everyone replying "noooooooooooooo this is leftist" is missing my point entirely and/or an idiot child with no institutional memory and no awareness they lack that memory
i think elaborating might help so im going to so that
the social left in america used to love the shit that stanford is aggressively banning. it was in fact basically typified by weird shit that happened on university campuses eg naked dances
did naked dance parties suddenly become right coded, that universities decided to end them
"left" and "right" is shitty and sparse for describing a political space. so you can imagine it being an absolutely gimped axis on which to evaluate absolutely every social dynamic that you ever come across
see point (3) and issues around monocausality
have a new goddamn axis for refactoring on me
"racist" and "sexist" are not _reasons_. they are _excuses_ to do what these people have always wanted to do anyway
some people just want to watch the world banned and theyll use any flimsy rationale that people let them get away with
i have seen a Lot of shit like this including from longtime mutuals and its pretty depressing
eyeballing it seems more common from first gen than second gen which suggests some combination of integration is working and newer immigrant waves are different (worse)
im reluctantly coming around to broad and aggressive immigration restrictions for a generation just to let the people already here integrate and for all this shit to settle out into a new ethnic detente because the status quo is just not working
i have to say i do not regularly interact with any business that exhibits greater nor more systematic contempt for its customers than does medicine
normal businesses: yes we would love to take your money. how can we help you
medicine: oh you probably have pneumonia? this 50yo battleaxe will menace you, lecture you about the proper procedure for scheduling. no she won't help you. no you can't do that here. get fucked lmao
i am going to sit, sick, in an empty lobby for 180min or more
there are three administrators at a desk doing nothing as far as i can tell
this entire industry needs to be cobalt nuked
praying for everyone with a healthcare degree to be summarily fired and replaced by robots