While the #SummitoftheAmericas limps together in Los Angeles, over 200 local unions, activist and grassroots organizations are gathering for the #PeoplesSummit22. Since 2005, the people's summit has been the popular alternative to the financiers' summit.
The summit will be held at Los Angeles Trade and Technical College, 400 W Washington Blvd, with the entrance on Grand Avenue. It will include three days of art, music, speakers, debates, workshops, panel discussions & performances. Here's the schedule:
And my own recent piece in Jacobin detailing why the official summit is an instrument of US hegemony in the reason. If you can, do participate in the #PeoplesSummit22.
AMLO did not go to the Summit of the Americas; AMLO must be punished. First Marco Rubio accuses him of being a narco and now comes this curiously timed letter of recycled allegations signed -yep!- by "squad" member @IlhanMN.
The empire does not brook disobedience.
The idea, moreover, that @USAID should be any kind of arbiter of press freedom of Mexico is frankly laughable considering that this is the very agency funding the nation's opposition. See: jacobin.com/2021/05/amlo-m…
While this isn't quite up there with AOC's Iron Dome vote, it is yet another example of the Squad's participation in an imperial, interventionist foreign policy that remains strongly bipartisan.
In reaffirming today that he will not attend the #SummitoftheAmericas, AMLO stated that the exclusionary practices of the United States constitute a continuation of the old politics of interventionism and lack of respect for nations and their peoples.
The US disqualifies countries on human-rights grounds, he said, while maintaining a blockade on Cuba that prevents it from importing food and medicine. This not only constitutes a tremendous violation of human rights, he stated, but a type of genocide.
The video clips are from Kawsachun News, the English-language service of the 6 Federations of Bolivia. If you're not following them, please do so:
HILO: Biden pide $33 mil millones para Ucrania además de los $13 mil millones ya gastados.
Alemania cambia su histórica política de no enviar armas a las zonas de conflicto, enviando misiles stinger y antitanque a Kiev.
En lugar de la diplomacia, la escalada.
Mientras tanto, la ministra de asuntos exteriores del Reino Unido, Liz Truss, está argumentando a favor de una "OTAN global" que prevenga [sic] amenazas en el Indo-Pacífico. Es decir, una alianza sin restricciones geográficas, facultada para actuar en todo el mundo.
Y recordemos que hace una semana, el Secretario de Defensa de EE.UU. Lloyd Austin -anteriormente miembro del consejo de la empresa armamentista Raytheon- declaró que su objetivo ya no es sólo apoyar a Ucrania sino debilitar a Rusia.
Act 1: On the day of the debate over AMLO's electricity reform, Congresswoman @palomaSnchez of the PRI decided to go outside and provoke people demonstrating in favor of the bill.
Waving gleefully, she yelled, "It's not going to pass!" and "I love you!" before coming back inside, giggling like a schoolgirl at her feat. In the lobby, you can hear people saying, "Are you against the people?" and "This isn't soccer, ma'am."
Act 2: Once inside the chamber, Sánchez contends that she doesn't care, because she's not going to be out looking for votes. When the person filming says she doesn't care because she's not going to be re-elected, she replies, "¡Por eso soy pluri!
As if to confirm to the letter my recent article in Jacobin about think tanks, energy interests, the US press & the Mexican right, check out the sources in this latest anti-AMLO screed by @ksieff in the @washingtonpost:
(The Center for the US-Mexico is at the Baker Institute.)
On last night's show with @DavidGriscom and @MattLech, we did an interesting exercise where we pulled apart a standard New York Times hit piece on AMLO to see how they're built - this one in the context of the recall election he won on Sunday.
For veterans of the Bernie campaign, you won't be surprised to see the same tactics at work: condescension, coded language, omission of key context, belittling of supporters, and the use of "many fear" & "analysts say" to generalize the isolated opinions they decided to use.