Stephen Barlow Profile picture
Naturalist, Conservationist, Environmentalist and Nature Photographer (especially macro). Born at 314ppm. Woke (awake).
Perpetual Mind Profile picture Charlie Helps FRSA ⚛️❣️💙🖤🤍 Profile picture Maje Swanoc Profile picture Maleph Profile picture Jörg 🌻 Profile picture 26 subscribed
Jul 21 20 tweets 5 min read
The @guardian should be thoroughly ashamed for publishing this steaming pile of sophistry. It's why I regard it as having a troublesome position. Yes, it has better climate crisis coverage, but that is because the rest are dire, it's just less dire.

1/🧵… The premise of the argument is that whilst the sentences given to @RogerHallamCS21 et al, are harsh, that @JustStop_Oil are using the wrong tactics, because they are inconveniencing ordinary road users. This is such an ignorant argument, from a position of privilege.
Jul 19 5 tweets 2 min read
I see there are a lot of gullible Tory Press reading muppets, trotting out the lie that people died because of @JustStop_Oil protests, ambulance delays etc.

Are they not aware of how many people died, because of ambulance delays in general.

1/… I mean, come on, it is not @JustStop_Oil protests that delayed ambulances for up to 15 hours. However, it is the policy promoted by the same said Tory Press and their proprietors that caused these deaths. Where are their trials and prosecutions?
Jul 14 26 tweets 5 min read
In my opinion, the greatest obstacle to addressing the climate and ecological crisis, is what I call the "walk around problem" of perception and thinking.

This is where, in their thinking, people can just walk around inconvenient reality, as if it isn't there.
1/🧵 Therefore, although the climate and ecological crisis, is demonstrable, and supported by the science, it is possible for even intelligent, and otherwise sensible people, to just walk around the inconvenient truth, and to not acknowledge the situation.
Jul 12 25 tweets 5 min read
I'd like to clarify my position on capitalism, as I am often mistakenly criticized for not being critical of it, or blaming it for driving the climate and ecological crisis.

Anyone reading my commenting, should be aware this is implicit in my critique.
1/🧵 My main caution about criticizing "capitalism" per se, is not that I am an advocate or apologist for capitalism, but that in reality, there is no clear or generally understood definition as to what capitalism actually is. There is no defining ideology of it.
Jul 12 4 tweets 2 min read
Let me make a very simple observation on the UK Government's new prison overcrowding strategy.


1/… This is crazy. There's a problem with prison overcrowding, and the government decided to criminalize peaceful protest, demanding, sincere peaceful people, trying to save humanity from itself, be locked up and given substantial prison sentences.

Jul 12 4 tweets 1 min read
No government in the world has got a strategy to deal with the climate and other ecological impacts - we are going to start experiencing in the coming years - NOT in the distant future.

None of them seem to understand how serious a threat this is.
1/3 THE big mistake, is not understanding that this is going to get much worse, and keep getting worse, relatively soon.

The future isn't going to be like it is now, just a bit warmer, the future will be radically altered. It will have massive impacts on our societies.
Jul 11 28 tweets 5 min read
I've been meaning to address this most crucial thing about the climate and ecological emergency, but I was not sure I could explain it right. I'm still not sure.

It is about a way of thinking, of seeing things. When you see things properly, this is all that matters.
1/🧵 Unless we address the climate and ecological emergency, nothing at all matters, as nothing else will be possible, as us, our civilization, and our societies, are all totally rely on Earth based ecosystems, and other natural systems.
Jul 9 14 tweets 3 min read
Just to clarify this. It's not me that's saying that there is a litany of broken climate promises over the last 30 years by our leaders, that they are liars. It's the UN Secretary General, @antonioguterres. See below for references.
1/12 The narrative, about the public finding it difficult to grasp the climate crisis, because it's so abstract, and all the psychology about that - IS A TOTALLY FALSE AND MISLEADING NARRATIVE.


Jul 8 42 tweets 8 min read
I was sent this video about climate change, and inaction, explained from a psychological narrative.

I found the whole narrative, in which it was presented, highly confused and misleading. It never mentioned the elephant in the room, our leadership.

1/🧵 For clarity, I will assert what I consider to be the incontrovertible evidence for the real obstacle.

I say, this is the fault of our leaders, failing to take the key decision, to phase out fossil fuel burning. Once this decision is taken, all would flow from that decision.
Jul 4 12 tweets 3 min read
I can't even think today. I won't have anything to say, until the results are all in and the dust settles.

I think this Tory regime we've endured is going to look very different with hindsight, when they are out of office, and we are not subjected to their 24/7 gaslighting.
1/ I think people, will say, how the hell did that happen?

I mean, it has been complete chaos, incompetence, sheer nastiness, and utter corruption throughout.

Nothing better illustrates the ability of governments and politicians to gaslight the public, once in office.
Jul 3 14 tweets 3 min read
I usually make predictions, about the general direction of travel, around election times.

If it goes as predicted, this could have profound implications for British politics.

It's much more than the Tories, simply losing office.

1/🧵… The Conservative Party, has become little more than a vehicle for vested interests, to pursue their vested interests. However, this assumes either them being in office, or with a realistic prospect of getting into office.
Jul 1 47 tweets 9 min read
In this thread I want to highlight, the problem, which lies at the centre of the climate and ecological crisis, and the solutions to it.

This also problem lies at the centre of social justice problems, throughout the world today.

It's a problem, which hides in plain sight.
1/🧵 I've previously tried to highlight this problem before, without success, even though it is very easy for me to demonstrate the reality of the problem I'm referring to.

People, humanity have been disconnected from the natural world which sustains us, by this problem.
Jun 27 11 tweets 2 min read
To clarify what I am saying here, properly understanding a problem, doesn't mean knowing absolutely everything about a problem. One of the first steps is understanding the limitations of what you can know, and can't know i.e. avoid searching for knowledge you can never have.
1/🧵 You can never be 100% certain of what the truth is, but you can be 100% certain something is untrue.

Therefore, early on, in problem-solving, you need to clearly identify the mistakes, the bad parts, even if you can't fully understand everything.
Jun 26 22 tweets 4 min read
What I'm getting at here, is that people, may use the same terms and words, like climate change, the climate crisis, the ecological crisis.

However, if you probe a bit deeper, you find that people's conception of what we are talking about, is actually completely different.
1/🧵 It's not grades of understanding, such as a layperson, and a scientist. You will find, say scientists, appear to have got profoundly different, incompatible, and mutually contradictory conceptions of the overall situation.
Jun 26 15 tweets 5 min read
It's my contention, that no real progress has been made in addressing the climate and ecological progress, in the last 50+ years, since the first UN Environment conference in 1972.

I firmly assert this. Read the Action Plan.

1/🧵… I know people will dispute this, pointing to other talks, measures taken etc.

But the fact is, that on every metric, the situation has got much worse. There has been massive biodiversity loss, and the Keeling Curve, demonstrates a steady upward increase in atmospheric CO2.
Jun 25 21 tweets 4 min read
It's become quite clear to me after attending the #RestoreNatureNow march what the crucial obstacle to addressing the ecological and climate crisis, is.

There's no common big picture view, no consensus, on what the current situation and ecological and climate crisis is.
1/🧵 People talk about the climate crisis, the nature crisis, the ecological crisis, the sustainability crisis, but they are often talking about something entirely different, even supposed experts and scientists.

They are talking through each other, not to each other.
Jun 23 11 tweets 3 min read
@ChrisGPackham @RNNMarch Thank you for posting this Chris, as I was just about to post a thread about my feelings about yesterday.

To my way of seeing things, and it is deep, the single biggest problem, is the lack of a coherent view of this crisis. This is my solution.

1/… @ChrisGPackham @RNNMarch I know people will respond, we haven't got time to talk about this, and yes, they are right, in that we need urgent action now. But action, or the impetus for it, on the basis of a mistaken perception of the situation, can be worse than no action at all.
Jun 21 7 tweets 2 min read
Those aware of the climate and ecological crisis, who are scientifically informed, are being made to feel like they have some weird cult like belief, despite their whole outlook, being based on the best possible science, available to humanity.

1/🧵… In the UK, we are in the middle of a general election campaign. Yet all the main parties and their leaders, have barely mentioned the climate crisis, and are trying to pretend that it doesn't exist. Their agenda, is detached from reality.

Jun 20 22 tweets 4 min read
What I'm baffled about as regarding the climate crisis, is the total refusal to acknowledge, that what we are experiencing now, is just a taster of what is going to come. That it is going to get far worse, and then keep on getting worse.
The false impression conveyed by the media and mainstream politicians, is that the climate/weather, will just shift to a different state, and then we can adapt to it. Yet, you can't easily adapt to a developing and changing climate, where much is unknown.
Jun 19 11 tweets 2 min read
My big idea, I've spoken of re: the climate and ecological crisis, is we need to create a global forum, of concerned thinkers, influential people, scientists and activists. I mean everyone coming together, to produce a singular understanding of our situation.
1/🧵 One of the problems I see, is that there are many genuinely concerned and insightful people, but that they have many different takes on this crisis, and only see facets of the overall problem.

I contend, that no single human can comprehend the breadth of this polycrisis.
Jun 18 12 tweets 3 min read
Our society, our modern culture, our civilization has taken a drastic wrong turn.

The ecological and climate crisis proves this. No rational society, would want to commit, global suicide.

If it really doesn't matter, then why the denial of the evidence?
1/🧵 There is getting things a bit wrong, but this is not like this. We have clearly taken completely the wrong direction. It is totally messed up.

Even worse is the apparent indifference to it, which is fake indifference, because why such denial, if it really doesn't matter?