Stephen Barlow Profile picture
Naturalist, Conservationist, Environmentalist and Nature Photographer (especially macro). Born at 314ppm. Woke (awake).
33 subscribers
Mar 4 13 tweets 3 min read
The world is in a complete mess politically. Whilst this crisis has been triggered by the absolute idiocy of the Trump regime, the complete inability of global leaders to respond to Trump's madness, demonstrates that it is a much deeper problem than just Trump.
1/🧵 To those of us with our eyes open, the failure of our global leadership, to produce any sort of coherent response to the climate and ecological emergency, which is an existential threat to our civilization, proves there has been a lack of leadership, for a long time.
Mar 4 24 tweets 5 min read
I can answer this very simple, and it's because @Keir_Starmer is fully captured by powerful vested interests, who peddle the false argument, that fossil use is necessary for economic growth. This is false on many levels, and the only question is Starmer's awareness of this?
1/🧵 This supposed pursuit of economic growth, extreme neoliberalism, isn't actually what it appears to be. It is actually the use of persuasive false argument, sophistry, to support an agenda for the very rich, and big corporations, to get even richer.
Mar 3 23 tweets 5 min read
The whole system is broken, and our leadership everywhere, is totally unfit for purpose.

One of the few good things about the horror show of the Trump regime, is it has cast a spotlight on the inability of the rest of the world's leadership, to stand up to Trump.
1/🧵 This gives us our clearest insight into why there's been a failure of our global leadership, to produce any sort of coherent response to the climate and ecological crisis over the last 33 years, although it's an existential threat to our civilization.

Feb 28 7 tweets 1 min read
I am baffled by what this supposed deal between Starmer and Trump actually is.

It doesn't seem to be anything concrete.

Starmer seems to have grovelled, kissed ass, and Trump said good little doggie.

Did anything else happen that I missed?
1/6🧵 It seems that Trump has said, that tariffs against the UK might not be necessary, that he might do a trade deal. That Trump is "minded to accept the UK Chagos deal".

Forgive me missing something, and I have searched, but was anything concrete, actually agreed to?
Feb 27 12 tweets 3 min read
@NBPTROCKS @ClimateDad77 It's possible for a person to have more than one personality disorder, and NPD and psychopathy are not contradictory diagnoses. It's just not all narcissists, totally lack empathy etc. This is the Hare PCL-R test, quite objective.

1/… @NBPTROCKS @ClimateDad77 Any moderately informed person, not in denial, can see for themselves, that on the checklist for psychopathic traits, that Trump ticks nearly every one. Not even Ted Bundy, who scored the highest, got the max score.
Feb 26 10 tweets 2 min read
The main thing we need to know about the Trump regime, aside from the fact, that Trump is a psychopath, is that they are very stupid people.

I can sum up their stupidity, very simply - they deny anthropogenic climate change - massive stupidity.

1/🧵… Climate crisis denial and climate change denial are a "STUPID" thing to do, because unless your aim is to collapse civilization, and lose everything you have, and to destroy America, then you are a very stupid person, who has no idea about reality, and what you are doing.
Feb 26 28 tweets 6 min read
"Starmer slashes aid to fund major increase in defence spending"

This is purely about Keir Starmer grovelling to Donald Trump, as he thinks it is his only hope. It is a stupid, vain hope.

1/… Whilst this is being presented to the public, by the billionaire owned and controlled media, as Trump and right wing populists vs liberal leaders, this is completely false, as these neoliberal centrists, put Donald Trump in the White House with their nasty neoliberal policy.
Feb 25 9 tweets 3 min read
There is only one thing that will "halt the loss of nature", a.k.a. the biodiversity crisis, and that is whole system change, away from the economic growth system.

I get told that's impossible, people won't accept it. No we haven't got a choice.

1/🧵… “There are now no non-radical futures* The choice is between immediate and profound social change or waiting a little longer for chaotic and violent social change. In 2023 the window for this choice is rapidly closing.” Kevin Anderson @KevinClimate

Feb 21 23 tweets 5 min read
"Keir Starmer will not risk riling Donald Trump by challenging him over his attack on Ukraine’s president, ..."

This is what I feared. Starmer, like the other European leaders, are totally out of their depth, and don't know what they're dealing with.

1/🧵… Other world leaders are simply not up to the task of dealing with the out of control monster, that is Donald Trump. They are treating him as if he is rational and sane, which he most definitely is not.
Feb 19 16 tweets 4 min read
'Donald Trump escalated his attacks on Volodymyr Zelenskyy, calling the Ukrainian president “a dictator” and warning that he “better move fast” or he “won’t have a country left”.'

As I've said before, Donald Trump is an actual psychopath.

1/🧵… One of the key psychopathic traits Trump has, which needs to be recognized, is his total disregard for the truth, and pathological lying.

This is so dangerous. Trump is not a rational or sane human being. He only appears to be.

Feb 19 21 tweets 4 min read
"Politicians who deliberately lie could be forced from office in Wales"

I commend these proposals in Wales, and I have been arguing for these types of rules and laws for a very long time.

1/🧵… It is beyond absurd, that politicians, not just in Wales and the UK, but globally, can tell bare-faced lies with impunity, and there are no consequences for them lying in this shameless way.
Feb 18 11 tweets 3 min read
The thing is, we do have plain-speaking experts.

Perhaps the best is Professor Kevin Anderson @KevinClimate.

I know of no one better at explaining the realities of climate change, to either the public or to politicians.

In fact, he is far too good at it.
1/🧵 So good is @KevinClimate at explaining the unvarnished reality of climate change, in plain language, that he's hardly ever allowed to speak to the public, given a TV or radio slot, or allowed to address and brief politicians.

Feb 17 21 tweets 5 min read
The Reform MP @TiceRichard is trying to seriously mislead the public about anthropogenic climate, with outright sophistry, and lies.

What Tice is relying on, is that only a few percent of the public are scientifically literate, much less on actual climate science.
1/🧵 In other words, few people would spot, that @TiceRichard is stating absolute falsehoods as fact. I will very quickly deal with the liar Tice, and prove he is a liar, setting out to mislead the public.

Feb 17 9 tweets 3 min read
@KarolusWangus I can't explain why you've got an "aching ass", but I can explain in huge detail why no progress has been made on addressing the climate and ecological crisis on almost every level. Please note false accounting doesn't count, and much of this can be laid at the door of the US.
@KarolusWangus The Keeling Curve is the knife that cuts right through the lie, that progress has been made on reducing emissions, and claims that progress has been made, is a big fat lie. The Keeling Curve shows a steady increase in atmospheric CO2.

Feb 16 25 tweets 5 min read
I'm very disappointed in the lack of interest in what is the most fundamental dynamic in what you might call climate policy. However, I've always found this.

It should be noted, that this is not my idea, it's reality. If we don't get this, we're fucked.
1/🧵 What I'm talking about here, is the basic mechanism of why no progress has been made on the ecological and climate crisis in the last 53 years, despite all the high level pledges.

It's what I might call, selective denial.
Feb 16 15 tweets 3 min read
What @SiOldridge is highlighting here, is the very strange phenomenon of "climate crisis denial". This is where powerful figures, often in politics, appear to accept climate science, but deny the major future impacts of climate change.
1/🧵 This phenomenon, is so difficult to pin down, because much of it is latent, and highly selective.

In other words, it only becomes apparent that someone is an absolute climate crisis denier, when the science tacitly implies we must change direction with business as usual.
Feb 15 15 tweets 3 min read
What climate activists, environmentalists and campaigning conservationists, have got to come to terms with, is the model to drive action, used for well over 50 years is dead. We've to take stock, not to give up, and develop a strategy which will create results.
1/🧵 The basic model used for well over 50 years, is to try and persuade our politicians to take action. For most of that 50+ years, politicians have promised action. Yet little meaningful has happened.
Feb 14 24 tweets 5 min read
This is the very reason I am suggesting that European leaders, need to consider thinking outside the box, and completely re-evaluating their relationship with the US.

1/🧵… Remember, it is the US Trump regime, which is telling Europe, that it can't rely on the US for military security.

It doesn't matter what Europe wants, because if Trump is not going to guarantee Europe security, they can no longer rely on the US for it.

Feb 12 10 tweets 2 min read
'Donald Trump’s newly appointed defence secretary told allies on his first international trip that the US was no longer “primarily focused” on European security'

Then maybe Europe, should completely re-evaluate its relationship with the US.

1/… Remember, the primary reason Russia, and before that the Soviet Union, was seen as a threat to Europe, was because of the US domination of Europe. I very much doubt Russia wanted to try and colonise Europe, given its difficulties holding onto Eastern European countries.
Feb 12 16 tweets 3 min read
What I meant by this, is that I am seeing so much analysis, talking about the situation Trump is going to create, that just assumes that what Trump and Musk are planning, will actually happen, in the way they intend. No it won't.
1/🧵 Certainly, Trump has the power to try implementing this, and this attempted implementation will happen. But this is soon going to be followed by lots of unintended consequences. For example, Trump can certainly impose a wide range of tariffs.
Feb 11 8 tweets 2 min read
I'm having great difficulty in knowing how to respond to the mistaken mainstream analysis of the Trump regime, which is all profoundly mistaken.

The only thing you need to know, is that the Trump regime is unhinged and detached from reality, and it will destroy itself.
1/🧵 The vision of what Trump, Musk et al, want to create/achieve, simply won't happen. They will destroy themselves, and their own reputations.

However, it will create massive destruction, chaos and suffering. It just won't create the right wing vision, they think it will.