As I was watching these parents, all I could think was; "This isn't cool. You aren't woke. And this Scheiße sounds a lot like child abuse."
...However, this isn't an issue that will be acceptable to me, EVER.
I did notice the look on @DanaPerino's & she didn't appear to be thrilled. SERIOUSLY!
These parents began the TRANSITION process when their little girl was FIVE (5) frikk'n years old. Kindergarten.
5-year-olds are in Kindergarten! Can a 5-year-old vote? Drive a car? Buy a beer? Own a gun? The answer is NO to ALL of the ABOVE. However, do you want us to believe that a 5-year-old little girl KNOWS what it feels like to be a little BOY?
This is PROPAGANDA of THE MOST Dangerous kind.
You must have searched high and low for parents who would claim to be Conservative Christians who started socially TRANSITIONING their little girl to a boy at the tender age of FIVE (5)!!! Do you have even a tiny clue what...
5/# are condoning? Seriously. In any state "other than" Cali and a few others, this would be considered CHILD ABUSE. As a Californian born & raised, "I" see this Scheiße and think CHILD ABUSE. For the love of all things Holy... This is worse than the time my ex-husband...
...slapped my 8-yr-old son across the face in the school office in front of a dozen State Mandated Child Abuse reporters. By the time I got home, CPS AND several cops were there interviewing and taking pictures of my little boy. I didn't have to ask for a Restraining Order,
7/# was just handed to me. I didn't have to take him to court, he lost his parental rights, had to take parenting classes, and didn't see my son for approx. 6 months
But for some odd reason, YOU PEOPLE think it's cool.
...prematurely called the 2020 election in AZ for Former VP Joey B., I did a pseudo-boycott for a couple of months before I started watching @TheFive, @TuckerCarlson, & @seanhannity again on DVR. Over the past year, I've started watching @JesseWatters Primetime, @GregGutfeld
Not anymore... ALL of the aforementioned shows have had their series recordings deleted, FNC updates, News Breaks, EVERYTHING has been UnSubscribed from and I'm DONE w/...
I haven't even mentioned @FoxNation - When I wasn't watching a show on FNC, I was watching FN... Not anymore.
Oh, and I'm not the only one.
I sincerely hope it was worth it.
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So, @politico...all y'all were so excited to print the pic of Madison Cawthorne drinking champagne at a party wearing a pink nightie.
Where's your "Expose" on the failure of a human being; Robert Frances (@betoorourke) "BehTOE" o'Rourke? Cawthorne's OUT but your boy BehTOE is...
...mouthing off and making an ass out of himself and the entire Dem.ParTay w/ non-sensical taunts aimed at a grieving population in and around Uvalde.
I think it's time he got some equal treatment. I'm sure you will agree.
Here's your wannabe dressed in a onesie, wearing a sheepshead, playing the bass, and covering "Blitzkrieg Bop" written/performed (originally) by "The Ramones" - you should also Google that tune, Blitzkrieg Bop -- shootin' people in the back, getting steamy in the backseat...
Do you read, research, study, or analyze ANYTHING before you post your disgusting cartoon & divisive rhetoric (just days after 21 people were SLAIN, in school - a GUN-FREE *frikk'n* ZONE)... You, sEthMeister, are lower than pond scum.
Don't spawn.
If you already have, #STLiteralFU, thank your god (if you have one) and hug your child(ren) -- because you can you ungrateful, despicable, tragic excuse of a
#IMHO the Scheiße going on in our beloved country is the essence of #EvilIncarnate. The oatmeal-for-brains assclown sitting in OUR @WhiteHouse is their king.
The last thing I want to do, EVER, is to be inside the cavernous skulls of these zeros, but at the same time...
...I feel like I need to understand the thoughts behind the asinine words spewing out of the mouths of the Leftits [sic] sycophants across America that started just days after the massacre of 19 [?] CHILDREN, and 2 ADULTS in Uvalde, Tx. @betoorourke comes to mind, could...
...the words this douche-nozzle spewed during a press conference by @GovAbbott who was speaking to everyone still grieving be any more indicative of the evil so alive and well in the idiots on the left? I can't think of anything worse. He should have been thrown in jail...
Do you @TheDemocrats think that because you support the twisted, non-agenda, agenda of these Left-wing hacks, somehow YOU will be IMMUNE to this kind of bull-Scheiße?
You're wrong. I don't listen to the Joe Rogan Experience, why? (Read on...)
Joe R. thinks that Barry Hussein was the BEST pResident, EVER.
I can assure you, he's not a right-wing, nut-job. HE is one of YOU!
His sin? When he got the #CCPVirus (pretty sure he was fully "vaxed" & boosted) he insisted on Ivermectin.
Shocker of shocks, he lived to talk about it. But now? "They" (you people & your "powers that be") can't have that. Even though Ivermectin & HCQ work, they are super cheap, AND...they save lives. Unlike, BTW, the mRNA-jab AND Remdesivir.
I stopped when I got to this sentence. "Some pharmacists may be able to administer a quick COVID-19 test and prescribe the pills all in one visit. They already do this in many states for flu or strep throat."
Look at the viruses the #CCPVirus is being compared to:
If this virus is as incredibly deadly as "they" would have us believe, why isn't it being compared to other viruses that are equally deadly? The #CCPVirus is "SARS CoV-2"...
The list of SARS viruses is long and has a lot of really long words, but it's simply: "severe acute respiratory syndrome." If you have COPD you know how it feels if you get bronchitis. It's NOT FUN! I have COPD, not related to smoking...
I highlighted the word carrier, for a reason. My brother and I used to get strep throat, repeatedly. We would get rid of it and then #BOOM, get it again. As it turned out, our mom was a "carrier" of the Strep bacteria.
She got treated for strep even though she never showed a single symptom and we didn't get strep throat again. Not "NEVER" but it ceased to be back-to-back infections.
What's are these CovIDIOTS going to use as their basis for suspecting someone is a "carrier?"
What is the treatment that a carrier or a person with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 can receive to ensure they are virus-free and unable to infect anyone else?
Note: THERE IS NO mRNA-shot or treatment that can even PRETEND to meet that standard. So...basically, they can isolate...