The answer to yesterday's #CriticalCareQuiz was C, neurological deficit in 85%.
Incidence worldwide varies between 1 in 8,000 and 1 in 83,000 live births, and mortality is between 61-86% with many of these patients dying within the first hour after presentation. 1/5
Amniotic fluid embolism syndrome accounts for approximately 10% of all maternal deaths in the United States and can result in permanent neurologic deficits in up to 85% of survivors.
Risk factors previously attributed to development of amniotic fluid embolus include turbulent labor, trauma, multiparity, use of oxytocin, increased maternal age, increased gestational age, male fetus, and cesarean section.
Clinical diagnosis is most frequently during labor (65-70% of cases) & much less frequently in postpartum patients (11%)
Cardinal findings of amniotic fluid embolus: hypoxia, hypotension with shock, altered mental status, & disseminated intravascular coagulation
There are no pharmacologic or other therapies that prevent or treat amniotic fluid embolism syndrome. Supportive care typically involves aggressive treatment of multiple types of shock simultaneously.