The emergence of the shadow in mid-life…so poignantly articulated 👇🏾
“Jung calls the realizations of the Shadow an “eminently practical problem.” This growing awareness of the inferior part of the personality cannot be twisted into an intellectual activity.”
“The first half of life is, as it were, for the growth and differentiation of the Shadow. The whole second half of life is for the greater and greater integration of the Shadow.”
“...Kenya’s variety of Jim Crow, which made many U.S. nationals feel at home. This apartheid-like system had been in place for some time and was virtually coterminous with the beginning of European colonialism...”
“... as the British Empire began its terminal decline, Washington also began to exert similar influence on London’s colo- nial outposts—Kenya, not least.”
“This pressure was accepted grudgingly—at best—by the European colonialists in Nairobi, just as it energized Africans and African Americans who, not for the first or last time, found their interests yoked. “
New #digitalrights language needed; stating mass surveillance isn’t the answer/a human rights violation unlikely to win allies in governments or among the citizenry at this time...
For what’s the response to, “what are the alternatives?”