Bookmark this if you want to carve yourself an elite male body
1. Squats
The "King" of barbell compound exercises for very good reason.
Squats use all the muscles in your legs & will help you
Run faster
Be stronger
Jump higher
Improve balance
Improve posture
Improve mobility
Increase testosterone
Skipping them won’t do you any favors!
2. Bench Press
The bench press works your chest, triceps & delts
You should make sure you are doing every variation (Flat, incline
decline) with a slightly heavier focus on incline as it will develop your chest the most
For a strong & muscular upper body benching is king
3. Overhead Press
The overhead press (or a vertical pushing movement) should be a staple in your routine.
Strong muscular shoulders are key part of creating an aesthetic male physique
They also make it far easier for you to perform other lifts & everyday physical tasks
Pull ups help you build a strong back, core & arms. They will also
help you improve all your major lifts.
Utilising a couple of variations of these twice a week
Will give you that wide V-tapered back & enviable guns (big arms)
3) Sprinting
Sprinting is the ultimate display of athleticism
If you want to greatly increase your wider health, you NEED to be doing Sprints.
Sprints help improve
Fat burning
Stress levels
Heart health
Blood pressure
Blood sugar levels
Testosterone production
6. Rucking / Farmers carries
The “original resistance training" as you are literally walking while carrying weights
Utilizing both you will target your whole lower & upper body
They are also a highly effective calorie & fat burner & a great way for you to get more steps in.
7. Deadlifts
If squats are the “king” of compound lifts then deadlifts are the “Prince”
They are one of the best muscle mass building exercises there is & give you a full body workout