I remember when there was this little story, during TFG’s administration that SWORE they were going to purchase Lordstown and create a new partnership and pushed clean energy.
And, since Foxconn deal didn’t really pan out in WI, they went ahead and decided to purchase the LORDSTOWN plant last year so they could produce the Endurance EV series vehicle.
However, by May of 2022 (this year), they were still closing the deal and needing and extra $150 Million to start production.
And, as you can see, the GM deal went south, and Foxconn purchased the plant. They were ready to start production, however, COVID, supplier delays and so much more. Production is expected now in the 3rd quarter of 2022.
If the presence of law enforcement is strong in Uvalde it seems it’s location. It’s also a checkpoint. A permanent one. And CBP is the major employer there. 3/
How did Don McLaughlin become Mayor of Uvalde? How did is very RW ideals ever make it in a mostly Hispanic town in Texas. Do the citizens of Uvalde agree with his views? I’m truly trying to wrap my head around this….
Can anyone help me out here?
I said early on that Elon Musk doesn’t fit the image of a brilliant businessman. He fits the image of a carnival barker where everyone wants to see and hold the shiny object. Saving the environment, clean energy, jobs, SPACE, Satellites, SOLAR, MARS. 1/
Sounds like a visionary to some, but to others, he’s the carnival barker begging you to watch what he can do and many of you believe what you see. Smoke and Mirrors. Still smoke and mirrors.
Consequences of what can happen are unfolding in front of us.
This is the new emergence of a new person in the “family”. He’s a bit unstable and will continue to show those signs, but stock prices don’t always show a sign of a healthy business. Grifts are like that.
So many media companies across the country are pushing narratives out to local channels that lean right. More right than normal.
Nexstar Media isn’t any different.
In fact, they’ve gotten worse.
There are more stories like this. Don’t let the media make you despair about Joe, it’s what they want you to do.
First, his approval rating is at 72% with Democrats. 72%!
But the people supposedly part of the poll said all the same things and tropes we’ve heard about Joe from the beginning.
The story is biased.
I received this in the mail today. The Liberty Committee is funded, in part, by Reverge Anselmo a former resident of Shasta County who got into a beef with the County Supervisors over his winery and subsequently sold it and left CA. 1/
The candidates below are all supported by some form of that revenge money from Anselmo money and local donations. Every one of the candidates here are RW candidates that want to change how Redding looks. They don’t care about me or you, they just care about themselves. 2/
So who is the Liberty Committee?
Mostly it’s out of state money bent on revenge because a wealthy man lost a fight.
If you are voting in Shasta County, vote by mail or vote in person, but do NOT vote for any of these candidates. 3/