basic understanding of history, and why these laws were codified by the guys who established the republic, the logic snaps into place immediately
Again, to undo the logic of the laws we live under, you have to erase the history that led to them
One way to understand the American Revolution is that, even as colonies separated by an ocean, the increasing financial/technological power of Nations made them more and more vulnerable to what they thought they'd escaped from, at great personal cost
They were reacting to not just "muh kings" or whatever new age of progress the Fathers embodied, but also the "progressive" historical processes that allowed kings to suddenly wield more power than they ever had across the entire feudal era
So the Revolution can be seen as a reaction *against* this centralization of power. "For as long as you can keep it."
A core part of that, since the very start, was that the ultimate body of force would lie not in the new King's army, but in the people and its underlying will
This might seem self-evident
But with just a bit of added history of the then very-modern standing army, that none of us are taught in school, all attempts to undo the underlying historical logic of *why* our Founders needed the 2A are seen in a very different light
One that, applied to the conditions we now live within—under the largest standing army in the world, under the largest bureaucracy in the world, under the world's imperial power—
It becomes far, far easier to understand why the people who've since stolen control over all those conditions to insist the 2nd Amendment now has to be dismantled
Since it remains the only real American right, alongside the 1st
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No, we're not doing this again. Imperial units are proportioned to the human body (measure your forearm against your foot sometime) over thousands of years of living
Metric system is just something murderous French rationalists made up to scrub the world of our connection to it
The most brutal refutation of this is that we never switched to a metric system of time. Why don't we have re-standardized "10 hour days," composed of 100 "minutes" each, composed of 100 "seconds" each?
Because people don't live by factors of 10. They live by *the planet*
The inventors of the metric system *did* try to make this happen, of course, but it never took hold because it was deranged
Because, extend the logic further. Maybe we should divide the year into 10ths, too? Now we have 10 months and each month has 10 days. Very reason
Do you remember how after the assassination attempt on Donald Trump the left created a conspiracy theory it must be fake based on the idea no person would stand up like this after he was just shot in the head
These are both examples of "prey morality." Life-forms who are biologically unable to understand the concept of humans who are willing to directly challenge other human predators. Who tell you to "freeze" when they get preyed on
My personal stories about illegals aren't even that bad. No murders, rapes, etc.
But if you work with immigrants for long enough, they will eventually start bringing in co-ethnic workers even *they* can't trust. And you won't know what these people are like until after the fact
Within democracies, the voters of the US, UK, and France are now all obliterating their "center-right" in favor of a far right, while the panicked lib-centrist "Adults In The Room" shovel their power to the far left
Lib-centrist democracy is dead. And mass migration killed it
Whatever else happens, 20th century liberal democracy has—depending on your perspective—either killed itself, or been forced to reveal what it was all along
The genie can't be put into the bottle. That form of government, and its norms, is now behind us for good
The question is always, Was it deliberate, or was it accidental
My dissection of the corpse is that it was a combination of biotrash leftists who seduced a genuinely well-meaning liberal class
These are all minor factors at most, and in many cases don't matter at all. The overwhelming causes of violent crime are 1) your genetic lineage and 2) the state's willingness to let crime exist.
1) horrifies the left, causing them to stampede to increase 2) as hard as they can
The leftist explanation for crime is it is always, exclusively caused by *external* factors
The liberal response to this is to policy-tweak those factors away
The leftist response is to punish you for *causing* the factors that "made" these people criminals to begin with
Since there is no possible policy under scientific liberalism that can undo the genetic factors of crime—its inequality will continue to exist across both class and race—the frustrated anger of this ideology results in a mounting desire to punish normal people for crime