Why I say #TranswomenAreMen and not #TranswomenAreWomen. The clue is in the prefix, "Trans". This stems from the word "Transition", which means a state of change from one thing towards another.
The subject of the term "transwoman" therefore refers to someone who is in (cont)...
...the process of changing from being a man towards becoming a woman. So, for as long as that process is taking place, the person is actually a man, and will remain so until full womanhood is achieved. And by referring to themself as a "transwoman" that is precisely what the...
... person is saying, i.e: "I am a man in the process of transforming into a woman."
So, by self-definition, a transwoman is a man.
@JasonMarriott20@TheJamieWright@alison_stewart5@Simonablake@LozzaFox It is not of course, and as far as I can see nothing that @LozzaFox has said or tweeted has been racist. He was first accused of racism on BBC QT in response to a criticism he made related to Meghan Markle on some issue. This was followed by a massive social media (cont)...
@JasonMarriott20@TheJamieWright@alison_stewart5@Simonablake@LozzaFox ...campaign to "cancel" him and put him out of work, including an attack on his livelihood by his professional union (later apologised for and rescinded, I understand). The real problem is that the "woke" brigade refuse to allow anyone to criticise or even question anyone...
@JasonMarriott20@TheJamieWright@alison_stewart5@Simonablake@LozzaFox ... fitting the "BAME" characteristics, or to make any attempt whatsoever to address (let alone solve) any of the problems related to ethnicity or immigration or any other "BAME"-related matter, which of course leads to an ever-increasing degree of awareness of "race"-related...