Godnose Profile picture
Preferred Pronoun: geezer I block bad manners, bores & tarts but not genuine opinions If you liked my tweet that's very nice but I'd far prefer you retweet it
Jun 13, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Why I say #TranswomenAreMen and not #TranswomenAreWomen. The clue is in the prefix, "Trans". This stems from the word "Transition", which means a state of change from one thing towards another.
The subject of the term "transwoman" therefore refers to someone who is in (cont)... Image ...the process of changing from being a man towards becoming a woman. So, for as long as that process is taking place, the person is actually a man, and will remain so until full womanhood is achieved. And by referring to themself as a "transwoman" that is precisely what the... Image
Oct 6, 2020 7 tweets 9 min read
@JasonMarriott20 @TheJamieWright @alison_stewart5 @Simonablake @LozzaFox It is not of course, and as far as I can see nothing that @LozzaFox has said or tweeted has been racist. He was first accused of racism on BBC QT in response to a criticism he made related to Meghan Markle on some issue. This was followed by a massive social media (cont)... @JasonMarriott20 @TheJamieWright @alison_stewart5 @Simonablake @LozzaFox ...campaign to "cancel" him and put him out of work, including an attack on his livelihood by his professional union (later apologised for and rescinded, I understand). The real problem is that the "woke" brigade refuse to allow anyone to criticise or even question anyone...
May 3, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
@ClarkeMicah Pity that we can't find 1/5, 2/5, 3/5 or 5/5 from here, Pete.

Makes the whole thing into a major hassle, quite possibly not worth the effort to vast numbers of potential readers.

(cont)... @ClarkeMicah How to create a thread of successive tweets:

1) Write the first tweet.

2) Hit "Tweet" or "Reply" (as appropriate).

3) On the blue message telling you that your tweet was sent, hit "View".

4) Click the speech bubble or "Add another tweet" to open the next tweet panel.
May 2, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
@ClarkeMicah How to create a thread of successive tweets:

1) Write the first tweet.

2) Hit "Tweet" or "Reply" (as appropriate).

3) On the blue message telling you that your tweet was sent, hit "View".

4) Click the speech bubble or "Add another tweet" to open the next tweet panel.
(cont).. @ClarkeMicah ...

5) Write the next tweet.

6) Repeat from (3) until your set of tweets is complete.

This enables the reader to easily read the tweets in sequence, by simply scrolling down.

It is useful, for the readers, to indicate the last one as follows:
