I was a little late to the scene Saturday when CdA police arrested the Patriot Front gang. So I missed getting shots of Thomas Rosseau and a few others. But I still managed to get shots of 21 of the 31 arrested. Thread 🧵 of mug shots and IDs follows.
Steven Derrick Tucker of Lexington, Alabama
Josiah Daniel Buster of Watauga, Texas, and Spokane, WA
Mishael Daniel Buster of Spokane, Washington
Justin Michael Oleary of Des Moines, Iowa
Kieran Padraig Morris of Haslet, Texas
Brandon Mitchel Haney of Kaysville, Utah
Garret Joseph Garland of Freeburg, Illinois
Richard Jacob Jessop of Idaho Falls, Idaho
Dakota Ray Tabler of West Valley, Utah
Dylan Carter Corio of Cheyenne, Wyoming
James Julius Johnson of Concrete, Washington
Jared Michael Boyce of Springville, Utah
Winston Worth Durham of Genesee, Idaho
Forrest Clark Rankin of Wheat Ridge, Colorado
Devin Wayne Center of Fayetteville, Arkansas
Derek Joseph Smith of Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Nathaniel Taylor Whitfield of Elk Ridge, Utah
Conor James Ryan of Thornton, Colorado
Wesley Evan Van Horn of Lexington, Alabama
Lawrence Alexander Norman of Prospect, Oregon
Graham Jones Whitsom of Haslet, Texas
That's all of them. But here's a bonus shot of an unidentified man who was wearing a Patriot Front shirt with a white face mask around his neck while wandering the crowd at Pride all day, as well as standing with neo-Nazis who unfurled a hate banner.
Another orca thread, from yesterday's multiple SJI west-side visits. I managed to collect some decent footage and impressive vocalizations (via hydrophone) as well as the usual photos. Best of all was getting to spend time around the coolest creatures on the planet. /1
As I mentioned earlier, the calves seemed to be everywhere Monday. They are the most delightful little things. /2
There was a lot of play behavior, including a couple of breaches (my autofocus, alas, failed me). /3
I'm not sure if it's because this DA was elected on the Libertarian Party ticket, but this is a stunning display of ignorance on his part regarding whether or not the Buffalo massacre was an act of domestic terrorism. It unquestionably was. Brief thread.
The standard definition of terrorism is clear and simple: "Terrorism includes the deliberate use—or threat—of violence by non-state actors to achieve political goals and create a broad psychological impact."
The appearance of QAnon influencers among the vigilante border watchers in Arizona was inevitable: conspiracists attract their own kind.
A little more about this particular QAnon figure, Jason Franks, and his Arizona activities. Thread 1/10 dailykos.com/stories/2022/5…
Facebook deleted Frank's Facebook page today. It contained a lot of images of the kids he had snagged crossing the border. Frank likes to give them 'Let's Go Brandon' shirts to wear and then pose with them. That's Frank with the beard and the black American flag cap.
Frank also posts a lot of Q material and conspiracy theories. One of these is that the border wall is actually a giant tuning fork. (Incidentally, the wall where they set up shop has been in place since about 2005, well before Trump.) /3
Here's a collection of the videos of these guys firing at people on overpasses in the Portland area. At least one of the people they're shooting at appears to be a supporter.
'Democracy is socialism, and socialism is Communism!'
This woman was a leader of the group that organized the rally, We The People Against Communism.
Rereading this from January 2016--just as we were launching our project tracking Trump's growing ties to the radical right--I am pleased with how well it still holds up. huffpost.com/entry/trump-ma…
Especially this part.
This part was an interesting mix of being right and being wrong but still on-point.