1.) CANADA, the pieces to the puzzle are coming together. Can you see it? You won't see it on @CBCNews . You have to open your eyes to see it. I will explain it to you but I can't make you understand it. For that you need "critical thinking" abilities. Do you have them?
2.) Firstly #TrudeauIsDestroyingCanada was to review and update the Federal mandates April 6, 2022. Prior to that the Treasury Board announced Fully Vax'd would be updated to include a BOOSTER. That date came and went without a review or update.
5.) @OmarAlghabra indicates he is hiring more border agents to help alleviate congestion at Canadian Airports. But what is this really about? Could it be they need more agents to implement the KTID system?
6.) Is the puzzle coming together for you? Are you using "critical thinking"? Let me provide another piece of the puzzle. @CPHO_Canada is predicting a 7th wave this fall. Is it a wave or the seasonal flu? Remember 90% of Canadians took the jab. nationalpost.com/news/politics/…
7.) The final piece of the puzzle "exposed". This fall the Known Digital ID Program will be implemented along with a BOOSTER that must be taken to be "Fully Vax'd" to keep your Federal job AND travel via the KTID program. Are you going to comply?
1.) ONTARIO, I ask you to consider my recent tweets wrt the upcoming vote. I have outlined the agendas and past history of the legacy parties in Ontario. That of @fordnation@AndreaHorwath@StevenDelDuca . I am NOT telling you who to vote for in anyway shape or form.
2.) I'm asking you to consider WHAT you are voting for. Legacy parties are NOT the party of your parents. They have ALL moved toward the far left. The woke Liberalism that is controlling the WORLD today. Are you happy being totally controlled?
Remember the words of Ronald Regan.
3.) If you want change vote for change. The legacy parties will give you more of the same. We are ALL Ontarians and Canadians.
Are you truly free? Are you happy 6 million + Canadians are segregated?
1.) ONTARIO, @StevenDelDuca and the Liberals in Ontario are NOT even an official party as of the election 4 years ago. They do not get government funded financial assistance. They only have 7 seats and need 8.
2.) Is @StevenDelDuca a Leader? A leader of what? By all rights they are NOT a Party. They are 7 independents. They have ZERO official standing. Does he look like a Leader?
3.) He is in fact a Liberal. Ask yourself are you happy with the direction Canada has taken since 2015 under @JustinTrudeau and the woke Liberal agenda? The WEF agenda? Liberals tax, borrow and spend. Been their trademark since Pierre Elliott Trudeau.
1.) ONTARIO, @AndreaHorwath and the NDP wants your vote. She and her party ALSO wanted harder and longer mandates and lockdowns than the tyrant @fordnation
2.) Andrea wants your vote as an NDP. The Federal NDP's under @theJagmeetSingh have continuously propped up @JustinTrudeau forming an alliance in the end. Jagmeet is WEF. Is Andrea? Is Andrea a Liberal at heart as well?
3.) Can you trust a leader that expensed her party for expensive clothes? How many Ontarians in the last 2 1/2 years afforded expensive clothes? Who is she really looking after?
1.) ONTARIO, @fordnation is NOT a leader he is a FOLLOWER. He followed the narrative of the Liberals and the WEF. He followed the OST which was assembled by the McKinsey Group which is directly tied to WEF. He followed the Scientology of the WEF not Science.
2.) He lied and flip flopped on every issue. He initiated lockdowns and severe fines. He closed businesses FOREVER (Adamson BBQ debacle for one). He oversaw the firing of HCW's and FR's and did NOTHING to save them. remember the hot mic "political suicide" comment?
3.) He used the "notwithstanding" clause never used before in the Legislature.
1.) CANADA, there is a HUGE crack in the damn and there will be a flood soon. The TRUTH is coming out. Thanks to Kelly @rubiconcapital_ it is NOW a proven fact mRNA puts young males at a HUGE risk of myocarditis. Pfizer AND Moderna.
What does Ontario do?
2.) Kieran Moore comes out the NEXT day after Kelly exposes myocarditis risk with Moderna and "recommends" Pfizer for second dose. news.ontario.ca/en/statement/1…
3.) Last night @rubiconcapital_ releases a graph on Twitter that Pfizer is just as bad.
1.) ONTARIO, they are playing you again right NOW right in front of your eyes and you are blind to see it.
So I will open your eyes for you.
Doug did NOT open the schools but gave you all another carrot like golf and tennis and locked you down two more weeks.
2.) He gave you a bigger carrot this time. He is ALLOWING you to have an outside graduation. You all eat it up.
Then he comes out and says he wants to move to step 1 of his third BULLSHIT plan earlier than June 14. That makes him look like a good guy.
3.) Then the very next day cases go up cuz they are manipulating them and Dr. Williams says he is very concerned about the uptick BLAMING them on May 24th weekend. ALL the while they are screwing with the case counts and the PCR. Using old cases that they held back to use now.