salome learns from chat that she could have gotten the shotgun much earlier in the game. she compliments herself for having played "with a handicap" up until this point.
She loves videogames, but is really terrible with horror games. She sees all the fanart and comments people leave and is very grateful for all the support, but RE 7 is scaring her 5 times more than people think,
・she's having a guest come in after 15 minutes, another guest after another 15 minutes -- but of course that doesn't mean she dislikes the others who aren't coming on or anything, of course
・1 hour feels short for a graduation, so she has the management's OK to go past midnight
・she's just been making small talk about her dinner, the collab covers, and some stories about going around town with Meifu
・she's calling the guest over (a little early)
・she's muting the BGM for the viewers to concentrate on their conversation instead
I had my own thoughts about the issues with Vox's toxic viewers, but hesitated to talk about this before because I didn't need randos flaming me.
Glad Vox was finally firm about establishing boundaries and telling off the disruptive toxic viewers to quote-unquote fuck off.
It amazes me that some people have to be reminded of things so basic as:
1) he is an entertainer to us and nothing more 2) he is not "yours" and "yours alone" 3) he has his own life; his own friends 4) he in all likelihood will not have a personal relationship with any one of us
Since his short address in the minecraft stream + this recent one, a lot of the haters purged their tweets/privated/deleted.
Unfortunate that things had to come to a head like this, for it to happen, but at least this pushed him to be more conscious of those elements.