It’s either evidence that LPC is a dictatorship, or alternatively, confirmation that the prosecution of those creating havoc in our democracy & attempting to undermine legitimate authority. (a national security threat) is underway.
I believe it’s the latter. And I’ll explain why I believe that.
It is extremely unusual for a trial to be conducted in secrecy. Legal proceedings are made public so the public has confidence in the judicial system, a foundational institution of any democracy.
If the public doesn’t have faith and trust in the judicial system (institution), then democracy is unstable at best.
The rule of law is a mental construct. As citizens, we voluntarily agree to abide by the laws of the land. Law enforcement is supposed to protect citizens.
By enforcing the rule of law, the validity of the mental construct is reinforced.
The rule of law is only as effective as the polity allows it to be, in a democracy. It’s entirely voluntary, in a democracy. We choose to abide by the rule of law.
Authoritarian regimes do not use rule of law. Their power emulates from brute force. Police are imbued with the power of the judiciary AND law enforcement. Authoritarian police forces identify crime & judge citizens (extra judicial justice) & determine sentences instantly.
In a democracy, citizens have rights and the presumption of innocence until proven guilty in a court of law. That’s the rule of law.
In an authoritarian state, citizens have no rights and are subject to the whims of the police officer(s). A bribe may defer guilt & punishment.
Carefully examine the promotion of adherence to rule of law by Canadian politicians.
LPC has consistently supported rule of law.
It’s the opposition parties who continue to lobby for bending or breaking rules and easing up on enforcement of the law (think Covid).
Destruction of public or private property, increasingly violent protests, rejection of legitimate authority and mandates. Those are examples of the behaviour of opposition party supporters. Not liberals and moderates. Just extremists.
Canada is already at the verge of political anarchy. While many refuse to acknowledge reality, it’s been abundantly clear for a few years now to me.
Burning churches, toppling statues, intimidating BLM protesters, police abusing their power & supporting radical protesters.
Many within the Canadian citizenry have already rejected rule of law.
Those who justify breaking the law have abandoned the rule of law. They have rationales that explain their choice, but they’ve withdrawn their voluntary adherence to abiding to the law.
Canada is already in a stage of anarchy.
Some citizens who support far right have essentially abandoned rule of law. Anti maskers and anti vaxxers have abandoned rule of law. They’ve rejected all legitimate authority and have tried to overthrow the federal government.
Some law enforcement officers & institutions have refused to enforce the law on these citizens.
When police abandon rule of law, democracy hangs by a thread.
That’s where Canada is at this moment in history. On the verge of total anarchy & the removal of legitimate authority.
The loss of rule of law is a serious threat to Canadian national security, the constitution and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Protecting citizens’ rights and freedoms is the primary responsibility of the federal government. All levels of government actually.
An open trial would make proceedings vulnerable to attack by disinformation campaigns and political gaslighting.
It would also make public the intelligence and human assets that provide that intelligence. It would endanger their lives and put our democracy at great risk.
What’s interesting are the efforts by some MPs to undermine national security efforts in plain site. So it is not conjecture that anti statist and anti government elements would attack national security. It’s already occurred several times.
The far right likes to promote the belief that Admiral Norman was cleared of all charges and the government pursued an innocent man.
The charges were stayed, not dropped. The official reason was crown prosecutors were unwilling to provide documents to Norman’s defence team.
What documents were denied to be shared? Ones that pertained to national security.
Similarly, one opposition party has continuously demanded to see all documentation regarding the removal of Chinese researchers from the Winnipeg level 4 lab.
The federal government has refused. Stating clearly that an investigation of criminal espionage was being conducted and sharing the documents could imperil the investigation, intelligence assets and put national security at risk. Still, the opposition party persisted.
They called the top bureaucrat of PHAC to the bar demanding access to those documents. An action that has never before been taken in Canadian history.
A desperate attempt to undermine Canadian national security & rule of law by interfering in an espionage investigation.
This information is all part of the public record. It’s been conducted openly and supported by copious amounts of disinformation and propaganda to spin the rhetorical narrative that the federal government is undermining constitutional and parliamentary rights.
There are two realities that exist in our democracy currently. One is the actual reality. And one is a manufactured false reality. Significant numbers of the citizenry live in that alternate reality.
So many in fact that a convoy threatened to destroy our democracy by those caught in that false reality.
There is only one reality. Canadian democracy is under attack and hangs by a thread.
Politicians who desire anarchy & authoritarian rule create the alternate reality.
They’re very good at it. Millions of Canadians have “fallen down the rabbit hole.”
So is it confirmation that LPC federal government are dictators (false reality) or that they’re quietly prosecuting those putting national security & human rights in jeopardy (actual reality)?
I tend to side with actual reality since I’m a realist. I’m not an optimist or pessimist. I just deal with life as it presents itself. But I’m feeling optimistic today after reading this article.
Only national security would warrant the secrecy around this trial.
Since I’m one of the few that acknowledges a global conspiracy to remove democracy as an option exists, which I’ve documented for 5 years, I tend to see this as confirmation that the federal government & bureaucracy is protecting the integrity of our nation, not undermining it.
This isn’t a game. One of the first things Trump did when he won the 2016 election was reveal American intelligence assets to Putin. A few of them were murdered.
Yes, we are living in a real spy novel.
The absurdity of that reality is only matched by the bewildering penchant for the public to reject that is our reality.
And when that situation is reality, until the globe is extricated from the spy novel, you protect human assets from harm.
I’m not a conspiracy theorist. I’m just not easily fooled into believing what’s occurring across the globe is normal. I reject alternate realities.
It’s about time rational and logical Canadians who still possess the ability to think critically, examine the evidence for themselves and stop listening to crackpot spin doctors who wouldn’t recognize the danger our democracy is in if you banged them on the head with a 2x4.
This is a global fascist uprising immediately preceding the existential threat of climate change.
We are less than a decade from irreversible damage to our atmosphere. What did you think the authoritarians of the globe would do?
Did you believe the fascists would just hand over power & control to save the planet?
Don’t be such a gullible and naïve “simp.”
Fascists would burn the globe to ashes before conceding power.
There is no negotiation with fascists. There never has been.
That’s reality.
Best you stop deluding yourself that all is normal.
It hasn’t been normal politics since the 1980’s.
Where have you been?
Living in your own delusional alternate reality that obstructs the danger we are all in.
I get it. It feels safe there. But it’s not real. We are NOT SAFE!
Reality sucks right now. And unless you acknowledge actual reality, and do something to stop fascism, it’s going to get a whole lot worse.
There are facts that people are forgetting So let me remind you.
When the EA was invoked it was a Monday afternoon. On February 14, 2022, Jason Kenney, covered in sweat, hurriedly announced that the Coutts border blockade would no longer be tolerated & be disbanded.
I’ve often heard the adage about two politicians opining on the weather. One says it’s sunny and warm, the other says it’s raining and cold. The wisdom it conveys is about the press’s job. It isn’t to present both narratives, it’s to look out the window and determine who’s lying.
News is supposed to inform the public of issues and problems. It’s also to report on the trustworthiness and reliability of the politicians who govern us.
Lies are supposed to be flagged and the truth made note of. That’s news.
Humour may make you laugh, but comedy is political commentary.
Putting aside the demeaning common fantasy of many men to observe intimate relations of a lesbian couple while beating their own drum with one stick, the denigration of all women is the humour behind the joke.
The perception of women as either crazy or sexually unavailable, but sexually stimulating to watch is not harmless humour.
It’s the very foundation of misogynist beliefs and values.
But I can understand why you aren’t threatened by the “joke.”
Catholic Churchbwas attacked in stable region of Nigeria. This event is horrific.
Many condemning the massacre and escaped terrorists who also used bombs.
The senseless murder of innocents by radicalized terrorists is increasing globally.
It’s repugnant that mass murder is on the rise.
It’s even more repugnant that murder and chaos seems to accompany authoritarian regimes. The Nigerian president was also part of a military coup d’état a few decades ago.