Abuse of older people can be addressed more effectively by doing research about what causes it, how widespread it is, and what works to reduce and prevent it.
Priority 3️⃣: Develop and scale up cost-effective solutions
Once we know what works to prevent and reduce the abuse of older people, this knowledge needs to be implemented by governments and decision makers – worldwide.
Addressing abuse of older people will improve lives and protect human rights. But it can also reduce costs to economies and societies – and these benefits need to be clearly understood.
Resources available to address the abuse of older people are currently very limited. More funding is needed to tackle this issue effectively and reduce the number of older people who experience abuse.
Zsuzsanna Jakab (Deputy Director-General, @WHO) is now on screen, introducing the @UNDecadeAgeing and how it supports the implementation of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (#MIPAA) in the @UNECE region.
@UNECE 📺 LIVE NOW: Commemoration of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (#WEAAD)
Susan Somers from @INPEANetwork explains the history of #WEAAD and the continued need to bring attention to the abuse of older people as a serious problem.
⚡️ 75th World Health Assembly Highlights: Noncommunicable Diseases (#NCDs) & #HealthyAgeing
The control & prevention of NCDs like stroke, cancers & diabetes form a significant part of #WHA75's agenda. What's their relevance to @UNDecadeAgeing? (thread) 🧵⬇️