Katy E 🇨🇦🇺🇦 Profile picture
Go to https://t.co/wtIkqFBvAl to join our fight for Alberta! 🇵🇫🇺🇦 she/her Anti anything Conservative! Ex con...I am evolving! #GoodTwitter
Mar 6 • 22 tweets • 2 min read
Following, you will find contact info for your MLA.

Smith said she will “repurpose” our hospitals, or let someone else run them.

Albertans must NOT allow this to go forward‼️

Thurs/Fri - Phone calls
Sat/Sun - Emails


Please call Danielle Smith’s office as well as your MLA’s.

We must put massive pressure on our MLAs.

You can leave these messages:

1. Leave our hospitals alone. They must stay under AHS.

2. Stop For Profit Surgeries NOW. Our Public HC hospital ORs are empty. /2
Feb 28 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
There is a post here by Ziad Fazel that is totally slanderous and maligning of myself & ABR.

He claims that we are organizing this rally w/o Nate’s consent or approval.

I am starting w/this screenshot of myself and Nate’s interaction. /1 Image I use this particular screenshot because Mr. Fazel claims that the video one of our member spent hours producing is somehow suspicious.

This video was sent to Nate for approval, and you can see his reaction to it.

I have no idea why Mr. Fazel is doing this. /2
Jan 12 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
The UCP have no funds for your tax break, Public HC, Public Ed, EMS…cutting everything b/c they predict a deficit.

In a mere 1 1/2 yrs they found and will find funds for a multitude of trips:

1. Nov 30-Dec 13/23 Dubai
Smith/Schulz + 16 others

2. Feb 15-19/24 Utah

Todd Loewen
Selling trophy Hunting Licenses/Bighorn Sheep

3. June 3-7/24 San Diego
Adriana Lagrange
Nate Glubish

4. June 21-25/24 California
Nate Glubish

5. Aug 11-18/24 California
Nathan Neudorf
Nate Glubish
+ 5 staffers

6. Aug 23-30 Germany
Rebecca Schulz

Jan 4 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
So many Albertans,

Out there, in their own cocoons,
Seeing their issues,
Not recognizing that today, in AB, everyone has something they’re wrestling with…

No family Dr…
Your child sharing textbooks, desks,
Scared of losing your CPP,

Fighting to make sure your child’s AB legacy isn’t a $250B O&G disaster…

Wondering when there will only be Membership Fee clinics…how will you afford it

Hoping our clean water holds out..and wildfires stay clear of your town…

Jan 3 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
It appears that Danielle Smith & Scott Moe are on their annual equalization rants.

Two adult (?) premiers who appear to have no concept of how equalization works, or…just have a need to enrage their followers, because it ensure their dedication.

Let me explain:
Smith/Moe: Pay attention.

Every citizen in SK, AB, pays their taxes. Whether or not Equalization existed, they would still pay EXACTLY THE SAME AMOUNT.

You pay what you owe. PERIOD.

May 27, 2024 • 20 tweets • 3 min read
There’s been a call to action as a follow-up to the fantastic rallies , for Albertans to CALL YOUR MLAs and tell them to STOP BILLS 11, 18, 20, 21 & 22!

A phone call only takes a minute!

Following is MLA info you might want to keep in your back pocket!

1. Mickey Amery
X acct: @mickeyamery
Leg: 403-248-4487
Con: 403-248-4487

2. Peter Guthrie
X acct: @PeterGuthrie99
Leg: 780-427-5041
Con: 587-493-2050

3. Angela Pitt
X acct: @AngelaPittAB
Mar 25, 2024 • 17 tweets • 3 min read
This is a summary of @TheBlueGem3 list. What has the UCP done for AB?

1. Highest Inflation rate in Canada
2. Lowest minimum wage in Canada
3. + 200% in utilities
4. + 60% on insurance
5. $520M private police
6. Fought over $10 daycare
7. - $100M Tylenot debacle
8. Owe municipalities $238M
9. Millions unaccounted for - War Room
10. Smith ordered Tylenot, approved only 2+yrs to neonatal newborns
11. $4.7B job creating tax cut to corps-no jobs
12. Paid BILLIONAIRE $330M - election bribe
13. Tax Arrears to Municipalities $238M
Jan 24, 2024 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Stollery: Imagine your child in end stage renal failure. You are donating your kidney & you are put under. When you awaken…no surgery b/c no staff, no bed in ICU to care for them…or your child waiting 4 days for surgery with a broken elbow, in pain and fasting…/1 Or maybe your child with cancer…and there is no staff, no OR time to implant that port that is vital to access life saving chemotherapy meds. Imagine your child’s life-saving surgery to excise a brain tumour, cancelled, more than once. Sound like a nightmare? /2
Nov 8, 2023 • 12 tweets • 3 min read
It’s time.

Tucker Carlson
UCP AGM Policies.

Ph# Toll free 310-0000
Email: premier@gov.ab.ca Copy to
UCP Caucus info@unitedconservative.ca

Following is my email on HC
Tomorrow I will be phoning Danielle Smith and every day this week. /1 To the Alberta premier:

As I write this, very I’ll Albertans are waiting 19 hrs in ERs in Alberta to see a Dr.
Why? Because you and the @UCPCaucus refuse to warn Albertans that COVID is running rampant. Not one word. No vaccine campaign. You talk about freedom & /2
Oct 20, 2023 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
The @Alberta_UCP & @ABDanielleSmith hid a report contracted in 2019 by Travis Toews, Minister of Finance, because it did not suit their purposes. That report was exposed today by @TheBreakdownAB and is a far cry from the fairy tale that Smith would have us believe.
Smith knew about that report during the recent election. She refused to run on the APP because of that report.
Instead, she commissioned an updated report from Lifeworks that was magically much more favourable to an APP.
There is something very devious occurring here.
Feb 19, 2023 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
#WomenAgainstUCP PLS RT
Alberta: Here is a list of Preston Manning’s COVID panel. WHO ARE THEY?

1. Dr Martha Fulford
-Attended Ottawa Convoy Occupation in Ottawa
2. Donated $1000 to the Freedom Convoy

2. Justice John Major
-93 yrs old
-Endorsed the Sovereignty Act
/1 3. Dr Rob Tanguay
-Appeared in a YouTube podcast with Theo Fleury

4. Michael Kelly Gagnon
-Proponent of PRIVATIZATION of Healthcare Systems.

Feb 18, 2023 • 12 tweets • 6 min read
1. @RachelNotley collaborated (likeADULTS) w/Trudeau to build the ONLY MAJOR PIPELINE BUILT IN 50 years.
2. @Alberta_UCP have LOST OVER 13,000 JOBS IN O&G, 4000 more than the NDP did w/oil prices at rock bottom. Yet she MAINTAINED PUBLIC HC & EDUCATION. 1/ 3. Under @RachelNotley our kids NEVER sat in an ATCO TRAILER waiting up to 15 hrs for care. Nor did she shut down a children’s palliative care centre.
4. Have you seen the article quoting CENOVUS stating that “Just Inflation” WILL BENEFIT O&G? Read it.
Feb 17, 2023 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
@ABPrimetime As an Alberta news source, the R Star program is one that Albertans would like to see a deep dive into. There are multiple aspects of this story that need to be made public. This program will potentially cost Albertans up to $20 billion dollars. 1. Smith worked with a lobbyist group that lobbied the Kenney govt for this program 1 short year ago. The ethics must be looked into. Is Smith wearing 2 hats, premier and lobbyist?
2. Albertans are now paying the salary of Kris Kearin, a cohort of Smith’s in this lobbyist group
Jun 1, 2022 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
The story is there, not even that well hidden as the public can see it. GALIN WESTON, Shoppers Drug Mart-the plan is there to corner the market on healthcare-Ford is shutting down walk in clinics, WESTON is opening walk in clinics. Mike Harris-owner of for profit LTCs. Private LTCs where over 100 parents and grandparents DIED OF THIRST. Think about that. Investigators recommended no more for profit LTC beds. DOUG FORD IS FUNDING MORE PRIVATE FOR PROFIT LTC BEDS, as we speak.
Jan 23, 2022 • 16 tweets • 3 min read
KENNEY ON POWER PLAY: Promoting PRIVATE SURGERY CLINICS. Says 1 BILLION HAS BEEN ALLOCATED IN THE BUDGET FOR THEM. Says they be funded by government Medicare. So why not build hospitals and maintain universal care then??? He wants an increase from the Feds to provincial healthcare from 22% to 35%. So, obviously the increase would go to funding private health care that we don’t want. He WOULD NOT PUT THOSE FUNDS TO UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE.