The story is there, not even that well hidden as the public can see it. GALIN WESTON, Shoppers Drug Mart-the plan is there to corner the market on healthcare-Ford is shutting down walk in clinics, WESTON is opening walk in clinics. Mike Harris-owner of for profit
LTCs. Private LTCs where over 100 parents and grandparents DIED OF THIRST. Think about that. Investigators recommended no more for profit LTC beds. DOUG FORD IS FUNDING MORE PRIVATE FOR PROFIT LTC BEDS, as we speak.
Doug For has a deal ready to go to sell the management of ALL YOUR PUBLIC SERVICES, IE: EMPLOYMENT SERVICES to a US company.
Check out all the owners of land purchased along Ford’s proposed 413, the highway that will save commuters MINUTES and cost ? BILLIONS.
Every one of those people & developers who bought up that land DONATED TO DOUG FORD’S CAMPAIGN.
If you think Doug Ford is not lining his pockets off the backs of Ontarians, I have a bridge to sell you.
KENNEY ON POWER PLAY: Promoting PRIVATE SURGERY CLINICS. Says 1 BILLION HAS BEEN ALLOCATED IN THE BUDGET FOR THEM. Says they be funded by government Medicare. So why not build hospitals and maintain universal care then???
He wants an increase from the Feds to provincial healthcare from 22% to 35%. So, obviously the increase would go to funding private health care that we don’t want. He WOULD NOT PUT THOSE FUNDS TO UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE.
He’s says that PRIVATE HEALTH CARE IS MORE EFFICIENT AND HAS BETTER OUTCOMES? So what has happened in our privately run LTCs? Crap food, understaffed, highest deaths. Yes, that’s efficient.