1.) Have you wondered why recent events have happened here?
Why Trump is trolling 🇨🇦?
It's all by design. All 338 of them are involved. It's all real.
June 30, 2025 it starts.
2.) This was a year ago. Tell me how Pierre who was the Finance Critic of the Opposition does not know about the Sunset Clause Section 21 of the Bank Act? Says he hasn't read it. Remember when he said he hadn't read about the UN SDG's?
Nov 14, 2023 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
1) CANADA, Pierre Poilievre first said at a rally in Windsor, Ontario in Feb 2023 his gov't would not bring in a digital id, which caused cheers from attendees.
But in Aug 2023 he says no "mandatory" digital ID?
1) CANADA, I am about to say some things that may upset dome of you and maybe even some of my followers BUT I have had enough of the utter 💩I'm seeing here in tweets. Bear with me till the end of this short thread. 2) 6 million Canadians saw thru the scandemic and never got the shot, 2 million more got one and stopped. Many more coerced got 2.
Meanwhile @CPC_HQ did NOTHING for you. They sat quiet while Trudeau enacted unscientific travel mandates upon you.
Feb 24, 2023 • 8 tweets • 4 min read
1) CPC is holding their convention Sept. 7-9, 2023 in Quebec City. Why Quebec?🤔 Why not Alberta since PP claims to ❤️🇨🇦 Oil & Gas?🤔
This convention is where CPC policy is determined. PP has been promising lots BUT it's the Party that sets policy.
cpc23.ca2) Andy and Erin promised lots as well and reneged.
Let's take a good look at what Pierre says and what he doesn't say:
"My gov't will not impose Digital ID".
- he is correct but what he is not saying is his gov't will NOT repeal it.
1) Let's dissect Trudeau's 2015 acceptance speech. Look at his promises:
Sunny ways, my friends, sunny ways. This is what positive politics can do. HAS IT BEEN SUNNY, POSITIVE?🤔
macleans.ca/politics/ottaw…2) I also want to specifically thank my good friends Katie Telford and Gerald Butts. Katie and Gerry are two of the smartest, toughest, hardest working people you will find anywhere.
Jun 9, 2022 • 7 tweets • 4 min read
1.) CANADA, the pieces to the puzzle are coming together. Can you see it? You won't see it on @CBCNews . You have to open your eyes to see it. I will explain it to you but I can't make you understand it. For that you need "critical thinking" abilities. Do you have them?
2.) Firstly #TrudeauIsDestroyingCanada was to review and update the Federal mandates April 6, 2022. Prior to that the Treasury Board announced Fully Vax'd would be updated to include a BOOSTER. That date came and went without a review or update.
1.) ONTARIO, I ask you to consider my recent tweets wrt the upcoming vote. I have outlined the agendas and past history of the legacy parties in Ontario. That of @fordnation@AndreaHorwath@StevenDelDuca . I am NOT telling you who to vote for in anyway shape or form.
2.) I'm asking you to consider WHAT you are voting for. Legacy parties are NOT the party of your parents. They have ALL moved toward the far left. The woke Liberalism that is controlling the WORLD today. Are you happy being totally controlled?
Remember the words of Ronald Regan.
May 29, 2022 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
1.) ONTARIO, @StevenDelDuca and the Liberals in Ontario are NOT even an official party as of the election 4 years ago. They do not get government funded financial assistance. They only have 7 seats and need 8.
2.) Is @StevenDelDuca a Leader? A leader of what? By all rights they are NOT a Party. They are 7 independents. They have ZERO official standing. Does he look like a Leader?
May 29, 2022 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
1.) ONTARIO, @AndreaHorwath and the NDP wants your vote. She and her party ALSO wanted harder and longer mandates and lockdowns than the tyrant @fordnation
2.) Andrea wants your vote as an NDP. The Federal NDP's under @theJagmeetSingh have continuously propped up @JustinTrudeau forming an alliance in the end. Jagmeet is WEF. Is Andrea? Is Andrea a Liberal at heart as well?
1.) ONTARIO, @fordnation is NOT a leader he is a FOLLOWER. He followed the narrative of the Liberals and the WEF. He followed the OST which was assembled by the McKinsey Group which is directly tied to WEF. He followed the Scientology of the WEF not Science.
2.) He lied and flip flopped on every issue. He initiated lockdowns and severe fines. He closed businesses FOREVER (Adamson BBQ debacle for one). He oversaw the firing of HCW's and FR's and did NOTHING to save them. remember the hot mic "political suicide" comment?
Oct 12, 2021 • 10 tweets • 5 min read
1.) CANADA, there is a HUGE crack in the damn and there will be a flood soon. The TRUTH is coming out. Thanks to Kelly @rubiconcapital_ it is NOW a proven fact mRNA puts young males at a HUGE risk of myocarditis. Pfizer AND Moderna.
What does Ontario do?
2.) Kieran Moore comes out the NEXT day after Kelly exposes myocarditis risk with Moderna and "recommends" Pfizer for second dose. news.ontario.ca/en/statement/1…
Jun 5, 2021 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
1.) ONTARIO, they are playing you again right NOW right in front of your eyes and you are blind to see it.
So I will open your eyes for you.
Doug did NOT open the schools but gave you all another carrot like golf and tennis and locked you down two more weeks.
2.) He gave you a bigger carrot this time. He is ALLOWING you to have an outside graduation. You all eat it up.
Then he comes out and says he wants to move to step 1 of his third BULLSHIT plan earlier than June 14. That makes him look like a good guy.
Jun 3, 2021 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
1.) CANADA, ONTARIO, our freedom is gone. Doug Ford put the nail in the coffin yesterday waging war on our children. ALL you adults injecting have given Trudeau and Ford the power. These are ALL EUA. They are using expired doses and mixing and matching.
2.) Extending the time frame to get the second dose long past manufacturer trial tests. Gov't has given them full indemnity. Now gov't has instituted an adverse reaction compensation plan. That same plan is funded by you injecting (taxpayer).
May 29, 2021 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
1.) ONTARIO, in an earlier tweet I asked what you think will happen in the fall when this all goes bad. Got many good thought out replies.
Here is my take on it after listening to your replies.
2.) This fall when the flu season starts even though many think influenza has been eradicated worldwide cuz people are wearing masks (lol). All the fully jabbed will get very ill. Elderly first mainly in LTC. ICU will fill up and we will be full lockdown again.
Apr 16, 2021 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
1/? CANADA, ONTARIO have you all lost your minds? Has reasonable thought gone out the window? Have you been infected with fear? I will try and put the pieces together for you.
First it is PROVEN this virus has a 99+% chance of recovery IF you contract it.
Second it has been PROVEN that masks are NOT effective as a control measure for pathogen viral infection.
Third infection of a pathogen does not lead to disease. Disease occurs when the cells in your body are damaged. You have an immune system.
Apr 14, 2021 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Conspiracy? I think NOT!
Justin Trudeau, Joe Biden, Boris Johnson, Doug Ford have more in common than you think.
Next Elections
CANADA Oct 2023
USA Nov 2024
UK May 2024
ONTARIO June 2022
Justin, Joe and Boris all use the WEF "Build Back Better"
Justin is now saying vaccines are not enough restrictions are required comparing to UK where tight lockdowns exist.
USA ONLY Democratic states are locked down.
Apr 10, 2021 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
1/? Doug Ford's Re Opening Act of Ontario is hypocritical as he has NO intentions of ever OPENING Ontario.
It is time for the citizen's of Ontario to take FREEDOM back themselves and defy the lies and his corrupt policies and laws. The Police are not following their Oath.
2/? Their Oath says "I will uphold the Constitution of CANADA". These Emergency orders do NOT trump the Charter of Rights.
We the people need to take back our RIGHTS and FREEDOM.
Mar 20, 2021 • 12 tweets • 3 min read
1/? All you people that think this is real you are totally wrong. Keep your head in the sand until it is too late. People die every year from poor health and natural causes. This is no different except we are killing people for no reason and not due to C19.
2/? The deaths are a result of how Gov't and PH has reacted to a virus that has been totally mismanaged by them. Power corrupts. Just look around the entire word and look what is going on. The world panicked all conceived by China.
Mar 19, 2021 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
1/? Ontarians this link attached is the consent form you MUST sign to get the remedy. Take a good look at it. Notice all the questions are a CYA. It is very in depth. Not sure if you are aware of this before you go to the remedy center.
2/? This will give you a chance to see it and study it b4 you get there and are rushed to sign it. This is NOT something to be taken lightly. Not a form to not read the fine print. It is your health.