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Jun 9 119 tweets 46 min read
June 9,2022 Fresno City Council meeting! Today’s meeting comes two days after the June 7 election. Among the items include various workshops on Water Supply; Code Enforcement; Measure C; Also Interim City Attorney;Selected Consent Calendar items:
1-M Approve the award of a purchase contract to Swanson Fahrney Ford, of Selma, California, for the purchase of 97 Ford vehicles for Department of Public Utilities, Departments of Public Works, Transportation, Airports, Planning&Development, Police,&Animal Center for $4,139,218
1-P Actions pertaining to a Parking Agreement between the City of Fresno and Metro Hospitality, Inc.: 1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption per staff determination pursuant to Article 19, Section 15301 Class 1 (existing facility) of the California Environmental Quality Act
Guidelines 2. Authorization to Approve a Parking Agreement with Metro Hospitality Inc. (DBA Courtyard Marriot- Fresno Downtown) for parking in City of Fresno Parking Garages 7, 8, 9 for one (5) year term starting upon possession of certificate of occupancy
1-Q Approve the First Amendment to the property management agreement with Turning Point of Central California, Inc., for The Valley Inn, a 107-room motel located at 933 N. Parkway Drive (APN 449-335-32), to provide temporary shelter and prevent COVID-19 among individuals
experiencing homelessness in the City of Fresno to extend the term of the agreement for one year until June 24, 2023, and add additional insurance requirements to the agreement as Exhibit E
1-R Approve the Appointments of Todd Cregar (Resident of District 2) to the Civil Service Board, and Eduardo Leal (Resident of District 5) to the Mobile Home Rent Review and Stabilization Commission. Reappointments of Paul Bauer (Resident of District 6) to the Fresno Regional
Workforce Development Board, and Don Priest (Resident of District 1) to the Community Media Access Collaborative.
1-Y *Authorizing the Submission of Grant Applications to the California Department of Transportation's Active Transportation Program (ATP) Cycle 6 Call for Projects Totaling up to $24 Million in Requests for Funding; and Authorizing the Execution of Grant Application and Grant
1-CC BILL (For Introduction) - Amending Management of Real Property Ordinance,

1-DD BILL (For Introduction) - Amending Filing a Notice of Appeal, FMC section 1-407, to remove
automatic stay on enforcement when filing an appeal.
1-EE Approve Interim City Attorney
Thank you @fresnoland ! #Fresno
Watch Live beginning at 9:00 AM
Council meeting begins at 9:06 am. All councilmembers present. Invocation @MayorJerryDyer as a substitute for originally scheduled DJ Criner who doesn't seem to be present.
City Clerk announces that internet is down again(I am seeing it fine on @CMACTV though) so a delay.
Proclamation occurring but audio is down so I am not sure which one is happening.
Proclamation for "Alzheimer's and Brain Awareness Month"sponsored by Soria. She speaks on her mother's dementia and the toll on her mother's husband who is also her caretaker. More resources needed to help.Susanna:Thanks @Esmeralda_Soria for sponsoring this. Brenda:1.8 million
Californians are effected by dementia. Bob Gray:my wife's dementia began 7 years ago. I needed help and this organization helped me. Many caretakers pass away before those afflicted do from the stress.(Soria tearing up). Next:Her husband died of dementia and parkinson's.Please
contact Alzheimers's association. Alzeimer Walk occurring soon.Please come out.
Proclamation for "LGBTQ+ Pride Month" sponsored by Soria.This past weekend was the Pride Parade with 10,000+ in attendance.Fresno is a safe place for everyone. Pride Flag raising tomorrow.The late Jeffrey Robinson was honored at last year's flag raising. Patsy:We have been
helping with Pride. Next:My heart was so full last week. People from all walks of life. A couple told me the Parade was the only time they felt comfortable in public expressing their love.:Pastor Bill thanks Fresno City College where the festival occurred and EOC for the shuttles
Next:Others besides Jeffrey Robinson that passed away the past two years. Visibility is very important.
Proclamation for "National Gun Violence Awareness Month" sponsored by @D7Esparza Human life is invaluable but there are medical, quality of life and law enforcement costs. Moms Demand Action as well as March 4 Our Lives are here. Dr. Nicole Webb :March this Saturday on Blackstone
at River Park. Gun deaths are the #1 deaths of children and it is 100% preventable. It is untrue that this is all about politics. Yvonne's daughter Brianna was killed by gunfire and reached out to put this on agenda.Next:I have 3 young children and implore that we all
have to get involved and not look away. This destroys families and we are only degrees from happening to us. Come out to the March 4 Our Lives this Saturday. @MayorJerryDyer We have had many mass shootings just in this past week. I have spent time in hospitals with grieving
families. I was on CNN this week asking for sensible gun reforms like no ghost guns. I have got a lot of flack for it but we are going to take action locally. @kmkarbassi An educator is in the audience. This issue is a people issue.
Proclamation for "Fresno State Men's Rugby Day" sponsored by Mayor Dyer . This is the 16-0 NATIONAL Championship! We had a lot of firsts this year says their coach Pat.Valley Toughness got us through. Executive Director Mike Darling says community fundraised $50,000 to help us
go to the championship including one person who donated $5000. They beat Kansas JayHawks for championship.
Mayor Dyer thanks the City clerk for the dramatic rand energetic reading of the Proclamation and pumping Dyer up! They will make a Hollywood movie on this team says Dyer!
1-O removed to June 16th. 10:15 removed to uncertain date. 1-S pulled by Maxwell; 1-Q by Soria, 1-I, 1-M and 1-W tabled by Arias. 4-A tabled. 10:15 am item and 3-C Measure C workshop both continued to June 16th by administration.
Council comments:Soria thanks all that came out to Pride Parade as well as the driver of her classic car she drove in. 2nd annual flag raising ceremony at City Hall tomorrow 11:30. Arias:League of cities meeting at 1 pm today and his daughter's picnic so he may be back later.
@Maxwell4Fresno : Thanks @JDMARTINEZFBOE3 Martinez for inviting for allowing him to swear in Fresno State student government. Also D'Anjelique Jackson who is terming out at ACSI Fresno State's president. Dr. Foo (sp.) is a new Provost. He has raised million of grant dollars for
female engineers and Asians at Fresno State. @D7Esparza Flag raising tomorrow. Housing Authority and Mayor joined me for ground breaking of The Arthur on Blackstone. 70 unit apartment building and part of transforming Blackstone. @MayorJerryDyer Time of Action Award for our LED
lights and HVAC upgrades. Just one of 5 large cities to win. Also El Salvador Consulate opened in Fresno.
Unscheduled Public Comments: @LovesMercy Brandi:Thanks for Pride Parade and flag raising. 1-S free swimming item. Contracts for homeless needs to have homeless advisement. Also sun protection for homeless. I have read OneHousing Plan and have some 10 recommendations for it.
Cindy Bendino:Cooling Centers are opened 105+ but they should be open when 100 or higher.The homeless are our family/neighbors. Free FAX rides to cooling centers. Please come with me to hand out free waters.Maroa building she is in favor. Affordable housing is needed.
@LisaYFlores1 I am very grateful for everything Council does for LGBTQ. Also Mayor needs to stop industrial overlay and look at South Specific Plan. Roeding Dog park has had issues with glass. My dog has been coughing. Perhaps kennel cough? Thanks to city for coming out to clean!
Parvo outbreak has led to homeless no longer using it for their dogs. Dez Martinez by Zoom:Parkway crossing needs to be safer near Homeless Shelter.600 people were placed there but no thought to safety? More shelters and tiny homes are needed. Heat of sidewalks puts homeless in
real danger.Asks Council to come out with her to handout waters to homeless with her.Del Black was hit by two cars on Parkway.
This concludes Unscheduled Public Comments.
3-E Fresno EDC Workshop Egger:we are moving onto Fulton St! We have half of our staff out with Covid.
We have 40 on our Board of Directors and for the first time have Union representation. We try to have diversity. @Esmeralda_Soria You need some more diversity on the Executive Board as well. Lee Ann Eager "agrees"
Will Oliver :VP of Business Services He introduces some new staff members Ross and Spencer.We used to have to pay for consultants but have brought in interns from Fresno State to help analyze data. Julian Ramos:Introduces his staff. They help create tailored requests for clients.
Fresno is a great place to open your business! We have been able to dissuade a from from moving to Salt Lake City and in fact convinced them to move what they had in Utah to merge with their Fresno team. California China Trade opportunties. This gives those from Fresno to work
with those in China as well as those in China to do business in Fresno.@LuisCha70215912 Importance of the marketing analysis is so critical. As we are reinvesting in older parts of Fresno but that marketing analysis is so important in what type of stores come depending on roof-
top numbers etc. Ramos:we have economic development with our sister city Muenster, Germany. Will Oliver:Business Expansion/Retention 80% of new jobs come from existing businesses so we help with incentives. $14 Millions in PPP Referred loans. NEO has reimbursed $10.6 M in wages
Lee Ann Eager/Chuck Rijos: There is a shortage of truck drivers nationwide so we began the John Lawson Truck Driving School.Some of the trainees have gone on to own their own trucking firm.We have 70-80% of welfare to work retention whereas in other parts of the nation it is only
30%. We will do the extra to figure out how to retain workers such as daycare. We have also started a Valley Training Center for High Speed Rail. Chuck Rijos is leading that program:It is unique to have Union Labor and EDC together but there is a lot of crossover. We are moving
our training center to West Fresno Campus. Congressman got $2 Million from Federal Government to help.@DrGoldsmith777 was instrumental in this training center. Eager:these trainees learn a trade but also get 3 units of college credit.Looking at a possible East side training
center. EDA Good Jobs Challenge. This will be a game changer if we are to get it.Covid caused us to pivot to business retention. Soria:Facade improvement program? How can we revitalize our older corridors?In Tower District? Eager:Yes. Oliver:We are looking to position Fresno in
the most desirable way. We have to compete against low-cost labor states. DRIVE Initiative "Second Office" to attract back office of Fortune 500 businesses. James Irvine Foundation helped.Inclusive Community Scorecard:We looked for best practices. Harvard Business School's to
determine Impact. We are excited to share this with you.Eager:This is Economic Development.It has been four years since we have been able to present to your due to Covid and other issues.
@GarryBredefeld What does City and County provide?Eager:City provides $110,000 and County $1.2 M. We have regularly scheduled meetings with businesses wanting to move in and bring in City's administration helps. Bredefeld:tax incentives for Amazon? Eager:we helped find the land.
But not the tax incentives. Bredefeld:DRIVE connection? Eager:what projects we could help such as "Second Office" to bring back office work. They are on DRIVE 2.0. Bredefeld:DRIVE seems theoretical but do they provide funding? Eager:No funding. Oliver: It was most helpful being
in the room with who are not typically there.Our funding comes from James Irvine and Central Valley Foundation. $650,000 over three years. Bredefeld:I would like to more aware in what your are doing in my district. @gawhitefresno Lack of industrial sites?Eager:It is an ongoing
issue. Businesses want Fresno first but we have very little vacancy rates to offer.Tulare and Madera are drawing those to those cities. Soria:what opportunities are out there in the City without rezoning? Eager:Perhaps airport, near Amazon. Soria:Nothing on west part of Shaw?
White:Heavy lift if we are to remain in that type of business. Dyer:We need to expedite the business process as well as update our EIR zoning. We need to have a Concierge for businesses to walk them through. We have hired 30 new employees.
CONTESTED CONSENT:1-I Actions pertaining to the construction of a new production well at Pump Station 372 (Council District 3): 1. Adopt Environmental Assessment No. P19-04891, dated June 21, 2021, a Negative Declaration for the proposed project pursuant to the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); 2. Award a construction contract to Zim Industries, Inc., in the amount of $855,935 to drill a new production well at Pump Station 372 pulled by Arias (But he has stepped out). APPROVED
1-M Approve the award of a purchase contract to Swanson Fahrney Ford, of Selma, California, for the purchase of 97 Ford vehicles for Department of Public Utilities, Department of Public Works, Department of Transportation, Airports Department, Planning and Development, Police
Department, and Animal Center in the amount of $4,139,218. Arias wanted to know how many Electric or Hybrid. Staff:some of these are not available in EV or Hybrid or only on the luxury version such as F-150 in crew cab. Ford is going with directly from them and not with dealers.
White:we are trying to get hybrid and EV. Approved 6-0 with Arias absent.
1-Q Approve the First Amendment to the property management agreement with Turning Point of Central California, Inc., for The Valley Inn, a 107-room motel located at 933 N. Parkway Drive (APN 449-335-32), to provide temporary shelter and prevent COVID-19 among individuals
experiencing homelessness in the City of Fresno to extend the term of the agreement for one year until June 24, 2023, and add additional insurance requirements to the agreement as Exhibit E Soria:what is the long term plan for Valley Inn? Staff:we are working with housing author-
-ity.We don't want a long term homeless housing along Parkway but turned into permanent housing. Next year funding may come from Housing Authority. More critical is converting these motels now this year. Courtney:money will remain through this November where then Phil's money.
We will know in July if we have received the funding. APPROVED 5-0 with Arias and karbassi absent .
1-S 568th Amendment to the Master Fee Schedule (MFS) Resolution No. 80-420 to Adjust, Revise or Delete Various Fees in the Parks, After School, Recreation and Community Services (PARCS) Department (Subject to Mayor's veto) @Maxwell4Fresno Why eliminate all swimming fees? PARCS
Dept Head Aguirre says cost to collect the fees were more than what we received as well as helping the community. Maxwell:raising cost of gymnasium costs? Aguirre: making these cost neutral as costs have not increased in awhile. Maxwell:Increase in staff salary? A:permanent po-
-sistions rather than temporary. APPROVED 3-1 with Bredefeld voting NO. Arias, Soria and Karbassi absent.
Council Breaks for Lunch. They will be back at 1:30.
Council is back from lunch a 1:35
10:05 Actions pertaining to the Street Improvements at N. Van Ness Boulevard & Weldon Avenue project: (District 1) 1. Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration as prepared for Environmental Assessment No. P22-02156 dated April 2022 for the proposed
project pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines 2. Approve the Agreement for Purchase and Sale to acquire a 9,339 square foot parcel located at 2004 N. Van Ness Boulevard (APN 444-153-28S), owned by Scott Speaks for $315,000 3. Award a construction
contract with Avison Construction, Inc. of Madera, CA, for $457,222 Soria makes Motion to approve "we have been talking about this for awhile and ready to approve" @LisaYFlores1 Would only add that review committee would like ADA parking to be abutted to the park. APPROVED
10:05 #3 HEARING to consider the vacation of a portion of the northeast corner of North Van Ness Avenue and East Weldon Avenue (Council District 1) 1. RESOLUTION Ordering the vacation of a portion of the northeast corner of North Van Ness Avenue and East Weldon Avenue APPROVED
3-A Actions pertaining to COVID-19 emergency: 1. ***RESOLUTION - Confirming the termination of the local emergency related to COVID-19 (Subject to Mayor's Veto) 2. ***RESOLUTION - Adopting Administrative Order on COVID-19 applicable to City Council and City Council staff,
the City Attorney and City Attorney staff, and the City Clerk and City Clerk staff @LuisCha70215912 What does this mean for moratorium? @gregorybarfield Would repeal remaining items we had put off like procurements. Moratorium in theory would be rescinded but can wait February
to pay back rent. Staff:$30 M of ERAP has been used of the $54 M total. We can still apply for grants.Soria:utilize the various Chambers to reach out to small businesses. Bredefeld:Masking mandates are no longer in place? Barfield:yes unless State mandates it. By Zoom Greg
Terzakis of Housing Association:Our mom and pop's have been hit hard. I am not quite certain which way Council will go today. We don't want to evict people but we don't want people to take advantage of not paying rent either. We would like to get to an end point. @LisaYFlores1
we are not out of the pandemic but in a new surge. Flu will be hard this winter. What will it cost City if homeless are in the heat of summer or doubling up in rooms? Super spreader events like graduations, weddings etc are occurring.Ruth Ann Hill:please address smoking ordinance
I am still getting second hand smoke from my neighbors. Can @Maxwell4Fresno give a tv ad or speak to my apartment complex. @LovesMercy Eviction Moratorium as well as lifting any ordinance as covid surge is occurring should be a consideration of the Council. APPROVED 6-0
3-B WORKSHOP - 2022 Water Supply & Drought Response
Watershed shows we are at 24 inches of rainfall this year which is far below normal and close to 2019 year's level.At The City's water supply: 256,500 acres of water in a normal year. Not adequate recharge of water last year due to drought.Arias:we approved a new
well for distribution centers. How long can we do that? Staff:State's SIGMA is in line with what we as a City has designed. Drought is leading to less recharge. Arias:Some commercial areas have lots of lawn. Does our regulations changing to prevent that? Staff:we are moving
towards xeriscape. Schools and Parks need to water at times of days that we ask the public to not water due to the large expanse. State has asked us not to water unused lawns. Arias:why is our City Hall lawns green but many parts of the parks are not? Staff:we are trying to con-
-vert some of the parks/City Hall to recycled water. Sufficient water pressure fluctuates.Arias:Do we have access water to sell and any plans to sell? Staff:No plans today.Arias:SW Fresno treats all the water so why are we shipping it to Ag or Clovis? Staff:Water Re-Use Master
Plan is being created. Arias:I want a chance to weigh in on it before pursuing it .I would like to see water used for SW Fresno development before sending to Ag.Staff:We want to focus on large water use areas for recycled water such as parks so we can have green lawns there.
Arias:If we don't have sufficient water supplies. White :we have enough but maybe not for full demand so conservation is needed. Staff:Recommend 3 day water schedule but reduce 10-20 reduction. We would like to lift moratorium on fines. Soria:turf to garden conversion is hard for
as they cannot come up with the money upfront.
Staff:Maxwell's staff have been working on something like that. Maxwell:Labor is the most expensive part.Staff:a standard plan would be helpful so costs can be given upfront.
Soria: I would like median islands that are used as Linear Parks to remain green. Staff:State says if trees are on it then it can be watered (NOTE:Huntington Blvd doesn't qualify)
3-D ASET Workshop
Assistant Attorney Christine Roberson:Reactive cases are taking priority over proactive. We will speak to that at the budget talks next week. Arias:Can I get a percentage of rentals that have been inspected? A:I can .Arias:I would like all of my Mobile Parks inspected this year.
Roberson:all Type 20/Type 21
ABC businesses have been inspected except for large ones like Targets, Walmarts etc. Arias:Thank you. I have had not one complaint from convenience store owners.
Erica:vacant lot complaints tend to go with unhoused individuals too.Arias:This was the worse experience in an encampment. We first complained a year ago when there was just 2 sheds. This year will be a test to see if we learned our lessons. Commercial vacant building inspections
have occurred.5548 waste tires have been collected. October 8 is next Tire Amnesty Event. We are also experimenting with solar camera to capture license plates for those illegal dumping. Arias:I hope your department requests an aggressive budget. White:Mayoral budget has taken
into account Code Enforcement's request.
This concludes Open Session items.
Some of the closed Session items:
5-A CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR -Government Code Section 54956.8 Property: 461-020-03T (UMC Campus) Negotiating Parties: City Manager, County of Fresno Under negotiations: Price and terms of sale
5-G CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL-EXISTING LITIGATION -Government Code Section 54956.9, subdivision (d)(1) Case Name: Nelson Esparza v. Garry Bredefeld; Fresno Superior Court Case No. 22CECG01469
5-I PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION 1. Government Code Section 54957(b): consider the appointment, employment, evaluation of performance, discipline, or dismissal of a public employee. Title: City Attorney
NEXT Meetings: Budget Hearings: June 13, 14, 15, 16, 20) (Vote on Motions on June 23, 2022)
JUNE 16, 2022 - 9:00 A.M.
JUNE 30, 2022 - 9:00 A.M. (Vote on Final Budge

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May 26
May 26, 2022 Fresno City Council meeting! Among the items include Mayor Dyer’s proposed budget;Housing Element Progress Report;Artistic Crosswalk Policy;eighth of a cent tax to fund Veterans Facility;Downtown PBID; ARPA funding;Renewal of Measure C ballot measure;
Some selected Closed Session items with Adventure Church suing City; Sequoia Brewing also in Closed Session; Councilmembers Esparza and Bredefeld in a lawsuit with each other too;
Among the Consent Agenda:1-I Actions related to Senate Bill 1383 California's Short-Lived Climate Pollutant Reduction Strategy: 1. BILL B-11 - (Intro 5/12/2022) (For Adoption) Amending Fresno Municipal Code, relating to special requirements for Commercial Edible Food Generator ImageImageImageImage
Read 158 tweets
May 12
May 12, 2022 Fresno City Council meeting! The items on both the West Creek Village Development Agreement and Annual Action Plan have been CONTINUED until May 26th.;Item on Fresno PD military weapons;Kathy Bray to the Planning Commission; Tower Theater indemnity agreement;
subpoena of Tower owner Lawrence Abbate. #Fresno You can watch beginning at 9:00 am on @CMACTV
Among the Consent Calendar Items:1-B Reject all proposals for the removal of printing press and related equipment located at 1626 E Street, Fresno, California (Bid File 3851) (District 3) Image
Read 83 tweets
May 3
Fresno County Board of Supervisors meeting May 3, 2022! Lots of proclamations/resolutions this morning including Oakland Raider great Daryle Lamonica who passed away recently. Also on Agenda is a verbal report on Suicide Survivors Program. Among the Consent Calendar are:
22.Adjourn in Memory for Randal "Randy" Rocca Image
23. Proclaim May 9 -13, 2022 as "Juror Appreciation Week" Image
Read 49 tweets
Apr 28
Fresno City Council meeting April 28, 2022! Among the items include rules for the Fresno Police Department to fund, acquire and use military equipment as defined in Assembly Bill 481;Fireworks Ordinance, to add liability for "social hosts" and increase the fine structure of the
fireworks ordinance;contracts with federal and state lobbyists;Community Truck Reroute Study;Establishing the City of Fresno Women's Commission.#Fresno @fresnoland
Among the Consent Calendar :1-E BILL (for introduction) - Amending the Fireworks Ordinance, FMC sections 10-55602.2 to 10-55602.4, to add liability for "social hosts" and increase the fine structure of the fireworks ordinance. (Subject to Mayor's Veto) ImageImageImageImage
Read 155 tweets
Apr 21
April 21, 2022 Fresno City Council meeting!Among the items today is the Purchase of Tower Theater by the City of Fresno; 3 WORKSHOPS on Animal Shelter; Downtown Fresno Partnership and Covid Emergency Orders;Also Homeless Housing;Travel by Trail, Fresno!;First Street Cycle Track;
RESOLUTION - Adopting the City of Fresno Tree Policy. #Fresno @fresnoland
Among the lengthy Consent Agenda items:1-I &Reject all bids for a two-year Requirements Contract, with options for three one-year extensions for the purchase of Solar Real Time Digital Displays for bus stops as no responsive bids were received
Read 196 tweets
Apr 19
April 19th, 2022 Fresno County Board of Supervisors meeting! On the agenda include transferring American Rescue Plan dollars to Internal Services Dept;Update on Code Enforcement;Revenue Agreement for Future Sale of Landfill Gas as Renewable Energy at the American Avenue Disposal
Site;a one-time allocation of $3,176,888 in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act;
Selected Consent Calendar items:21. Proclaim May 2022 as Older Americans Month in Fresno County
Read 102 tweets

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