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robot. friend. north plains minstrel show footnotes at @eigenrobot_feet
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Mar 22 4 tweets 2 min read
vibe Image its actually fairly good as a commitment device binding on future administrations because this decreases the value of illegal immigrants for all subsequent administrations and it removes the "they pay taxes argument"

obviously it is also rather unsavory
Mar 10 7 tweets 4 min read
i think its reasonable to call this a revolution in the sense that trump doesnt adhere to elite norms nor even middle class norms. and its not clodius pretending to be a plebe, its a pleb not even pretending to be a patrician

throw the mandate of heaven in the trash etc until the first trump term a surprising amount of the president's ability to influence the country was derived less from his potestas--that is, his formal powers--than from his auctoritas, which was closely tied to his dignitas

I'll pause and wait for you to read the screencaps Image
Mar 6 5 tweets 2 min read
how do "realists" explain Churchill specifically it seems like yeah you could probably come up with a strategic _rationalization_ for his behavior after the battle of france but the guy was clearly not working on that plane and had just been that way for decades at least

and this was not uncommon in that era. eg Image
Mar 5 4 tweets 1 min read
i think this is probably right and i think something large and bad will happen. everyone is just waiting for it, even.

because we can't keep going like this.

every election cycle is just another circle around the drain i suppose everyone's just going to be pillaging the fisc as the end gets nearer at an increasingly rapid pace

what asset allocation solves this do you think
Feb 24 5 tweets 2 min read
turnabout is fair play and the old regime has richly earned it. but i wish we (america) hadn't become like this

what's the path to redemption where left and right aren't just basically competing to destroy one another rather than fulfill our manifest 1KYAE destiny? i think this is probably the most obvious solution (one side needs an unambiguous and durable victory) but i haven't seen a coherent platform from the right about what that looks like in a positive sense
Feb 18 5 tweets 2 min read
the kind of journalism where you speculate wildly about others' internal psychology has it seems wholly displaced the journalism where you just ask people why they think things

i guess its easier, and safer, to speculate. and who could disprove your claims, really? since we're speculating my guess is that one could explain a lot of young men's shift to the right by observing that they were forced into suffocating and politically anti-male spaces run by leftists for their entire childhoods and they probably resent that to some degree
Feb 18 20 tweets 4 min read
consider the following types of law
1. Constitutional provisions
2. Congressional acts
3. Common Law
4. Administrative law
5. Normative "law" (guidelines)

the US has all of these. arguably more but we'll ignore those.

today it is helpful to understand these separately these bodies of law, the manner in which they interact, and the process by which they are changed and enforced comprise america's small-c constitution

the trump administration's actions seem to me (caveat emptor) to be comprehensible as an attempt at constitutional resettlement
Feb 15 4 tweets 1 min read
elon musk dropping children into homes where he will never be a father is outrageously vile idk what else to say its easy to hate the outgroup. but are you brave enough to hate the ingroup
Feb 15 4 tweets 2 min read
the way things are going i will bet that the DoE is going to break the accreditation agencies and force them to de-accredit (discredit?) schools that have dei programs

this would be an indirect way of controlling universities because they'd face the loss of student federal aid gpt is initially positive about the feasibility of this but then starts hedging Image
Feb 13 21 tweets 6 min read
i have actually been thinking abt this

i dont think trump is really anything like hitler but it's helpful to explain why, and there is something comparable about the times in kind if not in quantity

i am *not* knowledgeable abt weimar and expect to often be wrong in this thread this picture by george grosz came out in 1926

it's titled "pillars of society" which means that this painting is a pictorial delivery of The Aristocrats

his victims represent various social and political factions in weimar Image
Feb 6 5 tweets 2 min read
the year is 2025. "Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft" research fellows are inciting the assassination of specific Americans on the timeline under their real names

i'm trying to think of historical analogues to the present madness. pre-revolutionary russia i guess? "the right wing is losing their shit" i think and then---

anyway this is probably actually a federal crime @ethancpaul. in case you were curious

and i know what im talking about, as the worlds first gigafelon Image
Feb 3 7 tweets 2 min read
oh no has anyone considered how dangerous it is to let information technology professionals operate a server without bureaucratic oversight

i mean what if the chinese were to get their hands on those OPM databases is this actually illegal? idk

i have mixed feelings about this tbh

breaking laws is first order bad

yet it seems silly to try and stop people who work for the executive from helping him run his bureaucracy; perhaps these are bad laws
Feb 3 7 tweets 2 min read
"how could smart people believe astonishingly stupid things" is only a puzzle if you havent met enough smart people

dumb people dont believe insanely stupid things but instead boring stupid things. the really wild stuff requires you to be smart enough to delude yourself properly when we say "roko is not very smart" or "the zizians are not very smart" or whatever, ofc they have iqs well over median

but theyve also become _completely retarded_ because they used their compute to generate insane ideas, then used it to delude themselves into believing them
Feb 3 6 tweets 2 min read
i guess if you're tearing down the US managerial state and exostate,

(which is a better way of framing grant-receiving organizations),

you're also necessarily tearing out the soft guts of the postwar order the next steps would probably be, what?

obvious one would be pulling out of nato

pulling out of trade organizations i guess

yanking UN funding. dropping out of IMF and World Bank or seizing them or shutting them down

not sure how we'd handle lots of things tbh
Feb 3 7 tweets 2 min read
are we actually making demands of any of the countries we're putting tariffs on that they're refusing to meet

or are the tariffs supposed to be ends in themselves

this is very unclear to me i can understand tariffs as an aggressive means of renegotiating an existing relationship and i can see their strategic application with enemy countries but putting tariffs on canada and mexico for the sake of just seems like a fairly dumb way to burn political capital
Jan 31 16 tweets 6 min read
my 3yo has had tons of dental/cavity issues.

we've been taking her to dentists for years, and they have spent an awful lot of time not even subtly intimating that @selentelechia is a shitty mom.

tonight i took our case to Dr @ChatGPTapp

what happened next ... may surprise you @selentelechia @ChatGPTapp this was spurred by the latest pediatric dentists, who were setting us up with an appointment to crown her molars, came back and reported that the decay had gotten much worse and they would need to extract her four top incisors too

obviously this was incredibly distressing to us
Jan 28 4 tweets 3 min read
trump attempting a takeover the NLRB and EEOC

this has interesting implications and may result in lawsuits that overturn about a century of precedent from the new deal era

explication below Image
the 1935 case humphreys executor v US found that "independent agencies" with strong protections for directors were not unconstitutional

so its hard for the president to fire such directors

there are many, many such agencies Image
Jan 28 27 tweets 6 min read
"why and how does our marriage work." a thread by eigenrobot this was kicked off by a long thread / book review by @melissa. its very good but too long to address exhaustively

and speaking of "exhaustion" thats what i experienced while reading it, just letting these peoples emotions run through me secondhand. YIKES
Jan 15 6 tweets 2 min read
all of the discourse around "jobs" misses the basic issue, which is that labor markets are globalized now to a degree they have never been in the past

and they will probably become moreso in the future

pretty much everything is downstream of that this is very good for many people, including the poorest people in the third world and the most talented people in every country

it's fairly terrible for non-elite labor in rich countries who compete, increasingly frictionlessly, with non-elite labor in shithole countries
Jan 8 13 tweets 3 min read
this is among the more novelly-misogynistic things i have encountered.

i'm not sure i understand it, but it might be explained as a failure mode of third wave feminism's insistence on gender flattening

allow me to explain Image in this interaction:

* nicole expresses frustration with a physical danger she's exposed to as a mother with children in tow

* @IanMacAllen responds with aggressive hostility, telling her to harden the fuck up

what an odd thing to say! why is it odd?
Jan 5 4 tweets 2 min read
no i'm sorry but anime women are humanity's greatest achievement of apollonian femininity >"anime is bad femininity"
>conception of Good Femininity turns out to be limited to a dozen pieces of pre-raphaelite slop

develop 👏 interest 👏 in 👏 another 👏 art 👏 movement