Ezra Levant 🍁🚛 Profile picture
Journalist, publisher of Rebel News — telling the other side of the story. Awarded the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal for advancing freedom of expression.
44 subscribers
Feb 2 11 tweets 2 min read
Canada sells 4.3 million barrels of ethical oil to the U.S. every day, from oil companies largely owned by U.S. shareholders.

Who would you rather buy oil from? It would take years for the U.S. to ramp up its own production that much.

And: who would you rather us sell it to? I can understand Trump’s disdain for Trudeau — most Canadians share that view. But there are better ways to shoot at Trudeau without hitting Canadians, particularly Canadians who love the U.S.
Sep 27, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Jeremy MacKenzie a fed.

No real Canadian conservative would be like this.

He’s like Grant Bristow, the leader of the racist Heritage Front who was really a CSIS agent.

Diagolon’s purpose is to discredit conservatives, give fodder to the media and provide an excuse to censors. It’s funny & pitiful to see him blame the Jews for a fraud alert in his banking. No bank in Canada has a Jewish CEO; all are widely held in the stock market. I bet he blames the Jews when he hits his thumb with a hammer.

This isn’t authentic. No-one is this stupid. It’s an op.
Aug 20, 2024 81 tweets 12 min read
1. I'm back in Ottawa for the trial of Tamara Lich & Chris Barber, the leaders of the 2022 trucker convoy.

It's now the longest-running mischief trial in history. The prosecution are turning the process into the punishment.

I'll be live-tweeting and filming some videos, too. 2. Mark Joseph, senior litigation counsel from The Democracy Fund is also live-tweeting. I'll try to interview him today.

@TDF_Can is crowdfunding the legal bills for Tamara. If you can help, please go to . You'll get a charitable tax receipt.HelpTamara.com
Jul 28, 2024 15 tweets 3 min read
1. Here’s an 11-minute phone message from Tommy Robinson explaining how police arrested him under the Terrorism Act for the express purpose of forcing him to answer political, personal and business questions — nothing to do with terrorism. 2. You can see that this was a malicious, arbitrary and illegal use of the Terrorism Act. They knew Tommy had committed no terrorism, never has, never will. They just wanted to grab his phone and all of its contents without a search warrant. And do the same with their questions.
Jul 28, 2024 18 tweets 6 min read
1. Why would Tommy Robinson be detained under the Terrorism Act? He's not a terrorist and has never been accused of being one.

The answer is the powers granted to police under Schedule 7 of that law: you do not have the right to remain silent under it: assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5a7f63b9…
2. Click the link to read it for yourself -- it's a long document: Here's a screenshot of a key passage. If you're arrested under the law, you cannot remain silent. You must hand over anything (without a search warrant). assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5a7f63b9…
Apr 2, 2024 76 tweets 10 min read
I'm in Lethbridge for the long-awaited trial of the Coutts Three, who prosecutors call the "leadership group" of the peaceful protest at the border in 2022. You can follow our journalism at and chip in to the legal defence at .TruckerTrial.com
Coutts3.com The three men -- Marco Van Huigenbos, Alex Van Herk and George Janzen -- are on trial for mischief. They have chosen a trial by jury. I think it's a good choice -- the common sense of ordinary people is likely more friendly to freedom than an elite, establishment judge.
Mar 16, 2024 13 tweets 4 min read
1. At 2:35 in this video, one of the cops arresting David is an emotionally out-of-control hothead who has had anger management issues for decades.

He's Adam Josephs, a ticking time bomb with a badge and a gun.

I'm shocked he's allowed on the streets, considering his past. 2. By the way, Sgt. Josephs gets paid a lot of money to abuse citizens. According to the 2022 Sunshine list, he took home a whopping $177,000/year, after a 16% raise:

He's got to be close to $200K a year by now.ontariosunshinelist.com/people/adam-ki…
Feb 20, 2024 27 tweets 4 min read
I’m at the court house in Lethbridge where the pre-trial hearings for the Coutts Four are underway. This will be my Twitter thread for the afternoon session. The two remaining defendants in the Coutts Four -- Tony Olienick and Chris Carbert -- have been brought in. Both of them have been in custody for more than two years.
Feb 20, 2024 36 tweets 5 min read
I’m in Lethbridge to cover the latest hearing in the case of the Coutts Four. Follow my coverage at . TruckerTrial.com
Sep 30, 2023 33 tweets 10 min read
1. Governments hide things by announcing them on Friday afternoons.

Last night, Trudeau announced he now requires YouTubers, livestreamers & podcasters (including those streaming on X/Twitter) to “register” with the government.

It’s part of his Internet censorship strategy. 2. This shocking decision was not debated, let alone voted on, by Parliament. It’s a decree, like Castro would do. Trudeau used his hand-picked appointees at the CRTC — the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission — to announce this hijacking.
Sep 24, 2023 16 tweets 5 min read
I hope I'm wrong. But I think Trudeau and Zelenskyy just did something terrible. Let me explain it in reverse.

1. In 2020, Canada's leading military affairs reporter wrote an article in a military journal about how Canada brought in 2,000 Nazis after the Second World War. 2. The Nazis were in Hitler's 14th Waffen SS Division Galicia. According to military historian/journalist David Pugliese, they were able to sneak into Canada by changing their name and hiding their past.
Jul 6, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
1. For six months, Trudeau's CBC lied about Danielle Smith. There is simply no other explanation, other than it was Trudeau interfering in Alberta's provincial election.

And it almost worked... 2. First the CBC said there were emails from Danielle Smith's office pressuring prosecutors to drop pandemic prosecutions. They did dozens of stories built on that lie.

Then they admitted they hadn't seen any emails, but their source was adamant, so they were standing by it.
May 31, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
1. Some stats about Danielle Smith's election win in Alberta.

Smith won 53% of the popular vote, just a touch down from Jason Kenney's 55% result in 2019.

By contrast, B.C.'s David Eby won 48%, Quebec's Francois Legault won 41%, as did Ontario's Doug Ford. (Trudeau won 33%). 2. Kenney's 55% election result melted away as he imposed a harsh lockdown. The last opinion poll taken before Kenney resigned had the UCP at just 34%. Smith added 20% to that.

Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Albe…
May 18, 2023 20 tweets 5 min read
1. Why is the CBC so adamant that Danielle Smith of her office sent emails to prosecutors? The civil service searched more than a million emails and found none. All 44 prosecutors in question said they didn't receive a single one. All 32 political staff said the same.

...2 2. The ethics commissioner, a former judge, said "I asked numerous questions of a considerable number of people about the existence of any email and could find no evidence that the event occurred, or that any email exists." Here's her report: ethicscommissioner.ab.ca/media/3124/all…

Feb 17, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
1. Every police chief that testified before the Emergencies Act commission said the same thing: there was no need for martial law to handle the truckers. That’s the test in the law: a) a national emergency that b) can’t be handled by existing laws. This ruling is an inside job. 2. Of course the political establishment will cheer — one of their own has vindicated them. But this is devastating to already-weak public support for our legal, political and police systems. To the public, this is proof that the elites care about each other — not about the law.
Feb 9, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Shoddy journalism by Tom Blackwell. Put aside his gratuitous insults and political bias, he just didn't get his facts straight. He didn't call me for the story (which is weird) but I don't think he even read the lawsuit, which you can find here: TwitterLawsuit.ca.

.../2 Blackwell says Catherine McKenna blocked me on Twitter and that I sued her. Neither is true. She has never blocked me and I've never sued her. What a weird error -- he clearly didn't read the lawsuit before writing about it.

Feb 3, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I think her next point was the biggest one: the obsessed crown prosecutor claims there is only one way to understand Artur's speech -- as criminal incitement. Sarah points out that there are obviously other ways of understanding it. This is important because... ...we don't "know" which way Artur "meant", because he didn't testify (as is his right). So we're all guessing: did Artur mean what he said; did he mean something else; or did he mean (as the prosecutor says) to incite a crime? Well, we don't know beyond a reasonable doubt.
Feb 3, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
I am back at Lethbridge Court House. The trial of Pastor Artur Pawlowski will resume in a few minutes. I will be live-tweeting the trial here, and you can see my longer form reports at SaveArtur.com. You can also chip in to Artur's legal defence fund there. The sole evidence before the court is this 19-minute sermon/speech that Pastor Artur gave to the truckers at a saloon near the Coutts border blockade during last year's trucker convoy. The government says this speech is a crime deserving imprisonment:
Feb 2, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I have just arrived in Lethbridge, Alberta, for the latest criminal prosecution of Artur Pawlowski, the Christian pastor who refused to close his church during the lockdowns. You can follow my live-tweeting here, and I'll be posting longer videos at SaveArtur.com. Artur became the first prisoner of conscience for whom Rebel News crowdfunded a legal defence. Since then, we have helped 2,100 people who faced tickets and criminal charges for resisting the lockdowns and other pernicious orders.
Oct 28, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
1. It’s a weird story. It feels like it was written in 2017. It refers to talent who either never worked for Rebel, have retired, or who left us five years ago. It’s a classic attempt to graft a Canadian angle onto a U.S. story. And its universal explanation is “racism!” 2. The Democrats are about to get thrashed and it has nothing to do with Rebel News, however reluctant I am to decline unearned credit. No mention of inflation, lockdowns, Biden’s cognitive decline, Democrat wokeness, or the risk of nuclear war with Russia. No, it’s Rebel News.
Sep 18, 2022 16 tweets 6 min read
1. There is a straight line from Gerald Butts demonizing and dehumanizing Rebel News, and violence done to our reporters. We are tiny compared to the mainstream media, 1% the size of the CBC. But he obsesses over us and encourages his followers (including Trudeau) to do so, too. 2. Most people ignore Butts, and if they remember him, it's for firing Jody Wilson-Raybould, the first Indigenous justice minister, because she was too ethical for Trudeau. But some people listen to him -- including Trudeau's police & bodyguards: