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Jul 19 20 tweets 6 min read
still mulling this over

naturally there is something to be learned from our civilization's history in the middle ages

consider the parallel systems of ecclesiastic and secular justice that, stylized, characterized some european states

clergy were forbidden from spilling blood themselves but were permitted to turn over convicts to secular authorities if crimes were committed that called for corporal punishment, and occasionally did

Jul 15 6 tweets 2 min read
these two numbers have little to do with each other intrinsically really

the issue is, is the murder in these cities orderly or disorderly? disorderly murder affects perceptions of safety; orderly murder not so much believe it or not, gang members shooting each other in designated gang neighborhoods is orderly murder. even if bystanders are catching strays, even if murder rates are super high

disorderly murder happens when law-abiding innocents in their own spaces are killed
Jul 8 16 tweets 5 min read
well said, jade harley; but as concerning pretense, what is it? was that tweet, itself, pretentious? i don't think so

im actually trying to pick at this question, and that felt like a suitable way to frame this thread as an attempt at learning something about the nature of a concept

but here. was that last tweet pretentious?
Jul 7 10 tweets 5 min read
well this is nuts "chinese security forces are operating the west, kidnapping people, and menacing western citizens" isnt even a conspiracy theory its just a matter of public record
Jul 4 4 tweets 1 min read
remember like 100 years ago when the smart set was convinced that sexual repression was the main cause of mental illness and so we stopped sexually repressing people and now people have created insane bizarre types of sex unimaginable to our forebears yet theyre crazier than ever "sexually repressed ppl are crazy bc theyre sexually repressed" actually our ancestors used sexually repressive norms as a filter. if you couldnt adhere to those norms? reliable sign of madness

if all men were mentally sound we wouldnt NEED sexual repression but here we are
Jul 4 12 tweets 3 min read
i reject "polytheism" and "monotheism" alike because assigning to the divine an aspect as base as quantity seems presumptuous
Jul 4 8 tweets 3 min read
I'm still thinking about Biden senility epistemology

I'm considering words like "narrative collapse" and "permission structure" and "motivated reasoning"

and it just occurred to me that there's an excellent preexisting case study bosco and i had been dating for almost a year and she'd been living with me for months when she wrote this thread, but it still required hours of careful consideration with the aid of pharmaceuticals for her to see _what had been in front of her nose_
Jul 3 4 tweets 2 min read
I summarized--well. Actually, not summarized.

I wrote in gory detail and with a vast number of supporting links and quotes to argue that being "shocked" about Biden's debate performance is probably an epistemic failure rooted in spiritual misalignment.

Link in next tweet. Image Link here.

I don't think it's my most interesting writing but I did make an effort to be detailed and I think I was fairly convincing about the claim that this was just not an objectively difficult problem if you were paying attention at all.
Jun 25 6 tweets 2 min read
this thread is thoughtful but with apologies to susan brownmiller, mobs are not about ideological disagreement, mobs are about power

defending yourself "rationally" only makes it clear that you care about their opinion of you and, so, that youre a soft target

two other options: 1. you can simply ignore them

2. you can become Worse

it doesnt really matter which you choose. effectively both are an expression of utter contempt toward their effort to dominate you
Jun 21 4 tweets 2 min read
we're so boned
Image there was too much inflation caused by printing money so the fed raised interest rates and started unprinting money but that soon caused the government to be unable to borrow endless sums of money so we're going back to printing money

more or less
Jun 17 5 tweets 2 min read
if you were curious how journalism is doing, the washington post just ran a hit piece on its own incoming editor Image i think under other conditions i probably would too but if i had to guess this is more like an effort to ratfuck the new boss on their way out much more than it is a piece of immensely principled investigative reporting
Jun 7 5 tweets 1 min read
i would take the opposite side of this bet

of course we will never be able to directly test it, but if you had a dataset of former colonial nations you might be able to get at it directionally

here's how we don't get to see these counterfactuals, but we can look at things like

- first order relationship of post-colonial governance capacity with duration of vassalage

- pre/post colonial comparison of governance within societies, and the relationship of that change with duration
Jun 6 5 tweets 2 min read
there's an acemoglu paper studying the impact of the ADA on employment rates of disabled people

the empirics arent that interesting but during the setup he points out with a toy model that it's not obvious what direction the net effect ought to be the issue is that tho on the margin it makes discrimination against disabled people more costly by creating a liability for such discrimination, it also makes employing them more costly for the same reason

eg if such a hire underperforms, firing them might not be worth the risk
Jun 6 7 tweets 3 min read
while it would be very sad if the jewish people of israel were driven from their land i would view the aftermath in the region with a certain kind of amusement as aid dollars cratered and the palestinians quickly realize they have no ability whatsoever to run a normal society within ten years as they starved and bled and died at their own hands they might even come to look back fondly on their time in an "open air prison" when they could blame other people for the problems that, fundamentally, had always been their own
Jun 2 10 tweets 4 min read
it took me more time than i care to admit to understand which character was intended to be the protagonist in this comic i personally believe its inappropriate to publicly identify as "attracted to people who are not your extant spouse"
May 28 9 tweets 3 min read
if you have an authority above you, you're not sovereign, you're a vassal at best

i don't think this is controversial?

all international law that matters afaik is the result of treaties that are implemented in the legal codes of local sovereigns so idk what this dudes deal is "i love international law" thats crazy man you know who else loved international law Image
May 28 4 tweets 2 min read
i'm actually kind of astonished people are still pushing this, it feels antiquated and pointless

is this a nervous tic? somehow supported by constituents as a hopeless crusade?

actually--i'm very curious about this--what do dems and leftists even care about as issues rn? yeah guys i know outgroup bad i was actually curious if anyone had issue importance numbers ready at hand but i can dig them up too
May 27 16 tweets 4 min read
it is unfortunately probable that AI will cage a large portion of the world in a kind of totalitarian serfdom the likes of which has never been seen and far beyond the darkest nightmares of orwell consider maoist china or the soviet union under lenin

of course they would have _liked_ to have a commissar in every home, but that is insanely expensive, and good commissars are hard to come by in any case

AI solves this
May 14 12 tweets 3 min read
delete your account @jason_a_w @jason_a_w the overton window _in my replies_ is that pseudonymity is sacred

so you can see the irony in making this specific argument in this specific place from behind a pseudonym
May 14 5 tweets 2 min read
been thinking about this a lot today

the thought foremost in my mind is, education is going to become much more important for our children. not as a means of earning a living but as a means of becoming realized and independent humans in a dehumanizing age the notion of education in the latter 20th century being wholly a matter of practical knowledge rather than of personal development has always been exaggerated

but set aside practicality; imagine a world where bodily survival and provision are not dependent on such learned skill
May 7 14 tweets 4 min read
kind of wonder how widespread this gets

like one has to imagine some schools are bitter clingers about this right. certainly grievance studies depts wont take this lying down

but otoh schools seem prone to preference cascades starting at the top i was curious if or how they might justify any such moves

explicitly calling it "compelled speech" in a public statement is much more assertive than I'd expected

i wonder where this new respect for speech freedom is coming from ha ha Image