Died in a bike accident on a course he cycled every day.
He was in working contexts together with
Who are these 'President Advisors'? Also laying out our future life in cities? hsdl.org/?view&did=7931…
Dear Mr. President Obama,
we - your 'advisors' - virologists, overpopulation Malthusianist, tiny boxes city planners, google Alphabeth people - advise you to
-ongoing check of immune systems
-engineered antibodies
-nanoparticles provoking immune responses obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/sites/default/…
At Obama's time, Gates was still into Alphabeth - Team Obama Advisors - shares.
Gates has now fully pulled out of Google Alphabeth shares.
"Promi-Depot im Check: Bill Gates-Stiftung: Alphabet raus und Microsoft über 50 Prozent reduziert" archive.ph/fdqcK
80% of diseases not treatable with 'conventional medicine'. Protein treatment as an alternative with drawbacks.
An 80% market for mRNA. Yet, the vector is the bottleneck causing the limitation.
Viral V is almost a 'use once only' bcs of antibody formation.
LNP sole way to push.
@VivekGRamaswamy 5. mRNA tech is built up from 2011 on. Funded by Billionaires. 6. mRNA fails in Moderna 2015-2016 because of deadly LNP vehicle 7. 'Germ Games' try to establish the image that a bio war (fake) terroist attack is due to happen while Baric advertises pandemic investments
@VivekGRamaswamy 8. 2015 Gates and others buy massively into more mRNA platform technology, new LNP vesicle found with better bio compatability 9. 2019 It looks as though the mRNA technology is not taking off. Lots of financial losses: patients are sceptical, government regulations too strict.
@VivekGRamaswamy 10. 2018 Graphene industry IR4.0 is taking off massively:
Quantum Dots can be used to make metabolics, DNA RNA sequences visible in human bodies (Moderna Boris Nikolic), graphene nano antennas can transmit data in real time,DNA storage allows for mega data storage in small space
@PParzival Es gabe eine parallele Entwicklung mit der Entwicklung der mRNA. Im Packet mit LNP (Lipid Nano Partikeln, den Vehikeln), und Graphene (zur Trennung im Herstellungsprozess, aber auch mögliche andere Effekte wie Tight Junction Öffnung) und der breiten Produktpalette der Hydrogels.
@PParzival Mit einer nie da gewesenen Hoffnung auf:
- neue industrielle Revolution (meist Graphene basiert, durchsichtig, stretchy, SPIN tech fähig, mit regelbarer Ladung, Magnetizität in ALLEN Lebensbereichen) -damit MEHR PROFIT für die Computerindustrie mit geringeren Entwicklungssprüngen
@PParzival 2011 Ein bedeutendes Jahr mit großem finanziellen Commitment der großen
2012 George Church Emergency Summit on rogue self-replicating Nano Bots (da noch nicht eingetreten, aber den Giftkochern schon bewußt)
2015 Buy-in in alle großen mRNA Impfstoff Platformen.
HTyr activates neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus
Increasing survival of new neurons and decreasing apoptosis
Multiplication of stem cells
Reduces the markers of aging lipofuscin and Iba1 (as a product of brain aging, reduces their adverse effect)
@NeBirgitta A Study designed for the effect of Berberine on liver cells.
Unique epigenetic modifying mechanism
"Enhances DNA methylation. Berberine induces more apoptosis, cell cycle arrest, but less ROS production."
Prior discussed effect on the energy metabolism. researchgate.net/publication/30…
@NeBirgitta Hitting almost all the xs of what Walter has written about.
I wonder, is there something similar for other tissues, particular neural?
What has been described about dosage and pharmacological interactin with Quercetin, NAC?
@NeBirgitta So, here we go:
Berberine Protects against Neuronal Damage via Suppression of Glia-Mediated Inflammation in Traumatic Brain Injury