A loose attempt to establish Prithviraj as a Feminazzi who gives half of his time fighting to establish Sanyogita a part of his Darbar, making her sit beside him to listen to public complaints. Such virtue signalling was never a part of Kshatriya traditions.
Women used to stay in their Zenana mahal rather than being part of such gatherings.
Samrat Prithviraj is shown a brother to Maharaja Jaichandra, yet he goes on to marry his own niece. Seriously?
Ghurid army is supported by elephants while Rajputs were fighting on horses. 🙄
Just before the Jauhar, Sanyogita is shown dancing on a song. Just imagine, dramatising an emotional moment on the name of creative liberty.
Maharaja Jaichandra who built the Ram Mandir & Vishveshwar Temple Kashi is shown a Traitor, something thats just figment of imagination.
Rather than wasting precious of time of the viewers, movie makers should have given a focus on Prithviraj's exploits in establishing diplomatic relations with his adversaries in wake of an invasion to strengthen Indian defense, like one he made with Solankis of Patan.
Not a single reference of Prithviraj's identity, or his caste, or any reference to principles of Kshatriya Dharma, the whole movie is unnecessarily dramatized, which looks extremely pathetic.
Overall, it's a waste of time & an addition to long list of anti kshatriya propaganda.
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आजकल दौर चल रहा है इतिहास विकृतिकरण और राजतान्त्रिक महापुरुषो पर सवाल खडे़ करने का। हम सभी ऐसे अनेक प्रकरणो से परिचित है आज हम इसके समाधान पर बात करते है|
सर्वप्रथम तो क्षत्रिय इतिहास को केवल युद्धो तक सीमित करके ही इतिहासकारो ने न्याय नही किया।
आधे इतिहासकारों ने भी यदि युद्धों से इतर अन्य दृष्टिकोण भी अपनाया होता तो आज इतिहास की स्थिति अलग होती।
क्षत्रिय समाज के असल योगदान की विवेचना के लिए युद्धों से इतर इतिहास के कुछ अन्य आयामों पर इतिहास लेखन की आवश्यकता है, उदाहरणार्थ -
1) क्षत्रिय समाज के वंचितों से संबंध -
राजपूतों ने बहुजनो को कभी अछूत नही समझा। इसके विपरीत दलितों व क्षत्रियों के आपसी सौहार्द के अनेक उदाहरण इतिहास में मौजूद है।
जैसे पोकरण के रामदेव जी तंवर द्वारा डालीबाई मेघवाल को धर्म बहन बनाना व दोनो द्वारा साथ में समाजसुधार के कार्य करना।
Panipat was a battle led by Abdali against Mughals, Marathas being protectors of Mughal throne had a natural obligation to fight, why will anyone else fight for Mughal cause?
Yet, more than 6,000 Rajputs fought against Abdali in #Panipat,for their people.
All they know is to accuse others of their own shortcomings.
Rajputs never called you traitor for sitting ideal in Battles of Tarain, Bayana, Khanwa, Thanesar, Lahore, if we use same logic what will you be called for sitting ideal for 1000 years?
Panipat was fought during the 5th invasion of Ahmed Shah Abdali in India, he invaded India twice after Panipat, if Marathas were really fighting for the nation why didn't they fight against Abdali in any other invasion before and after Panipat?
On @aajtak,
@asadowaisi asked Who Invited Babur to India.
As he was not answered in the debate, Let me tell Who invited Babur to India through the ref. of Baburnama.
'Daulat Khan & Alam Khan Lodhi' INVITED Babur to India against his own clansman.
Let's see views of other historians about who invited Babur to India.
First we will talk about the view of Historian Jadunath Sarkar about the issue.
Acc to J. Sarkar, Daulat Khan the servant of Ibrahim Lodhi in Punjab in order to gain independence invited Babur to India.
But, leftist Historians conclude a probability which like of Owaisi exploit, of Rana Sanga inviting Babur based on a passing reference in Baburnama.
We'll go to that, but 1st, let's see whether Babur always spoke Truth or not?
It's proven that Babur lied many times in his memoir.
#Thread on evolution of words Rajanya-Kshatriya-Rajputra.
Golu forgot that there's only a limited usage of word Kshatriya in Rig Veda, Rajanya is the word used in place of it.Hence by #GoluKaLogic, Ks emerged only after Rajanya was replaced by this word in later vedic period.
Except Purush Sukta there's no reference of word Brahmin in Rig Veda. So acc to Golu, they also landed on earth as soon as people started calling them Brahmins.
Golu doesn't know that Rajanya was a lineage based identity as Rajput, unlike the word kshatriya.
Both of the words were interchangeable & were never used for any1 else but Kshatriyas. In post vedic period Rajanya was mostly replaced by the word Kshatriya, but still the words were used as synonym. In most of the buddhist texts,word 'Khattiya' is used to denote Kshatriyas.
Porus/Parvateshwara/Pravatka was the ruler belonging to Chandravanshi Puru clan of Trigata mentioned in ancient texts like Rig Veda and Mahabharata (Raja Bharat belonged to the same clan)
Raja Yadu of Yaduvansh was also a Puru but he officially lost the title to govern by t.co/hnigeFgSBX
his father Yayati's command. So he established a separate state and his descendants came to be known as Yaduvanshis, where as the line of Indraprastha of Puru had a chakravarti King by the name Kuru, & after him, his line came to be known as Kuruvansh ( of Kauravas and Pandavas).
And the Puru line of Trigartha kingdom (which ruled areas of Punjab some parts of Uttarakhand and most of Himanchal) with whom Porus is identified by the modern sholars, came to be known as Bhumi Vanshi after the Raja Bhumi Chandra who ruled over Jalandhar & Kangra.