(Thread) Indians protecting Swedes on #Swedengate . Indians promoting Ikea stores opening is a cause for great concern. If Indians are truly interested in being a green and sustainable community, education is key. It is very important for the communities inside India to know that
Ikea's claims of being a sustainable company are highly controversial. 1. Their actions do not meet their marketing jargon. 2. Before visiting the new store, understanding the Gruen effect of #consumerism will show you how you always end up buying what you do not want .
3. It is important to be mindful of how just like McDonalds is bad for physical health, Ikea is the McDonald of furniture world. 4. The brand’s website repeatedly says “zero waste”, but you will see the amount of unnecessary packaging they still use if you buy from #IKEAIndia.
5. It is also important for Indians living in India to be able to see links between what is marketed to them and how to react in order to be sustainable. Stay critical and suspicious of #Swedes. They used to supply the #ironchains during #slavery. greenmo.space/post/ikea-s-su…
Swedes accept spontaeneous invites to eat but never invite spontaeneously. WHY NOT? Because Swedes, Swiss, Finns, Germans are poor at heart despite all that wealth. #Swedengate
If the excuse these nations give that hospitality was the duty of people with higher status, then why do they accept invites in refugee homes for eating their exotic food, because refugees are people with lower status
The Swedish excuse for making the child from the other family wait while they they is that kid may have plans for another kind of dinner, and you wouldn’t want to ruin the routine or preparations. But when the Swedish kid visits a foreign culture family, all these do not apply!
@lovettejallow Your talk on #Swedengate could well be Swissgate and Finngate. What is unfathomable is how Swedes, Swiss, FInns, germans happily gorge on immigrant dining tables, without every returning the generosity. And then publish their welcoming generosity to refugees !
If dinnertime is sacred, how come they can eat at immigrant homes but they will make kids wait while they eat. If dinnertime is sacred, how come sharing is not caring? Why the double standards?
How come they never care to learn from other cultures who know how to stretch food but won't see the error of their stubbon ways . Why do these northern europeans keep lying to themselves by justifying their stinginess? It is due to fear of poverty. Scarcity based histories.
When India copies the West, India replicates and inherits the following Western world's problems WITHOUT the benefits the west enjoys like lower density of population and the massive colonial looted wealth they sit on: 1. Racism 2. Myopic narrow-mindedness 3. Toxic Masculinity
Racism : Ads like Fair and Lovely, run by companies like Unilever, perpetuate divide and rule colonial tactics to divide Indians up, between skin shades and between genders. Who gains, the Multinational Company. Read up on Unilever's cruel origins in Africa.
Myopic Narrow-mindedness : words like secular to Hindu majority is like preaching about Jesus to a Christian Choir. Hindus are most inclusive people who have to deal with dogma believing minorities who cannot understand sustainable development and scientific thinking at all.
Two papal bulls, one in 1455 and another in 1493 shortly after Columbus "discovered" the Americas, granted explorers the right to claim the entire continents of Africa and the Americas. Rescind #DoctrineofDiscovery
Children were forced into Catholic-run schools, regardless if their parents had converted to Catholicism or not. Popes have apologized for African slavery, sexual abuse for "sins" against Jews, women and European Roma. But always to God, not to the people.
We must continue to focus on the bedrock issue of racism and colonialism, and that is the Doctrine of Discovery that allowed for the wholesale colonization of the non-European, non-Christian world.