People often ask what I mean by system change re: the climate and ecological crisis. It is very simple. I mean a full shift to a truly sustainable society/economy. This means changing more or less every convention of our modern society.
Sustainable means what it says. A society and economy in balance with the ecological carrying capacity of the Earth. Essentially that means no unsustainable trends, where our impact on the natural systems of the world is growing.
You see, in ecological terms, if there is a component, where it's impact on natural systems is constantly growing. Eventually it will have catastrophic effects, impacting also on the component driving it i.e. human society.
Lots of natural components have growing impacts. Let's say an exploding population of rodents. But this is eventually counteracted, by a sudden fall in the population of that rodent. Often, it produces a cycle or rise and fall.
Humans appear to have got out of this cycle and effect, by using innovation to get around what would cause that contraction in that growth. For instance, the use of fertilisers and pesticides.
But this is at the cost of destroying other ecosystem components and biodiversity, which in a long loop, will eventually have serious impacts on us, that we can't innovate our way out of.
There is no simple recipe for creating a sustainable society economy. However, if we don't want our population, our civilization, our society and economy to crash, it is essential.
The defining feature of the Trump regime, will be:
"When the flag drops, the bullshit stops".
The way to destroy a psychopath like Trump, is to put him in a position of power, where he can do all the things, he said he could do.
Unlike Trump's first term in office, where he surrounded himself with rational, experienced and competent people, who held him back, this time Trump has surrounded himself with MAGA yes men, and fellow unhinged ideologues, psychopaths and oligarchs.
What Trump says, will happen, or rather there will be an attempt to implement it. We are going to see the biggest clusterfuck in human history. Caligula etc, were a bit limited in their scope, due to slow speed of communication, and the limited size of the Roman Empire.
The world is in a complete mess politically. Whilst this crisis has been triggered by the absolute idiocy of the Trump regime, the complete inability of global leaders to respond to Trump's madness, demonstrates that it is a much deeper problem than just Trump.
To those of us with our eyes open, the failure of our global leadership, to produce any sort of coherent response to the climate and ecological emergency, which is an existential threat to our civilization, proves there has been a lack of leadership, for a long time.
I mean, it is hardly as if everything was fine before Trump got in, because it was the anti-human neoliberal doctrine, operated by nearly every regime in the world, which allowed right wing populism to arise, and gave Trump the keys to the White House.
I can answer this very simple, and it's because @Keir_Starmer is fully captured by powerful vested interests, who peddle the false argument, that fossil use is necessary for economic growth. This is false on many levels, and the only question is Starmer's awareness of this?
This supposed pursuit of economic growth, extreme neoliberalism, isn't actually what it appears to be. It is actually the use of persuasive false argument, sophistry, to support an agenda for the very rich, and big corporations, to get even richer.
I do not claim to be a great expert, or any sort of expert on financial and economic matters, I look at things ecologically. However, the reason for covertly supporting continued fossil fuel use, is very clear in terms of naked self-interest.
The whole system is broken, and our leadership everywhere, is totally unfit for purpose.
One of the few good things about the horror show of the Trump regime, is it has cast a spotlight on the inability of the rest of the world's leadership, to stand up to Trump.
This gives us our clearest insight into why there's been a failure of our global leadership, to produce any sort of coherent response to the climate and ecological crisis over the last 33 years, although it's an existential threat to our civilization.
This critical fault in our system, is that all our leadership, must bow down and defer to the most powerful players in the system, no matter how obviously bad and dangerous that is.
There is no point, where our leadership will stand up and say, you've gone too far.
I am baffled by what this supposed deal between Starmer and Trump actually is.
It doesn't seem to be anything concrete.
Starmer seems to have grovelled, kissed ass, and Trump said good little doggie.
Did anything else happen that I missed?
It seems that Trump has said, that tariffs against the UK might not be necessary, that he might do a trade deal. That Trump is "minded to accept the UK Chagos deal".
Forgive me missing something, and I have searched, but was anything concrete, actually agreed to?
Keir Starmer has just said I will do anything you say sir, to a tyrant threatening to annexe Canada, invade Greenland, take over Gaza and expel the Palestinians, to totally denying climate change and stopping all research, and a strange subservient relationship with Putin.
@NBPTROCKS @ClimateDad77 It's possible for a person to have more than one personality disorder, and NPD and psychopathy are not contradictory diagnoses. It's just not all narcissists, totally lack empathy etc. This is the Hare PCL-R test, quite objective.
@NBPTROCKS @ClimateDad77 Any moderately informed person, not in denial, can see for themselves, that on the checklist for psychopathic traits, that Trump ticks nearly every one. Not even Ted Bundy, who scored the highest, got the max score.
@NBPTROCKS @ClimateDad77 As I said, on other threads, I'd leave actual diagnoses, to those more qualified, who'd need to directly examine Trump. But because Trump objectively ticks so many of the psychopathic traits, and there are multiple lines of evidence for this, Trump is clearly a psychopath.