A reminder: 21 Republicans voted against granting the Congressional Gold Medal to Capitol police officers who tried to defend the Capitol on Jan 6th. #January6thCommitteeHearings
On the day of a mass shooting and weeks after news of Roe, Democratic Party leadership rallied for a pro-NRA, anti-choice incumbent under investigation in a close primary. Robocalls, fundraisers, all of it.
Accountability isn’t partisan. This was an utter failure of leadership.
Congress should not be an incumbent protection racket and sadly it is treated as such by far too many.
The fact is those who fail their communities deserve to lose. They don’t need rescuing from powerful leaders who state they fight for gun safety, the right to choose, and more.
TX28 is an extremely close race. If Cuellar wins, leadership’s decision to go to the mat for a pro-NRA incumbent will be the reason why. If Cisneros pulls it out, they will have mobilized against a badly needed grassroots for Nov & fought against a historic victory. And for what?
I found an original 1972 copy of Life Magazine featuring original NY Congresswoman Bella Abzug at a thrift store.
There are some gems in here I couldn’t help but share:
First up: article on Nixon & the Kremlin. Yes that is First Lady Pat Nixon hitting a TV broadcasting Nixon’s address until it worked, with Henry Kissinger watching along 😬
The TV & Movie Review page features a young @GeraldoRivera and Harry Belafonte.
“Right now Geraldo Rivera (28) is a local NY boy, but that won’t last long. New York has a way of nationalizing those who charm it - whether the nation is ready for them or not.”
@davidaxelrod When I waitressed, I had to pay $100s/month for the privilege of paying thousands in deductibles each year for ACA insurance that didn’t really cover RXs. It was cheaper/the best $ option to just go uninsured and prayed nothing happened. One reason why I support Medicare for All
@davidaxelrod I remember vividly one day I decided to walk around and ask everyone I worked with - waiters, bussers, cooks - what insurance they had. Everyone had the same answer: none. It was better for us to save up the money we’d otherwise pay on premiums & spend it on actual medicine/care
@davidaxelrod I went uninsured until I was sworn into Congress. Members of Congress (as you know) receive Gold plans off the ACA that we co-pay for. We buy it using the same exchanges I haggled w/ as a waitress, & I STILL have what’s considered a “high deductible” plan. #M4A is the way
Many folks run around claiming to be “free-market” capitalists, but what they actually are is captured market capitalists, using subsidies + restrictive policy to hold us hostage to fossil fuels, for-profit healthcare/housing, etc that many wouldn’t choose if they had the choice
If you think gas is expensive now, imagine if we actually had to pay the true price w/o the insane gov subsidies and favoring granted to them.
If fossil fuel companies didn’t have such tipped scales for them it’s very likely we’d be much further along w/ cheaper alternatives
If public, socially owned, or cooperative housing was widely available, many would choose that over being held hostage by a private equity co charging 60% of your $ for a small apt.
Or you’d choose to buy a home if it wasn’t being gobbled up by those same co’s capturing the mkt
One perk for many politicians & media working to make people’s knee-jerk reaction to homelessness be policing is it keeps ppl from seeing + organizing against the larger powers driving the housing crisis, like private equity + real estate lobbies
Fact is causes for crime and homelessness can have many complex and contributing factors.
By the time they surge, a web of policies and decisions have already driven that result - housing costs, community disinvestment, lobbying, etc. It’s an easy sell to think one department /2
or # of officers will “fix” the crises of housing or violence created by powerful interests, but it really just serves to cover up a crisis that we’re all suffering from
It’s a slam dunk for politicians cozy w/ big money interests to distract from their relationship w/ them