I am proud of Jesus. I want to boast more of Him. He saved my life and gave me His. I want people to see Him and know Him.
I do not want to be the cause of someone not wanting to know Him.
I refuse to put barriers between anyone and Jesus. I want to be an open door to Him.
Someone I was told wasn't a true Christian said, "This is what God's kingdom is like: a bunch of outcasts and oddballs gathered at a table, not because they are rich or worthy or good, but because they were hungry, because they said yes. And there's room for more." (RHE)
LGBTQIA+ people are human beings, created in the image of God. Reducing someone's identity and existence down to their desires and preferences as though that is the most important thing about a person is so wrong! Our value and worth as humans come from how God created us.
And I know that He has children in this population - past, present, and future.
There is NO sexual orientation or gender identity that anyone can have that prevents them from being called by Jesus, meeting Him, knowing Him, loving Him, and following Him. Only God knows who a person truly is on the inside; it is not up to us to say one way or another.
Jesus' followers should be the first to open the door and offer love and help to anyone in need.
The world is a scary, dangerous, inhospitable place. For so many people, sometimes living without family support, without medical care, without protection, subject to violence and bullying and discrimination. And that should not be.
Jesus is Lord, and He is still holding out His hands to ALL who would take Him at His word. No matter what else you have been told, you can believe Him:
"Come to Me, ALL you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls."
The man bound to the cross next to Jesus was already condemned for his crimes, his sentence carried out; he was going to die. He couldn't change who he was. But then, suddenly, he SAW Jesus.
Just a moment before, he only saw the obvious: another man nailed to the cross with His body shredded and also doomed to death. But the next moment, he saw who Jesus really is: the King. God.
I don't understand how this happened.
I still don't understand how this happened for me, either.
He couldn't move, or bow, or give Jesus anything. All that dying man was able to do was acknowledge the truth of it, and ask Jesus for His favor: "Lord, remember me when you come into Your Kingdom."
And Jesus' response: "Today you will be with Me in Paradise."
That is His answer to EVERYONE who asks Him.
You are seen. You matter. You are loved. You have worth and value that no one can take away from you.
Every Christian with a true relationship with Christ bears the responsibility to rightly divide the Word. This is an individual responsibility that I fear many are failing to live. This is not one of those things that God will do for you. What does it entail?
For starters, it means daily, extensive reading of the Word, ideally from both Old and New Testaments. It means going to God in prayer to ask that the Holy Spirit open the eyes of your heart to His truth, to the preciousness of it, to the practical application for your life.
It means actively remaining conscious of the presence of God throughout the day. You are the temple. Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, is present with you ALL DAY. He is in your tweeting. He is in your dinner-making. He is in your childcare. Your work. Your mindless interactions.