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May 30, 2022 251 tweets >60 min read Read on X
Role Reversal Scum Villain's Self-Saving System No Transmigration Modern AU CucumberPlane Thread.
#SVSSS #CumPlane #CucumberPlane
✈️So the latest chapter is more of the same. Beautifully written, yet somehow uninspired. Cucumber-bro, I appreciate that the women are always well-rendered, interesting, and independent, but can't you add a little bit of spice now and then?
✈️Or even better, finally let Luo Binghe and Mobei-Jun have the tender sexual awakening they both deserve and which you've been teasing for freaking ever?

🥒Luo Binghe's not gay.

✈️Wow. I FINALLY get a reply from Master Peerless Cucumber himself and it's THIS?
🥒Why do you keep reading if you find both my fight scenes and my sex scenes 'uninspired', anyway?

✈️Well, for one thing, it's free and I'm broke. And believe me, I'm grateful that you've put up every chapter for free so far. 🙏 For another, it IS beautifully written, and it
✈️started out well, with quite a few interesting chapters before it grew boring and repetitive. But mostly I'm here for Mobei-Jun.

🥒*Mobei-Jun*? But he's

✈️He's what?

🥒You don't think he's boring? He hardly even speaks.

✈️Boring? No way. He's totally my type.

✈️Nah, stiff and formal on the outside, but sweet and passionate on the inside. Plus he's hot.

🥒How do you even know?

✈️"He stood back to back with Luo Binghe, his silken hair settling as the clash of battle finally began to fade. His dark eyes flashed, his broad chest rose
✈️and fell rapidly, but he stayed tall and proud next to his liege, eyes watchful for the next strike."
✈️Mobei-Jun's introduction, chapter 3.

🥒Please don't quote my old chapters, it's embarrassing.

✈️Your writing's improved since those early days, but you've lost something.
🥒Whatever. Why don't you try writing sometime and see how easy it is.

✈️Believe me, if I didn't have to work for a living, I would. But as it is, all I can do is curl up after a long day with the latest chapter of PIDW and know that the sex scenes will put me right to sleep.
🥒Fuck you.


(To Be Continued)
✈️WE GET IT, Peerless Cucumber. Luo Binghe is amazing and his awesome Heavenly Demon powers give him the ability to shake off any poison.

✈️Just once I'd like to see a chapter where it's Luo Binghe's HUMAN side that helps him. Maybe a poison that targets Heavenly Demons?

((All prior interactions were done in public comments on PIDW chapters. From this tweet on, assume that all interactions happen in private/direct messages.))
🥒Hey, can I use that idea? The one about LBH's human half being able to shake off the poison?

✈️Hello to you, too. Uh, yeah I guess. We can split the royalties. 🤣

🥒...sure, send me your address.

✈️Half of nothing is still nothing, right? Seriously though, go ham.
🥒You really don't mind?

✈️I wouldn't have suggested it if I didn't want to see it.

✈️Wait, I do have one request, though. Instead of a lovely lady that's just going to get left behind when LBH moves on, can you have him nursed back to health by Mobei-Jun?

🥒Nothing sexy?
✈️Nah, not what I meant. I know you've never used any kind of aphrodisiacs or anything.

🥒Sex should always be consensual.

✈️Hahaha Okay IRL I agree w/you, but fantasy is different!

🥒If you say so.

✈️🙄Anyway, I don't mean sexxytimez (I mean, I would LOVE it if you wrote it,
✈️but I'm just talking about Mobei-Jun nursing him back to health in a strictly "I have sworn my eternal loyalty to you and would die for you" kind of way. Not *romantic*.

🥒Hmm, I guess I could do that.


🥒It's a genius idea (the human half thing).

🥒Well, yeah. Thanks.

✈️Hahaha YW! I can't believe you're gonna do it.

🥒I have to finish up this chapter first, but I'll probably do it for the next arc. Oh! I deleted your post with the suggestion, sorry. i'll give you credit after I post it, I just didn't want it to spoil it
✈️It's cool it's cool. You don't have to give me credit.

🥒Of course I will. It's way better than the kinds of 'suggestions' I usually get.

✈️LOL I'll bet. You really don't mind the MBJ thing?

🥒No, I've been thinking of doing more with his character and this gives me a chance
🥒So thanks for that, too.

✈️yw yw. Seriously, it's nothing. Wow, I'm really looking forward to the next installment, now!


(Public comment:)
✈️You come up with such great names for your monsters, PC, but they're always such a disappointment. Just variations of dragons etc.
(Private/Direct Message:)
🥒What would you suggest?

✈️Good morning to you, too. Suggest?

🥒You criticized my monsters.

✈️Oh! Right, sorry, still waking up. Um, instead of dragons and wyrms and DnD style monsters, why not make up your own? With a name like "Black Moon Beast"
✈️it seems like you could do a lot with that.

🥒I did! It only shows up during eclipses.

✈️Yeah, but when it DOES show up, it's gonna be just another dragon clone. Bo-ring!

🥒Like you can do better.

✈️I could try. Like, have it be a combination of a rhinoceros and python
🥒 would that even work???

✈️You could have the python head come out of the rhinoceros's mouth! That would be so cool!

🥒But how would it EAT if it has ANOTHER head inside it? It makes no sense!

✈️No, it works, see, the python comes out and strangles the creature
🥒and drags it back into the rhino's mouth?

✈️And pulls it back-- yeah, that.

🥒That's actually really clever. The actual rhino throat could be further back, inside the body

✈️Sure. I don't know why you care so much about logic here; it's not like you do with the dragons.
🥒Yes I do.

✈️You do?

🥒I'll have you know I've spent hours researching the square-cube law and what sort of substances they might use to generate fire.

✈️No wonder it's so dry. Dude just let it go and have some fun with it. STop worrying about scientific accuracy. It's MAGIC
🥒It should still make sense

✈️Internally, yeah. But it doesn't need to make sense, like, SCIENTIFICALLY. LBH has a literal MAGIC SWORD, it doesn't need to be complicated.

🥒I guess. BTW I think you'll like what I've done with the next part. Lots of MBJ.

✈️*fist pump* YES!
🥒I do not get why you like him so much. I mean, he's based on

✈️Based on?

🥒I didn't mean to send that

✈️Dude, you can't just leave me hanging like that. Based on who? Your greatest enemy? Your elementary school teacher? Your first crush?

🥒You are so dramatic.


🥒My brother

✈️Introduce me

🥒I - what? He's straight!

✈️*sighs sadly* The hot ones always are

🥒So you really are

✈️Really am? ...Cucumber bro?

🥒You really do like MBJ?

✈️What's not to like? He's super loyal, he seems aloof but he's actually awkward, he's great.
🥒You wouldn't like him if you met him IRL

✈️Let me be the judge of that

🥒🙄 "There's a difference between reality and fantasy" - Airplane Shoot Towards the Sky, (paraphrased)

✈️You missed your calling. You should write for wikipedia

🥒Thank you

✈️That wasn't a compliment!
✈️I gotta go in a minute, time for work.

🥒What do you do?

✈️I clean rich people's toilets.


✈️🤣I work for a cleaning company at a private building owned by rich assholes, where rich assholes rent apartments. My job is to come in and clean some of the apartments.
🥒Oh. That sounds awful.

✈️Actually, it's a great job. I'm lucky to have it.

🥒You're joking.

✈️No, seriously. You know what the temperature was yesterday?

🥒I know there was a heat advisory.

✈️Yeah, it recommended everyone stay inside, right?


✈️In air conditioning

✈️Just one problem. My apartment doesn't have A/C

🥒WHAT? Is that legal?

✈️😂LOL of course it's legal. All they have to provide is 4 walls and a roof that mostly doesn't leak. The bugs and rats are a bonus!


✈️Getting to spend all day every day in a temperature-
✈️controlled building is a blessing, believe me. Even more so in winter.

🥒Your apartment doesn't have heating EITHER?


✈️So you can see why I don't mind cleaning up rich people's literal shit. I mean, it's not FUN, but it's better than dying of heat stroke or frostbite
🥒But don't they

✈️Don't they?

🥒Isn't that a job that women often do? Do they mind you being there?

✈️Oh! Nah, the girls and I are good. First, they know that I'm not interested in them, so they're safe with me. And second, sometimes I trade with them if a client is bad.

✈️You know, handsy or won't take no for an answer.

🥒What? Can't they report people like that to the company?

✈️Ahaha you're so cute. With rich fucks like that? Last year one girl actually did report a sick fuck who went WAY too far. She got fired.

🥒That's horrible!
((Uh, sorry, should have tagged for CW: sexual harassment and implied sexual assault. I will try to do better about tagging - if you have triggers, maybe wait until I put this on AO3 someday and can tag it properly from the beginning. I'm really just making it up as I go along.))
✈️It's how it works. Makes me glad I'm not a girl, not that it makes me completely safe, either.


✈️I've had clients get handsy, too. Grab my ass, proposition me, that sort of thing. Fortunately no one's tried to push it too far. One guy did try to kiss me once.
🥒What did you do??

✈️I left and traded with one of the girls. Once we know which ones the bad ones are, we can arrange for me to clean for the ones that like girls and vice versa. Of course, some don't care, they're just predators. Those we clean in pairs.

🥒Are there a lot?
✈️No, just a couple. We watch out for each other. It's fine.

🥒It's not fine.

✈️Eh, it's life. Anyway, it's my stop, gotta go. Sry this got heavy. TTYL

🥒Don't worry about that. Stay safe.

✈️Aww thanks. I'm good ❤️


✈️Hey, sorry our last convo got so heavy.

🥒I don't mind
✈️Most people aren't like that.

🥒I hope not!

✈️Nah. Actually, I have lots of great stories about clients


✈️One time I almost got in trouble with one client for cleaning what I thought was a pile of sugar off his table.

✈️Turned out it was cocaine


✈️Well drugs.
✈️Some kinda white powder that looked like sugar to me. Not like I can tell the difference, obviously.

🥒What happened?

✈️The guy who lives there's prob in his 20s. He yelled and ranted at me and I thought I was gonna lose my job. This was the 1st year I was working there.
✈️The next day I go back and he's not there, but an older man is, prob his dad but maybe his older bro? and he offered me a 'tip'. Basically to keep my mouth shut.

🥒Did you take it?

✈️I was young and dumb then. We get caught taking tips, we get fired, full stop. I told him no,
✈️but said he could count on my discretion. As long as I wasn't going to get fired over throwing away some very expensive 'sugar' I didn't care.

✈️He actually gave me a recommendation and I got a bonus that quarter. Not as much as the bribe, but better than nothing!
✈️All's well that ends well, right?

🥒What building do you work at?

🥒Don't answer that

🥒I'm sorry, that was super invasive and inappropriate. I don't know what I was thinking. I was just curious

✈️It's fine it's fine. I am the king of saying the wrong thing w/o meaning to.
✈️I guess you live with your family, huh? You mentioned your brother.

✈️Ahaha see, there I go, being invasive and inappropriate! Never mind, never mind, pls ignore that.

🥒Did you just say that to make me feel better?

✈️Sure, let's go with that! 🤣😅

((Gonna stop here for now. I hope people are enjoying it!))

To Be Continued...
((Me: Whoa, sudden flood of likes! Where did that come from?
Me: OH @cleromance retweeted me, that explains it! XD))
✈️Cucumber Bro!

🥒What? You okay?

✈️AM I OKAY??? After reading the new chapter? dfjskljlk;fdlafj I am DECEASED!

🥒That bad, huh?



✈️I thought you weren't gonna make the MBJ and LBH interactions romantic?

🥒I didn't?

✈️OMG the UST! Fantastic❤️‍🔥
🥒I just leaned into the loyalty angle like you wanted! It's not gay!

✈️Okay bro! My mistake.

🥒It's really not!

✈️If you say so. OH! And you used my story about the sugar!

🥒Yeah, I'm sorry, I should have asked permission

✈️It was so smart the way you changed it to pigment
🥒I was trying to think what a maid might mistake for a pile of dirt that needed to be cleaned. Plus I didn't want to make it too close the truth.

✈️Having it be rare expensive art pigment was clever! And it was great when LBH rescued her from the artist's wrath, very cathartic.
🥒I'm glad. I thought you might be mad at me. I wanted to ask but you weren't online, and then I was writing it...

✈️No it's great! No one would connect it to me, even if they were to read it.
Now the ensuing sex scene, on the other hand...

🥒Why are you always harping on that?
✈️Not so great

✈️Because the rest is so good and the sex scenes always feel tacked on. You even try harder in your fights. It's like you're just phoning it in. LBH meets an interesting woman, they solve a puzzle or fight a monster, they have sex, he moves on. You don't even
✈️Have him marry them like a true harem protagonist. I don't get why you even include the sex scenes. It seems like you don't enjoy writing them and you're not doing it for money, since you don't charge to read it.

🥒Oh. Well. I guess...

✈️...yes??? Don't leave me hanging, bro!
🥒I don't get out much. I kind of can't get out much, actually. Mostly I only talk to people online.


🥒It's *not* the same. You talk to your co-workers and your clients, at least

✈️Oh, yeah, haha. I don't really talk to my co-workers about anything *important* though
✈️And as for my clients, they mostly ignore me. Rich people are way more comfortable pretending poor people don't exist. We're not allowed to talk to them unless absolutely necessary, and we're supposed to discourage conversation if they want to talk to us.
🥒That sounds pretty strict

✈️Eh, company doesn't want us to waste time chit chatting. Which I would, b/c apparently I can't shut up. Speaking of which, you were saying about not getting out much?

🥒Sometimes 3 days go by without me interacting with another human face to face
✈️Oof, ok, that does sound rough. What about your family tho?

🥒They're pretty busy. Mostly I see my sister when she can, but she's still in school

✈️Sister? Bro, how many siblings do you HAVE?


✈️I knew it

🥒You knew I had 3 siblings?

✈️I knew you had to be well off.
✈️Otherwise how could you write 10k chapters every other day or so and not charge for it?

🥒Is it going to be a problem?

✈️Eh, mostly just awkward for me after talking about asshole rich people

🥒I mean, you're not wrong

✈️Still rude of me! Sorry man. Anyway. You were saying?
🥒I spend a lot of time online, mostly reading. I got fed up with the novels I was reading and thought I could do better, so I started writing PIDW. At first I wrote about this half-demon, half-human having adventures. But people kept asking for him to push down the women he met.
✈️Why give in to that, tho?

🥒I don't know. I just, reading all the comments people left was such a rush. And when I finally did write it happening, I got a big spike in readership and comments both. People really liked it. So I just kept including it.

✈️Huh, I was wrong.
✈️You're not writing it for money, but you are writing it for something you need.

🥒Not NEED exactly

✈️Kinda tho?

🥒Anyway, more and more people kept coming to read it. It doesn't have the numbers that some of the big books have, but it's got a dedicated core audience.
🥒So I can't change it now. I'd be disappointing my readers and they would stop reading it. And it's not that big a deal to put in a sex scene each time.

✈️You know, you might lose some readers but gain others

🥒I don't delude myself. It's mainly popular because it's free.
✈️There's plenty of free stuff online. It's gotta have something a little bit special or it wouldn't have caught people's eye.

🥒Luck and a frequent update schedule can work wonders


🥒I'm glad you like the new chapter and that you're not mad that I used your story
🥒I think you'll like the next one I have in mind

✈️I am so excited. The only problem is I get so worked up that I can't read it before bed anymore. Good thing it's a long train ride to my work!


✈️Yeah, like an hour each way

✈️Better than being in my oven apartment tho!
🥒I'm sorry you have to deal with that

✈️Eh could be worse. Not your fault, bro!

✈️Besides, you listen to my rants about clients, you're basically a saint.

🥒Even if I use them as inspiration?

✈️ESPECIALLY if you use them as inspiration! What part of "cathartic" wasn't clear?
🥒Well if you keep telling me about your clients, I'll keep writing them into the story.

✈️I've got a ton of them. Rich people are so funny! There's this one guy, young, cute, gorgeous apartment, full kitchen...and all he ever eats is take out. His trash is always full of boxes.
🥒You go through his trash?

✈️Ew, NO of course not. But we use clear trash bags to make it easier to find something if someone loses or throws it away. It happens more often than you'd think.

🥒There must be a lot of rich people like that, tho

✈️A few, but most have cooks.
✈️At least, at this level they do. It's a rich building.

🥒I see

✈️That reminds me of another good part about this job, though! The TRASH ROOM!

🥒'good part'???

✈️Hahaha not the actual trash room. But there's another room where old electronics and stuff are dumped. Dude,
✈️You would not believe the stuff that rich people throw away. Half the stuff in my apartment is discards. Even my laptop! It's kind of janky and old, but it was free! My coffee maker, too.

🥒They don't care if you take them?

✈️It's kind of an unwritten benefit. Once it gets
✈️taken down to the trash room, the company is supposed to recycle it or properly dispose of it. But they don't care if we take stuff and make it easier on them, haha!

✈️The best is when a client hands you something to trash for them, then you get first crack at it! It's great.
🥒That sounds great

✈️Yeah! Got my coffeemaker like that, too!

✈️Oh, that reminds me, cute takeout guy? He has a box with an espresso maker in his kitchen sitting in a corner gathering dust. A whole espresso maker! Not even set up or anything! I'm like, WHY???

🥒It was a gift.
✈️You think?

🥒That would be my guess, yeah.

✈️Yeah, it seems like the kinda fancy gift rich people might give each other, haha. You'd think he would set it up and actually use it, though! I mean, ESPRESSO MAKER!

🥒You like espresso?

✈️I like caffeine, whenever and however
✈️I can get it

🥒Listen, I gotta go for a bit

✈️It's cool, I'm almost home anyway. Time to go to bed and try not to drown in my own sweat!

🥒...thank you for that extremely visceral image

✈️😆I aim to please. I'll spend the rest of the ride re-reading your recent chapter!

✈️Cucumber Bro! The weirdest thing happened today!

🥒What's that?

✈️Remember cute takeout guy?


✈️He asked if I could help him set up the espresso machine!

✈️So weird, right? He was super sweet about it, told me he didn't want to put me behind schedule. Luckily I
✈️came in early today, so I had plenty of time. Oh, and two of my regular clients are on vacation, which makes cleaning their apartments really easy, haha! No dishes, no laundry, just a wipe down of everything to make sure there's no dust. Spic and span in less than five minutes!
✈️But back to cute takeout guy, he said his sis gave him the machine for his birthday, your guess was right! Maybe I should have you tell my fortune. I got it all put up on the counter and figured out how to make it work and he insisted I have a cup before I left. I'm so high rn!
✈️He was super sweet too, said I could have some whenever I wanted, since he didn't want to get me in trouble by offering a tip for the extra trouble. I mean, I won't take him up on it, I'm not going to just help myself to his espresso maker whenever, but so nice to offer, right?
✈️Cucumber Bro?


✈️Cucumber Bro, you okay? You're worrying me, man. Did I say something that made you mad?


🥒Sorry, I didn't mean to leave you on read. I saw your tweets but I wasn't feeling well the past couple of days.

✈️Oh no, I hope you're feeling better! There was
✈️that one time you had to go on hiatus from posting for like 3 weeks; I hope it's not so bad this time.

🥒No, no, I'm fine.

🥒You should take up the takeout guy's offer.

✈️Oh, for free espresso? Haha, I would probably get my work done even faster if I did that, lol. 🤣☕️
✈️It would be weird tho. I can't just go in his kitchen and make myself a coffee! Even if he offers.

✈️He was so sweet. Treated me like a person, not like a robot programmed to take orders. It was a nice change.

✈️Really cute, too

🥒But he's

✈️He's what?

🥒a rich asshole?
✈️Eh, only inasmuch as all rich people are assholes (no offense, bro)

🥒None taken

✈️But no, like I said, he was sweet. Even before the Espresso Maker incident, he was always polite. And he's got that kind of awkward formality that turns my crank.

🥒Wait, what?

✈️I guess it sounds weird. Like, most rich people are embarrassed by poor people, right? But some just ignore us and some are condescending and some treat you like it's *your* fault you're poor. He was the kind or rich asshole who *knows* he's an asshole but is trying not to be.
🥒And that's...appealing?

✈️Hah, not for everyone. But if someone is honestly trying, it makes a difference? Like when Mobei-Jun was talking to LBH and he said that bit about, "I know I seem cold but you always have my heart."

🥒I don't remember writing that.

🥒You don't really think he's cute tho, do you?

✈️Bro, you KNOW I'm gay, we've been through this.

🥒No, I mean. It's not that.

✈️Let me have my stupid little crush in peace, okay?


🥒All he did was ask for help setting up his espresso maker and offer you coffee?
✈️That's why it's a stupid little crush! 🙄😅 Keep up

🥒He sounds like a loser to me

✈️No, no, *I'm* the loser.

🥒You are not! You work really hard and you're smart and come up with good ideas!

✈️Awww bro that's so sweet! ❤️ After I left so many mean comments, too.
🥒You were right.

✈️Hang on a sec, I gotta screenshot this for posterity


✈️Don't stick it out if you aren't planning on using it


✈️Haha nothing, sorry. Reflex.

🥒That's your reflex?

✈️Yeah and?


✈️Anyway, I've got a bunch more work to do. TTYL!

(CW: Mention of fictional violence against abusive assholes, including castration)

🥒I take it you read the new chapter?

✈️Hahaha So smug. And rightfully so! That was *awesome*. What are your regular readers gonna think of it tho? "LBH pins abuser so the innkeeper's daughter can kick the shit out of him and cut his balls off" isn't exactly your usual
🥒My readers can deal. If anyone objects to abusive assholes getting their comeuppance, I don't want them as a reader anyway.

✈️well said well said. LOL and I thought the LAST chapter was cathartic!

🥒After you told me about that poor girl getting fired I couldn't NOT write it
🥒Thank you for the inspiration

✈️Oh dude, I will rant to you anytime. Especially if it gets you to write shit like this!

🥒Not so uninspired huh?

✈️Well the sex scene still was, but everything else was great!

🥒🫤 Really? I thought it was a little better this time.
✈️Sorry man, I dunno what to tell you. With sex scenes it's pretty much hot or...not.

🥒But you're gay, so maybe that's why it's not hot?

✈️Maybe that's true for some people, but afaic hot is hot. If people are into it, it's hot. If it just feels like paint by numbers, it's not

✈️But on the bright side, the fight was way cooler! I told you changing the monster was the way to go

🥒Yeah, it was more fun to write, too. It's all due to you. I should give you co-writer credit

✈️Hah no thanks, I can do without angry anti-fans coming after me!
🥒Oh so you can dish it out but not take it, huh?

✈️You know it!🤣


✈️Cucumber Bro!

🥒What's up?

✈️Today was cute takeout guy's cleaning day. I made sure to get there early, and he asked for more help with his espresso machine! Said he couldn't remember how to work it!
🥒Oh? Did you help him out?

✈️Of course! I'm a very helpful person (also a slut for free espresso! 😜) Haha he was so embarrassed and apologetic, his whole face was red.

🥒He SHOULD be apologetic for taking up your time.

✈️It was fine! He insisted I take some espresso with me.
✈️He gave me thermos and said I could bring it back next time I came over.😆

🥒Sounds great. I'm glad you got your espresso!

✈️Such a sweet guy. Oh! And you know what, I think he's a fan of yours!

🥒A fan of MINE?

✈️He's got a figure of LBH in his room! The super rare one!
🥒Oh. He does?

✈️Yeah, I went in to collect the laundry and there he was! Really beautiful figure, that one they only made like 100 of that was selling for SO MUCH online. I'm just glad they never made one of Mobei-Jun.

🥒Why would you be glad about that?
✈️cause there's no way I could ever afford it, and I would cry looking at all the pics of the gorgeous man I could never own. 😭


🥒As the creator I could probably get you one.

🥒To thank you for your help I mean

✈️Dude no I'm good.😅Super nice of you to offer though ❤️
🥒I'd really like to. You've helped me out a lot.

✈️I'd need to help out a LOT more to earn something like that lol. But fine, IF they ever come out with a MBJ figure, and IF you keep letting me give you monster suggestions, we can talk about it.

🥒Good. Holding you to that
✈️It's not like they'll ever bring out a MBJ figure so I think I'm safe.

🥒You never know

🥒Now I want to write more with him just to make him popular enough

✈️No matter which way I look at it, I win! 🎉

🥒😛Actually I do need a new monster idea...

✈️Oooh land sea or air?

((That's all for now!))

To Be Continued...
✈️Bro! I am loving the world building in the new chapter!

🥒Good evening to you, too. It's not too much exposition, you think?

✈️Nah it feels pretty organic to me. It makes the world so much richer, too, knowing *why* LBH is going from town to town like a rogue cultivator.
🥒Instead of being the emperor, you mean?

✈️Well yeah. You've talked about Mobei-Jun acting as regent and ruling in his absence, but you never really explained why before. I always thought LBH just fucked off and said 'screw my responsibilities'. Which would have been fine!
✈️But having it that his parents ordered him to go roam the human world for five years now that he's old enough to protect himself is a nice touch.

🥒I was originally gonna make it a year, but I realized he's had so many adventures already that a year seemed unrealistic.
✈️Are you ever going to talk about his childhood growing up in the demon realm?

🥒Maybe someday.

✈️I want more Mobei-Jun backstory too!

🥒You're insatiable, you know that?

✈️That's what he said.😜


✈️Hahaha sorry sorry.


✈️Yeah, yes, definitely that.

✈️I liked his parents a lot tho. Tianglan-Jun seemed like my kinda guy.

🥒...Your type?

✈️No no, *Mobei-Jun* is my type. TLJ just seemed like he'd be fun to hang out with. Super laid back, loves to read, likes doing fun stuff.

🥒And Su Xiyan?


🥒Good! She should be.

🥒I based her off someone I know.

✈️A relative?

🥒A doctor.

✈️Oooooh yeah I can see that.


✈️There's just one thing I don't get

🥒What's that?

✈️They're still alive, right? That dinner he had with them wasn't a flashback and I somehow missed the memo?
🥒They're alive

✈️Then why aren't *they* ruling the kingdom? Why is Mobei-Jun doing all the work?

🥒That's a secret

✈️Hmm, seems sus. Do you even know, bro?


✈️OMG I called it, didn't I??? You don't know why!

🥒 Shut up! I haven't figured it out yet, that's all!

🥒I was gonna have it that Su Xiyan was infected by a rare poison a long time ago and they're searching for a cure. But that gets into uncomfortable 'damsel in distress' territory for her when I want her to be a badass.

🥒Plus I don't have a good name for the poison.
✈️If there's no cure, why don't you just call it "Without a Cure"?




✈️Why not? It's a good name!

🥒Are you trolling me right now?


🥒For one thing, if they're looking for a cure, then a cure probably exists, at least from a narrative perspective.
✈️So everyone THINKS there's no cure, but everyone's wrong

🥒Even if I were gonna pursue that storyline, which I'm NOT, I wouldn't call it "Without a Cure"! It needs to have a dramatic name, like the Venom of Despair or something.

✈️The VENOM of DESPAIR? 😆🤣😂

🥒Shut up!

🥒Fuck you!

✈️Broooo 🤣🤣🤣

✈️Alright alright, I'm sorry bro

✈️Bro? Did you log off?


✈️ Bro?


✈️Sorry I teased you yesterday.

🥒No, you were right, mine was a dumb name too.


🥒It doesn't matter. Got any more stories about your clients?
✈️Well cute takeout guy's day isn't until tomorrow. And sadly, not much else has been going on. I've been coming in early and leaving as late as they'll let me. If I could, I'd sleep over in the lunch room.

🥒Lunch room?

✈️I mean the break room in the basement. We call it that.
🥒Ah I see

🥒What's stopping you from staying there? Other than the lack of bedding, I assume.

✈️Bro, I would be happy to sleep on the floor in there, believe me. I wouldn't wake up having sweated out half my body weight. But we have special cards to scan in and out everyday.
🥒Oh that makes sense

✈️Yeah it's a swanky building. High security, etc etc.


✈️Speaking of which, my break's over. Time to get back to work! I just wanted to check in and make sure you weren't still mad.

🥒No, we're good

✈️Good. TTYL

🥒Bye. Stay cool, I guess


✈️Bro, this is so funny/sad.

🥒What? A video?

✈️No it was cute takeout guy's day today. He asked if I wanted an espresso, so I made one. I was going to make one for him, too. But he said he didn't handle caffeine.

✈️So I'm like, Why did your sister buy you an espresso machine?
🥒Can't handle caffeine? That is pretty sad in a pathetic way

✈️No I'm getting to it

✈️He said, "I might have misled her about how much I go to the coffeeshop with my friends."

✈️And I said, "How often do you go?"

✈️And he said, "Never."

✈️It was just, such a mood, you know?
🥒It was?

✈️Oh totally. I completely got it. I mean, I only have a half-brother, but I know how that goes when your sibling is trying to one-up you and you're like, "I totally go to coffeeshop all the time with my tons of friends!"

✈️My dad sure as hell doesn't know what I do
🥒He would judge you for it?

✈️SO hard. He wanted me to be a lawyer, but I daydreamed too much in school for that. That's alright, my oh-so-perfect half-brother's gonna be one instead and they can forget all about my existence. Fuck them, right?

🥒Definitely. Fuck them
✈️Haha thanks bro. Sorry, that was TMI, wasn't it? I'm only a little bitter these days, promise, and mostly on my mom's behalf

🥒Sounds like you have a right to be bitter on your behalf, too. Does your mom know what you do?

✈️She recommended me! She cleans a few buildings down
🥒Too bad you're not in the same building

✈️No it's not. I love my mom but we'd kill each other. Too much alike I guess. Besides, it's good to have my own space, even if it's a rat-infested one. I don't wanna be a burden on her now that she's finally remarried a decent guy.
🥒You deserve to have a decent living space

✈️Nice of you to say, bro, but no one really deserves anything. Either you're lucky enough to be born into a good situation or you aren't, and there's nothing to do but keep on going, right?

🥒I guess you're right.

✈️Of course I am
🥒If you come across any good stories about anyone other than cute takeout guy, let me know

✈️You don't want to hear about cute takeout guy?

🥒I do, I just don't think he would make a very interesting character

✈️Sure he would! Luo Binghe meets a sheltered, lonely young man...
🥒Luo Binghe is straight

✈️I know I know. Besides, you already kind of did an arc like that.

🥒I did?

✈️The Girl in the Tower? Your writing was starting to get good but you weren't pandering to the readers yet. That arc was so good.

🥒You liked it?

✈️Bro, it made me cry.

✈️For srs. Well, choke up a little. Such a good inversion, too, where you think she's going to be like Rapunzel trapped by evil parents, but you learn that they have to isolate her to protect her. And then LBH can't even cure her.😭Tearing up just thinking about it.
🥒Oh. Thank you

✈️Thank YOU. I need to go re-read the early arcs and leave comments. I read them all at once and never went back.

🥒You've been one of my most loyal commenters since though.

✈️Hah, I guess so. I'm surprised you even talked to me after some of the shit I said
🥒You weren't...wrong

✈️LOL No but I was an asshole about it

🥒*shrugs* I am also an asshole. I told you, didn't I? I started writing out of spite and a conviction that I could do better. And bad porn or not, I maintain that it's STILL better than most of what's out there
✈️100% agree

🥒You do?

✈️Yes? You write good

🥒...Thank you, I think

✈️Haha did I trigger your inner grammar demon?


🥒Shit, I shouldn't have told you. Now you're going to do it all the time just to fuck with me, aren't you

✈️You know me so well.

🥒What have I done?
((Thank you to everyone who is reading, liking, commenting and retweeting! You're keeping me motivated to write more! I have next week off, so hopefully I'll be able to keep adding to this. <3))

((To Be Continued...)
✈️Bro! The new chapter!!!

🥒Did you like it?

✈️Yeah! I thought it was just going to be another "Luo Binghe meets beautiful girl blah blah blah". And THEN I thought it was going to be "Luo Binghe fights bad guy blah blah blah". But then it wasn't either of those things!
🥒Thank you I think?

🥒He did meet a beautiful girl...

✈️But he didn't push her down!

✈️And then when she yelled at both the mysterious swordsman and Luo Binghe was GREAT. I did NOT expect him to be her brother. "Ge! What the fuck are you doing???"

🥒That is not what I wrote?
✈️I'm summarizing!

✈️"Ge, you know I could of handled him!"

✈️(waits for it)

🥒...I was halfway through a polite grammar explanation of why it should be "could've NOT could of"



✈️Hey hey hey chill. Reign it in, bro!


✈️Go ahead and say it
✈️You'll feel better

🥒Rein, not reign! Rein as in horse, reign like a king!

✈️I wish I could see what you look like right now. Are you the kind of person who looks calm no matter what?

🥒I wish. I go totally red when I'm mad or embarrassed. Literally thin faced. It's awful.



🥒So many

✈️Well, you know what they say

🥒Oh no

✈️Would of, could of, should of

🥒I hate you. Did you go look up the most common grammar errors just to torture me?


✈️I might of

🥒Where do you work in again? I just want to talk 🔪


✈️Bro you around?


✈️This is probably a breach of privacy but I just gotta talk about it


✈️Remember cute takeout guy?

✈️Of course you do

✈️It was his day today. I mean, my day to clean for him today

✈️I thought at first he wasn't there
✈️His room was super dark. But when I turned on the light I could see he was in bed. He told me to turn off the light and asked if I could come back tomorrow

✈️And I did turn off the light and I'm like, "hangover"? and he's all, "migraine".

✈️My mom gets migraines sometimes
✈️So I know they suck a LOT

✈️I was like, "can I help?"

✈️And he didn't say anything for a minute, so I was just gonna leave, but then he asked if I could get him his medicine. So I went to the bathroom and opened the medicine cabinet and

✈️He has so many prescription bottles
✈️Like, half a pharmacy worth

✈️I didn't want to be nosy but I had to find the right one for migraines, so I read the labels

✈️He has so many different meds for pain management

✈️Like SO MANY

✈️And other stuff. A lot of it I didn't understand, but I got enough.

✈️I'm worried
✈️Like, I know it's silly to be worried over a client, he's obviously rich and whatever he's got going on, he's got meds but

✈️I dunno. Being rich doesn't fix everything, I guess

✈️Anyway I found the right one and read the label and cut the pill in half and got him some water
✈️I had to hunt through his kitchen for a straw. You know he has a full set of silver and some really nice chopsticks? I don't think he's ever used either of them. Just the ones that come with takeout.

✈️So I went back and told him the name of the pill and he said it was right
✈️And I gave him the pill and the water and he took them and I put the water down and I kind of, patted his hand?

✈️And he like, grabbed my hand? Like not hard, super weak really, I could have pulled away. And he whispered, "will you stay until it kicks in?"

✈️So I did.
✈️I held his hand and I guess it sounds awkward or romantic but it really was just kind of

✈️kind of nice

✈️To be able to be there for someone like that

✈️Maybe I should look into in-home care or nursing or something

✈️LOL in my COPIOUS free time yeah what am I thinking 🙄
✈️Sorry I dumped that on you

✈️That is probably way more than you wanted to know about either me or cute takeout guy

✈️Anyway my break's almost over. TTYL (if I haven't completely alienated you with my oversharing lol) 😅




🥒How's it going?

✈️Good good. You?

✈️That's good

🥒I think you would make a good nurse or home care person

✈️Hahaha sweet of you to say, bro! I don't exactly have the time or money to get trained in it tho, sadly

✈️Besides, all I did was get some meds for someone and hold his hand. Not exactly hard
🥒Better than some I've seen

✈️Wow, that's sad

🥒You could do it

✈️Even if I had the money and time, the only real qualification I have is that I'm used to dealing with shit and barf

🥒It's a start

✈️Hah I guess so. So what's going on with you? Haven't heard from you lately
🥒Sorry, I had some stuff going on

✈️It's cool it's cool I don't mean to make it sound like you're *obligated* to answer me

🥒I like talking with you



🥒Better than having you leave long-ass bitchy comments anyway


✈️So what's coming in the next chapter?
🥒I don't know yet. Still playing with ideas.

✈️Let me know if you need a brainstorming partner. I'm good for bouncing ideas off of! Very bouncy, me!

🥒LOL will do. I kind of want this one to be a surprise tho

✈️Oooh a surprise?

🥒Yeah. Well, if I can make it work. We'll see.
((Breaking here for now. Thank you to everyone who's followed, commented, liked, and re-tweeted! I love you all!))

To Be Continued...


✈️Is it my BIRTHDAY?

🥒I don't know, is it?

✈️LOL I didn't think it was, but now I'm not so sure

✈️Holy fuck, that CHAPTER

🥒I guess I was inspired

✈️When Mobei-Jun got hurt, I was like 😭but then LBH staying with him and nursing him back to health! 😭
🥒That's the same emoji

✈️IT'S APPROPRIATE OKAY??? And then when he sat next to him and held his hand ❤️❤️❤️

🥒It wasn't romantic


🥒You SAID it wasn't!


✈️You can't have Luo Binghe sitting there meditating on Mobei-Jun's loyalty and trust and not
🥒Not what?



🥒Tell me

✈️Argh. So, me and cute takeout guy don't actually know each other, right? But Luo Binghe and Mobei-Jun, they have HISTORY. Mobei-Jun took a bullet (well, a sword) that was meant for Luo Binghe. It means more, okay?

🥒Maybe it meant a lot to takeout guy too tho

✈️Dude, he was half knocked out by the drugs anyway, and the room was dark. He probably didn't even realize who I was

🥒You really think he would have invited just anyone to hold his hand? A rich kid like that?

✈️Sure, why not?
🥒Look, you know I come from a well-off family. Trust me when I say that kids from rich families like his, they get trained young to be wary. They're always on the lookout for people trying to take advantage of them, or even who might kidnap them.

✈️Kidnap? This isn't a movie
🥒It happens.

✈️What, do you speak from personal experience?

🥒What I'm trying to say is, if someone like that asked for your help taking his *meds*, if he asked you to stay and hold his hand, that's kind of a big deal.

✈️Bro, I was there. I'm telling you , the room was dark.
🥒So maybe he recognized your voice or expected you. But he wouldn't have just let a stranger do that no matter how much pain he was in.

✈️Maybe not everyone is as paranoid as you, dude.

🥒Why can't you believe that this meant something?

✈️Why are you so insistent that it did?
🥒Because I know people like this guy. When you've been told your whole life that you can't trust anyone, it fucks with you, okay? It makes it hard to make friends. If he let you close, that's special.

🥒Plus, if he IS chronically ill, then it's probably even rougher for him
✈️Did I say something about him being chronically ill?

🥒I guess I assumed it from your description of all the meds he's on. I suppose they could be for something acute, not like I know.

✈️Nah, it's a good guess, at least from what I saw. I've been trying not to think about it.
🥒Think about it bro, he could have just told you to leave. Instead he asked for your help.

✈️Because he was in pain! Sheesh. You are blowing this way out of proportion


🥒Mobei-Jun and Luo Binghe's thing wasn't romantic, either. I'm the AUTHOR, I should know!

✈️You ever heard of a little phrase called "Death of the Author"?

🥒Oh fuck you

✈️Heh you wish

🥒Do not

✈️Do too!

🥒Are you an actual child?

✈️You started it!

🥒Oh my fucking god

🥒I'm going to go write Luo Binghe having sex now

🥒With a woman

🥒Because he's STRAIGHT
✈️Go right ahead. And you know what?

✈️They still won't have HALF the chemistry that Luo Binghe and Mobei-Jun do


((To Be Continued))

I tried to compile all the parts so far here:

Please share the above tweet and let me know if I missed any parts! <3


🥒So if someone - say one of your clients - wanted to invite you to hang out, how could they do it without being creepy?

✈️Bro, none of the residents are gonna want to hang out with someone like me.


✈️Fuck, I don't know. It would be pretty weird.
✈️Normal people can be like, "Hey, want to get coffee?" or "Want to grab dinner after work?"

✈️But with a client...

✈️I mean, not like it doesn't happen sometimes.

🥒It does?

✈️Sure, some of the girls, they change into heels and put on makeup, leave through the back entrance.
✈️...and then go right around to the front entrance. But that's not usually to 'hang out'. It's for, uh, you know.

🥒Wait, really?

✈️Hey, I'm not going to judge anyone. As long as no one is forcing anyone, people can do what they want. Maybe it's for love, maybe it's for money.
🥒It's not against the rules?

✈️Eh, management turns a blind eye to that kind of thing. And I mean, some of the guys are dicks, in which case the girl in question arranges to trade or be shuffled into a different building, maybe. Most of the dicks don't pursue them beyond that.
✈️But I'm not gonna do something like that

🥒Why not?

✈️How would it even work? Even if it was just a 'friend' thing, we're talking about someone who could buy my entire life several times over.
✈️Do we go to their favorite restaurant and they always pay? Or do we eat cup noodles, which is all I can afford?

✈️It just wouldn't work. We'd be from two different worlds.

✈️I don't want to be a pity project/sugar baby or a sugar friend, which is just another name for a mooch
✈️I don't want to get used to having something and then have it taken away. That's a lot worse than not having it at all.

🥒You sound like you speak from experience.

✈️My dad walked out when I was six. I would much rather he'd died when I was a baby.

🥒Sounds like an asshole.

🥒So there's nothing one of the residents could say to you to convince you to spend time with them outside of work?

✈️Is this for PIDW?


✈️It's different in fantasy. That's why you get stories like Cinderella and Pretty Woman and King Cophetua.
✈️Come to think of it, why is it always women getting 'rescued' from a life of poverty by rich and powerful men? Why not the other way around? Or is the answer in the question?

🥒Why is it different in fantasy?

✈️Because you can gloss over the differences.
✈️If you want Binghe to fall in love with a maid, he can. They can spend time together and find they have lots in common and he can bed her and no one will think twice or care. He's the emperor, so no one will question the power differential, or wonder what happens to her after.
🥒What if he wants to be friends with a maid? Or a servant of some sort?

✈️In fantasy he can lift them up. Hire them into his service, maybe.

🥒But not in real life?

✈️No. It doesn't work like that. Sorry.

🥒You wouldn't even give someone a chance?

✈️I can't. I can't risk it
🥒Sorry bro

✈️But everyone's different

✈️If you've got your eye on someone working in your family's house or something, you should go for it


✈️Be honest I guess. Tell them you'd like to spend time with them outside of work but make sure they know that their job is safe
✈️And if they say no, stay the fuck out of their way and don't make things awkward for them

🥒I wouldn't

✈️I believe you

✈️Really, it's probably not a good idea

✈️People like me and people like you, it just doesn't work in real life. Good thing we only know each other online.

🥒I gotta go. TTYL

🥒Later bro


((To Be Continued! Here is a link to a thread with all the parts so far:
🥒Hey, uh

🥒You weren't supposed to see that

🥒Usually I turn off my monitor altogether, not just let it turn off from being idle

🥒I couldn't have known that you would bump into the desk like that

🥒I know you didn't mean to look at what was on the screen.
🥒The names caught your eye, right?

🥒And you were ready to laugh it off as fanfiction until you saw the name of the beast that we came up with together

🥒For the chapter that hasn't been published yet

🥒I didn't want you to find out like this

🥒I didn't want you to find out
🥒I didn't mean not to tell you. I know I should have, it was just, I didn't know how. And when I tried to talk to you face to face you brushed me off - I know you had to, that it's the rules. But I couldn't imagine not saying it to out loud, "I am Peerless Cucumber"
🥒I'm sorry


🥒It's been a week. I guess you traded my room with someone else, since I haven't seen you at all.

🥒Since you're not coming by anymore, can't we
🥒Can't we pretend it didn't happen?

🥒Can't we at least go back to what we had online?

🥒I don't want to push you and I know you must be embarrassed. I never wanted that. I just didn't want to lose you and I didn't know if there was any way I could prevent it if you knew
🥒I really liked talking to you. You helped me be a better writer

🥒I didn't lie to you

🥒I thought we were friends, at least online.

🥒You haven't blocked me yet, so I guess maybe you don't hate me. I guess I should give you more space. Maybe a week's not enough.
🥒I miss talking with you

🥒It's silly I guess

🥒I built it into something it wasn't

🥒It never meant as much to you as it did to me

🥒I guess you have a lot of friends

🥒People you can invite to coffee or dinner without it being awkward

🥒People who you can talk to
🥒It's my fault for giving an online relationship weight it never should have had


🥒I won't bug you anymore

🥒I wrote something

🥒I don't know if you'll read it

🥒I'm not going to post it publicly because - well, you'll see why if you read it

🥒I wrote it for y
🥒It's Mobei-Jun and Luo Binghe

🥒You don't have to read it


🥒Have a nice life, I guess


((To Be Continued))

Master link post here:

✈️I'm sorry I left you on read for ten days

✈️It was an asshole thing to do

✈️I was really mad. Bro, you just LET me make a fool of myself

✈️And I was hurt, because I thought we were friends, too, and would a friend do that?

✈️But really, I was just scared. I still am
✈️I feel like an idiot for not making the connection

✈️But it was because, well

✈️You weren't 100% real

✈️I mean of course you're real

✈️But you were 'some guy online'

✈️So even though I KNEW you came from a rich family I could talk about 'asshole rich people' and not care
✈️And if you disappeared one day then it would just be, eh, his schedule changed or he lost his phone or something

✈️And even if I thought or knew it was really because of me

✈️it wouldn't hurt so much

✈️But now you're real

✈️Augh, I can't BELIEVE you're cute takeout guy!
✈️I just want to curl up into a ball and DIE

✈️And then I just start spinning through it again, embarrassed, mad, hurt, (scared)

✈️Because you're REAL

✈️And even if we only talk online from now on, I still KNOW THAT

✈️I can't just forget it

✈️If you stopped talking to me
✈️I would worry. I would try to find out if you were okay

✈️And probably get arrested for stalking or something

✈️...that escalated quickly

✈️These past ten days have SUCKED

✈️I couldn't talk to you and there weren't any new chapters of PIDW

✈️And then you sent me that story
✈️I couldn't make myself read it at first

✈️And then when I finally did read it I started tearing up too much to see the words

✈️LBH's realization, that the one he really wants is Mobei-Jun, and always had been. And then that they *can't* be together, because he can't risk it
✈️He can't risk losing his best friend, the person he trusts more than anyone in the world, the one person who always has his back

✈️And Mobei-Jun staring up at him, and thinking he's not a worthy partner for Junshang

✈️Mobei-Jun! Not *worthy*!

✈️And then you just left it open
✈️Like even THEY can't get the happy ending they deserve, even though they're not real

✈️You're probably asleep and you're going to wake up to this longass thing


✈️I shouldn't have contacted you at all

✈️I don't know what to do

✈️we can't be friends

✈️we can't
✈️Surely you get that?


✈️God fucking DAMMIT

✈️You were paranoid about being taken advantage of, but your family could DESTROY me. You know that, right?

✈️I hate this

✈️How would it even work

✈️Could we really just go back to talking about PIDW plotting?
✈️I'd be 2nd guessing every other word

✈️I couldn't tell you anything about my life because *what if it was someone you knew*?

✈️I never should have in the first place

✈️I guess this is my punishment


✈️You don't deserve to be punished

✈️You deserve better friends
✈️You deserve better than someone like me

🥒"No one deserves anything. Either you're lucky enough to be born into a good situation or you're not. You have to just keep on going." -paraphrased from Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky


✈️You really should write for Wikipedia

✈️Still not a compliment



🥒You want to come to my place for dinner? I picked up some cup noodles the other day.

🥒I eat them sometimes, in between takeout

🥒You could yell at me in person

🥒The latest chapter of PIDW just won't come together
🥒And my sis gave me this stupid espresso machine that I never use

🥒We could sit and have cup noodles and coffee

🥒And just talk


✈️Yeah okay fine

✈️I get off at 6pm

✈️So I'll be there at...6:05pm

✈️Should I bring anything? Wine?🙄

🥒Nah. Just come over and hang out

✈️I'll be there

🥒See you then


((To Be Continued))

Thread of all the parts so far (click and scroll down for new parts):
🥒Did you make it?

✈️Yeah, just barely caught the last train

🥒Good. Sorry to keep you so late

✈️Hey, I wasn't paying attention to the time either

✈️That was really fun


🥒I'm glad. Tell me what kind of cup noodles you want next time and I'll get them in advance. 😜
✈️Hahaha only the best, huh? Sounds good

✈️I promise not to ask for anything with peanut oil😅

🥒You didn't know I'm allergic! It's cool. It's not like I'm upset that you *asked* for something.

✈️LOL okay cool

🥒If you want to, you could stay over next time.

🥒I know that YOU know I have a guest room

🥒You've made the bed in there

🥒It's never been used, so

🥒If you wanted to stay late and crash at my place sometime, you could.

🥒At least I'm close to your work, right? Just bring a change of clothes

✈️Aww bro, that's super nice
✈️I dunno

🥒It would just mean that we could play a few more games of Smash before going to bed

✈️Or we would stay up all night arguing about Luo Binghe and Mobei-Jun

🥒...okay fair

✈️I'll think about it

🥒kay no pressure

🥒*tempts you with morning espresso*

✈️Not cool


✈️LOL you drive a hard bargain

🥒I just want a chance to get my own back

✈️After I smashed you at Smash?

🥒🙄I told you, I haven't played in a long time


🥒Anyway, anytime you want to stop by after work, let me know

🥒I'll be around

✈️Yeah, okay
✈️I'll let you know


✈️Haven't heard from you in a couple days, you ok?

🥒I've been working on the next chapter of PIDW

✈️Yeah? Need brainstorming help?

🥒I'm trying to figure out how the new characters are fitting in. Remember the Liu sibs I introduced a few chapters ago?
✈️Totally. The one with the veil and her pretty brother, yeah?


✈️So what's the problem?

🥒I'm not sure how they fit into the larger plot. I talked about LBH's parents and how they ordered him to take that grand tour of the human world. I think the Liu sibs are important
🥒But I'm not sure how

✈️Hmm. Well up to now LBH was raised in the Demon realm and was just touring the human realm, right?


✈️And Mobei-Jun is back in the demon realm, and LBH is close to him, as you've established


✈️So maybe this sets up a conflict between...
✈️LBH's human and demon sides

✈️He has deep roots in the demon realm and he never intended to make similar roots in the human realm. But now here are these two beautiful people who want to be friends with him and travel with him and fight at his side.

✈️So now he's torn.
🥒That's *genius*


🥒No really, that's so good Airplane. Luo Binghe has been traveling the world and having adventures, but he's always wanted to go home. But what if what 'home' is starts to change?

🥒It's perfect

🥒Thank you so much

✈️It's nothing, bro
✈️You're the one who's gonna make the actual magic happen

🥒You want to stop by tonight to help me refine it? I could use a chance to brainstorm out loud a little more


🥒Would takeout be okay? I know a good pulled noodle place. My treat, since you're coming to my place
✈️u said the magic words: pulled noodles


✈️Next time you'd better let me bring dinner tho

✈️*spoiler* it will be cup noodles

🥒I like cup noodles

🥒I eat them all the time

✈️ok then

✈️see you after work

🥒see you then


To Be Continued


✈️Bro? You okay?

✈️If this is a prank, it's not funny


✈️*Please leave a message*

✈️I'm coming down

✈️I'm using the residents' elevator b/c it's faster. We're only supposed to use it in case of an emergency.
✈️So if this isn't an emergency, I'm gonna be pissed

✈️That's it, I'm calling 119



((To Be Continued))

✈️Who is this?

💅I'm Cucumber's sister. You can call me, uh. Hmm.

💅How about 'Peerless Melons'?

✈️How about no?


✈️I assume if you're fucking around with me like this that your brother is okay?


💅Thanks to you.

💅They're keeping him overnight.
✈️Did he give you my #?

💅LOL no, I went to his apartment and looked at his phone. His lock code is STILL his favorite character's birthday.

💅Your convo was a very interesting back read.


✈️Privacy violation much?

💅It's a good lesson for him. He'll change his code now
✈️And MY privacy?

💅Oh, it's a good lesson for you, too.

✈️"Make sure your friend changes his lock code in case his nosy sister gets ahold of his phone"?

💅Not what I was going for, but I like it

💅Normally I'd threaten anyone who wanted to be friends with my brother. But.
💅You did save his life.

💅So you get a pass.

✈️Uh. Thanks? I guess?

💅You're welcome.

💅My mom wants to meet you.


💅She wants to thank you. She still thinks you just happened to discover my bro having a violent allergic reaction and just happened to find the epi-pen.
✈️That's probably for the best

💅You don't want me to tell her?

✈️Uh, NO

💅You could be a hero

✈️I'm good. Seriously, I didn't do anything special.

💅I back read the conversation, but I don't know what happened after you called an ambulance

✈️Oh, well, I let myself in
✈️Thank goodness they haven't switched to the new system yet, where your key will only work on the floors you've been assigned that day

✈️Anyway, I used my key and came in and Cucumber was choking. I was gonna do the Heimlich at first, but I saw he'd typed 'epi' on his phone
✈️He hadn't been able to send it, but he'd typed it.

✈️I saw the medicine cabinet once, and I remembered that there was an epipen in it. So I got it and read the directions and stabbed him with it

✈️And then the paramedics got there and took him away

✈️That's it

💅That's it?
💅That's IT?

💅You saved his life. That's what they said at the hospital

💅They didn't even know who you were, thought you were just the cleaning person

💅So I went to his apartment to figure out what had happened and found his phone

💅And here we are



💅So tomorrow my mom's coming to meet you.

💅Be at my bro's apartment at 10am sharp

✈️I kinda have to work

💅It's taken care of

💅You have a paid vacation for the rest of the week

💅But come in tomorrow

💅Be there, or I will come after you

✈️😬Should I be scared?
💅Only if you don't show up.

✈️Are you gonna tell her?

✈️Please don't tell her

💅No promises


💅But if you come I can promise you espresso☕️

💅You know he has a machine, after all

✈️Haha, you know my weakness. I'll take an hour train ride for free espresso

💅See you tomorrow

✈️See you then

✈️Cool nails, by the way

💅Thanks, I did them myself

✈️Really? Nice! They look pro

💅I had a pro show me how

✈️Yeah? How'd that happen?

💅So, it's a funny story...

((To Be Continued))

((2 notes before I start:
The idea that SY has food allergies is from:…
I have friends with deadly allergies and thought it was a clever idea that SY died from something like that. BeanFiend has given permission to use their meme ideas. Thanks BeanFiend!))
((2nd note: I didn't come up with the term "Peerless Melons". That was the excellent x_los. Everything they write is excellent. Here is the fic I got the term from:…))
✈️Bro your mom is scary

🥒She is?


🥒What did you two talk about, anyway? I figured she just wanted to thank you.

🥒Speaking of which, thank you

✈️NP bro

✈️She wanted to offer me a job as your live-in housekeeper

🥒She WHAT?

✈️Hah, I knew she hadn't told you
✈️She wanted me to come and live in your spare room and keep house for you

🥒What did you say?

✈️ngl, I was tempted. She offered more than I'm making now, and I wouldn't have to pay rent. Pretty sweet deal

🥒You turned it down?


🥒Why??? That would have been awesome
✈️Aww thanks bro

✈️I'll probably kick myself for it later

✈️but there are a couple of reasons

✈️one is, after my dad split and left me and my mom in the lurch

✈️I promised myself that I wouldn't ever let myself be dependent on anyone else for where I lived if I could help it
✈️If I lived in your spare room, you could just kick me out whenever you liked

🥒I wouldn't do that

✈️I know bro, but it's not, like, logical

✈️My landlord can kick me out too. But he'd only do it 'cause of money, and if he did, it wouldn't hurt in the same way.

✈️that's one. The other reason is gonna sound weird maybe, but it would feel like she was paying me to be friends with you?


🥒I see how that could be uncomfortable

✈️Also, I know your family wants you to be safe, but they're also nosy fuckers. I won't spy on you
🥒She asked you to?

✈️Not outright, but she kinda implied it, that she'd want me to let her know if you weren't doing well or were neglecting yourself

🥒I've been fighting them getting me a live-in care person for a long time

✈️Yeah that tracks. But I'm not the one for the job
✈️Especially sneaking in through the back door like that

🥒Was she pissed?

✈️She was ice cold, man. Started off all smiley and didn't lose the smile, but it got sharper and sharper. Sca-ry woman.

✈️Your sis is awesome though. Like a puppy growling from behind the big momma dog
✈️...don't tell her I said that

🥒Oh I'm gonna



🥒well thanks


🥒For wanting to be my friend without, you know. Getting paid for it

✈️Hah, you're welcome ig!

✈️I've got the rest of the week off. You want to play some more Smash?

🥒You know I do
✈️Just let me know when they leave and I'll come back up

🥒Will do

✈️I'm at the convenience store down the block. They have that new limited edition cup noodle with the figure you want, should I grab it for you?

🥒Please! I will pay you back🙏

✈️I gotchu 👍

🥒You're the best
✈️Except when I'm beating you at Smash

🥒True. Then you're the WORST


🥒They're heading out. Give them like 10 minutes to leave the building and then come up

✈️I'll be there!


((To Be Continued
✈️Bro. Did I say your mom is scary? She's TERRIFYING

✈️Why didn't you warn me she would be there?

🥒1. I didn't know, and 2. I couldn't find my phone

🥒It's been missing since yesterday. I didn't find it until just now when you pinged me and it chimed. (thanks btw)

✈️You're welcome ig. By any chance did your sis come to visit you recently?

🥒...yeah, how did you know?

✈️She's been snooping in your phone, bro

🥒What? No, it had just fallen behind my bed

✈️She knows your unlock code. Your favorite character's bday?

🥒Of course she does
🥒I told her so that if anything happened to me she could unlock my phone

✈️Well, she used that special ability when you were in the hospital

🥒She snooped???

✈️She let me know you were alright. But yeah, she also back read our convo


✈️In case you wanna change ur code.

🥒Anyway, what did my mom do this time? Why wouldn't she let me stay in the room when she was talking to you?

✈️She wants to give me an apartment

🥒Oh. That's actually not a bad idea

✈️Cucumber-bro! You can't just GIVE people things like AN APARTMENT!

🥒Says you

🥒So you said no?



🥒Don't underestimate my mom, bro

✈️It's actually a long-term lease, like really long term

🥒How long?

✈️TEN YEARS. And it's all prepaid, she told me I can even sell it if I want and just keep the cash.

🥒That's better than MINE
✈️I'm still going through the contract, but it's actually pretty straightforward, as much as these things can be. I looked for hidden clauses saying I had to report on you, but there aren't any I can find.

🥒Wait, where is this apartment?

✈️Across the hall from yours.

✈️And the worst part is, I KNOW they're doing it because they want me to make sure you're okay, even though she claims it's a 'gift'

✈️It would serve them right if I took it, sold it, and just lived off the cash

🥒You could

✈️I know I could!

✈️But she's gambling that I won't
✈️And she's RIGHT

🥒You're gonna live across the hall?

✈️It's looking likely


✈️She was careful to let me know it wouldn't affect my job; I can keep working here, I just wouldn't have to commute back to my shitty apartment

🥒sounds like a good deal to me

✈️it is😰
🥒So what's the problem?

✈️I don't exactly deserve it. All I did was what anyone would do: call an ambulance when someone needed one


✈️I dunno. It's stupid, but I feel like it's not mine if I didn't earn it I guess

🥒If it's a gift, then it's yours, right? Take the gift
🥒You'll get used to it

✈️And in ten years when I've gotten used to it and the lease is up?

🥒Then you'll have saved so much on rent that you'll be able to afford to buy an apartment

✈️LOL not this one

🥒Maybe not, but you know I'm right

✈️Yeah yeah. Fine, I'll do it

✈️Yeah. I should try to get my co-worker who took a year of law school to look over it, but I'm just gonna sign it. There. Signed. Done.

🥒We're gonna be neighbors🙂

✈️Yup. I haven't even told you about the other thing

🥒There's more?

✈️LOL but wait, there's more!
✈️She offered me a scholarship

✈️It's for a university not far from here. They have other majors, but they specialize in nursing training


✈️She even mentioned oh so casually that if I wanted to pursue a career in nursing or home care that the scholarship would work
✈️(Which I KNOW she got from your sis, 'cause you're the only one I talked to about that idea at all)

✈️But she also said that I could pursue anything I wanted

✈️The scholarship even includes a stipend for food and books and living expenses

✈️AND it doesn't require full time
✈️I could take one class a year and it would cover it and still give me a partial stipend


✈️Yeah. Like I said, your mom is GOOD

🥒Will you do it?

✈️I dunno yet. I've gotta look at the options they offer

🥒I used to go to that university

✈️Oh, you graduated from there?
🥒Not exactly. I had to drop out

✈️Had to?

🥒Health stuff. I missed too much class

✈️That sux

🥒Yeah. But honestly I wasn't enjoying being a business major anyway


✈️Why were you studying business? That's not your thing at all

🥒My parents wanted me to
🥒And tbh I didn't know what else to do. I just kinda went with the path of least resistance

✈️I get it

✈️You ever gonna try going back? Study creative writing or something? Hell, you could prob teach it


🥒That's one of the nicest things you've ever said to me
✈️What, that you'd make a good teacher?


✈️Haha well even with the boring vanilla sex you're still a good writer so

🥒Fuck you



✈️I didn't get a chance to go to college, had to go straight to working. So I'm kinda old

✈️Maybe we could go together

🥒You know that's probably what my mom wants, too, right?


🥒You don't have to decide anything right now

🥒Do you?

✈️Nah, she said I could take as long as I liked

🥒Then bring that contract here. I'll help you go through it

✈️I already signed it

🥒Well at least you'll know what you signed!

✈️Good point

✈️Okay, after work tomorrow
🥒See you then

✈️See you then


((To Be Continued))

All the parts are linked to from this thread:

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Jun 8, 2021
Here's my #SVSSS Leverage crew idea (more explanation in thread):
Shang Qinghua: Mastermind
Shen Qingqiu: Hacker
Liu Qingge: Hitter
Mobei-Jun: Thief
Luo Binghe: Grifter
I know several people have done a Leverage idea for these folks. This one's mine.
Shang Qinghua: Mastermind. SQQ is the creative genius behind their plans, but often has unfeasible ideas and needs to be reined in by SQQ. SQH would rather stay behind than participate directly.
Shen Qingqiu: Hacker. Started out doing some grifting as well, but he hates it and would rather be behind a keyboard. SQQ wanted to change the world; SQH was in it for the cash. Early on, SQQ ran into some trouble and got beat up on a job gone wrong, which brought in LQG.
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Dec 26, 2020
@yue_ix @unnaye @hils_k They're good. They're both good, the best, but even the best can't defend against treachery. Someone sold them out, someone high up. Someone confident that neither of them will survive - or else someone so certain of their own power and position that they don't fear retribution.
@yue_ix @unnaye @hils_k They should, though. He can read the same thought in his partner's eyes, even across the distance of the cameras and screens. When they get out of this, they're going to find the person who sold them out and make sure they can never betray anyone else.

And they will get out.
@yue_ix @unnaye @hils_k They'll get out because they're the best. They'll get out because people always, *always* underestimate them. But most of all, they'll get out because they have something the enemy can't plan for.

Intimacy. Connection. Understanding.

None of those words quite describes it.
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Dec 1, 2020
Scum Villain's Self-Saving System Mob Boss AU Tweetfic: A thread. To be updated whenever I feel like it.

LBH/SY!SQQ, MBJ/SQH. Maybe YQY/OG!SQQ eventually.
The name 'Shen Qingqiu' was widely known and (rightly) feared. Though these days he never got his own hands dirty, his were the fingers that pulled the strings. A tug here, and a man died screaming. A twist there, and a politician was humiliated.

He was beautiful.


Luo Binghe's 'initiation' when he'd joined Cang Qiong had been brutal, but he'd thought that once he got past it, he would be accepted. One of the family.

He'd been wrong.

Shen Qingqiu's eyes had flickered when Luo Binghe stood before him, covered in blood that wasn't his own.
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Mar 27, 2020
Quick thread! Just a fun idea that hit me in the clarity after a little meltdown tonight. This isn't porn, but it deals with porny concepts, so consider it NSFW and 18+ only! Just a few tweets for now. I might continue, but no promises! Guardian, Zhao Yunlan/Shen Wei, sex toys.
"This is what we call an incentive," said Zhao Yunlan as he set a box down in front of Shen Wei.

Shen Wei frowned down at the box. It was white and smooth. He opened it gingerly and peeked at the contents. Heat rushed to his cheeks. "An...incentive?"

"Yes." Zhao Yunlan grinned.
"How?" asked Shen Wei warily.

Zhao Yunlan set down another box, one with the familiar logo of a cellphone company. "You remember the other day I told you there were things smoke messengers couldn't do?"

"I remember. I asked for examples."

"And I told you I'd get back to you."
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Feb 17, 2020
Pornday threadfic incoming! This one is for @CleverManka, because she made me TWO (2) lovely things (actual, real life things!) and mailed them to me, and I have wanted to do something to say 'thank you' ever since. Based on these:……
@CleverManka Zhao Yunlan's always been a night owl. It was a relief when the shop got profitable enough that he could hire someone to handle the morning shift. Now he happily stays up until past midnight each night, getting the boring stuff done first and then tinkering with his babies.
His 'babies' being his bikes, of course. He says he can improve any ride (usually with a suggestive leer), but it's not idle boasting. He can coax more speed, more efficiency, more power from any motorcycle in existence.

He's not bad with the riders, either.
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Jan 4, 2020
They're having tea when the first rumors begin to creep in. Lan Xichen has no idea how word spreads so quickly, how events that apparently happened at Lotus Pier can be known in Lanling hours later. Yet the whispered words spread like fetid water rising through cracks in a road.
The accusations are ugly beyond imagining: that Jun Guangyao knowingly married his own sister and murdered his son. That he drained his father's energy before arranging for him to be raped to death. It's all so far from the gentle man Lan Xichen knows that he could almost laugh.
'Almost', because people are discussing these wild accusations as though they actually believe them. Lan Xichen knows that they cannot possibly be true. He looks across the table at Ah-Yao's beautiful, sweet face with its usual brave smile that hides such strain, such suffering.
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