Why is Trudeau ending the no-fly list for his unvaccinated enemies?
1. In February, the trucker convoy broke the false consciousness that an endless lockdown was accepted by all Canadians. The political parties, the media, the courts & businesses had perpetrated that falsehood.
2. That didn't dissuade Trudeau -- in fact, it made him more vengeful. But it showed Canadians they weren't alone if they disagreed with Trudeau's civil liberties bonfire. And the truckers removed Erin O'Toole, Trudeau's Conservative lockdown collaborator.
3. But still, Trudeau persisted. As every other country abandoned lockdowns, Canada went rogue. And why not? Jagmeet Singh gave Trudeau an effective majority; and 99% of journalists were on the take with his bail-out. No judge stopped him. Really, why would Trudeau relent?
4. WestJet's new CEO -- a foreigner unfamiliar with the submissive obedience of our corporate class -- called for the end of mandates. His cowardly counterpart at Air Canada knew better than to challenge Trudeau. Every CEO was silent. And if they weren't, who cares? Not Trudeau.
5. But just as the truckers were an unexpected saviour, so was an American hockey player turned journalist, Ryan Whitney. He was trapped in Toronto's airport for a full day, and made a viral video about it -- more than 2 million views:
6. Like all insecure Canadians, Trudeau cares more about what foreigners think than what we think. Especially someone cool like a former pro hockey player, now a viral journalist. That video tipped the scales. And the bumbling transport minister @OmarAlghabra just made it worse.
7. But the acute reason the mandates are being dropped TOMORROW is that Trudeau just violated the law himself. He was in the U.S. again, on another vacation, and he came back with Covid.
Hang on -- that's illegal. You can't enter Canada if you have Covid. Trudeau just did.
8. He's broken the laws before -- when he came back, from another jaunt last year, he left quarantine when he got bored. Again, illegal for you or me. But he's above the law: globalnews.ca/news/7954280/j…
9. Trudeau violating quarantine was winked at by the Media Party back then. But there is so much anger and irritation at the absurd no-fly list in June of 2022, combined with the airport meltdowns, that Trudeau's advisers guess that his law-breaking probably wouldn't slide now.
10. That's why tomorrow we'll be free. Not because of the Conservatives, who supported the no-fly list and other vaccine segregation until five minutes ago. Not because of the courts, that have never said no to Trudeau. Not because of the media, that called for harsher lockdowns.
11. If we're indeed freed tomorrow, it's because the truckers broke the trance that Canadians were in, where the establishment had convinced millions of us that resistance was futile. And because of an American sports journalist, who pointed out that the emperor had no clothes.
12. And the safest bet of all: Trudeau's own corruption and lawlessness.
That he crossed the border into Canada while infectious. That he will (of course) not be quarantined. That he flies sick, without a mask.
His own arrogance ensured that his discrimination was untenable.
13. The constitutional challenge to the no-fly list by Brian Peckford and @JCCFCanada will continue. But why didn't the @SCC_eng fast-track a constitutional challenge? The Supremes have not heard a single lockdown case in two years. So much for the Charter -- what a lie.
14. The Liberal pollster @abacusdataca laments the loss of trust in institutions. They blame conspiracy theories. But the government, opposition, courts, media, NGOs, medical profession, academics -- they were all colluding against our rights. It actually was an open conspiracy.
15. Not one of those institutions freed us. The Globe and Mail did not write editorial after editorial demanding an end to the junk-science ban on air travel. The Toronto Star didn't stand up for civil liberties. None of them gave a damn -- and they denounced those who did.
16. Never forget those who abandoned you -- and abandoned Canadian values like freedom and privacy. Never forget them, as they gaslight you now, pretending they were on your side the whole time. It was the truckers and @ryanwhitney6 who freed us.
17. Last tweet: did @OmarAlghabra even know the news? Did Trudeau even tell him -- or did he read about it just now, like we did? Here's our @wdiazberthiaume asking him about it just an hour ago. Alghabra seems clueless and arrogant, just like his boss:
18. I'd add this video to the list of reasons. This is the clearest condemnation of the airport meltdown ever put -- and it's gone viral. This was doing real political damage to Trudeau, and they wanted to take away an issue from Polievre:
2. Mark Joseph, senior litigation counsel from The Democracy Fund is also live-tweeting. I'll try to interview him today.
@TDF_Can is crowdfunding the legal bills for Tamara. If you can help, please go to . You'll get a charitable tax receipt.HelpTamara.com
3. The court has just convened. I'm not sure why the slow start. The trial is in the phase of closing arguments. On her feet now is Diane Magas, one of the two lawyers for Tamara's co-accused, Chris Barber. She describing some of the requirements for mens rea -- a guilty mind.
1. Here’s an 11-minute phone message from Tommy Robinson explaining how police arrested him under the Terrorism Act for the express purpose of forcing him to answer political, personal and business questions — nothing to do with terrorism.
2. You can see that this was a malicious, arbitrary and illegal use of the Terrorism Act. They knew Tommy had committed no terrorism, never has, never will. They just wanted to grab his phone and all of its contents without a search warrant. And do the same with their questions.
3. There's a Kafkaesque nature to the Terrorism Act. It requires you to answer questions and give documents to the police. If you don't, that's a crime. So they can arrest you with no crime; but if you don't want to tell them everything they can think of, that's the crime.
2. Click the link to read it for yourself -- it's a long document: Here's a screenshot of a key passage. If you're arrested under the law, you cannot remain silent. You must hand over anything (without a search warrant). assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5a7f63b9…
3. You do have a right to consult a lawyer. But police can delay your right to consult one.
This is an astonishing law, designed for extremely rare instances where, for example, a terrorist knows about a ticking bomb that's about to go off.
I'm in Lethbridge for the long-awaited trial of the Coutts Three, who prosecutors call the "leadership group" of the peaceful protest at the border in 2022. You can follow our journalism at and chip in to the legal defence at .TruckerTrial.com Coutts3.com
The three men -- Marco Van Huigenbos, Alex Van Herk and George Janzen -- are on trial for mischief. They have chosen a trial by jury. I think it's a good choice -- the common sense of ordinary people is likely more friendly to freedom than an elite, establishment judge.
The jury selection is underway. The first juror has presented to the judge, who asked him a series of questions that (I understand) was agreed to by prosecutors and defence counsel. The first juror is approved.
2. By the way, Sgt. Josephs gets paid a lot of money to abuse citizens. According to the 2022 Sunshine list, he took home a whopping $177,000/year, after a 16% raise:
3. Sgt. Josephs can't control his anger and goes from zero to rage in about 60 seconds. He became famous for losing his cool a decade ago when he arrested a young woman for blowing bubbles at him. It was a deeply embarrassing moment for @TorontoPolice:
I’m at the court house in Lethbridge where the pre-trial hearings for the Coutts Four are underway. This will be my Twitter thread for the afternoon session.
The two remaining defendants in the Coutts Four -- Tony Olienick and Chris Carbert -- have been brought in. Both of them have been in custody for more than two years.
I met with Chris the other day at the Lethbridge Correctional Centre and spoke with him about the case. I've set up a crowdfunding page for his lawyers, if you're interested: .HelpChris.ca